Some dear pastor friends of mine who lead a church in South Jersey have been in fervent prayer for 9 weeks via conference call and regularly taking communion (others are praying together online via Zoom or Skype or some other vehicle). But in their region many churches are not even making any effort to pray corporately. And I’m afraid this pattern is consistent nationwide. Thank God for the churches who are giving themselves to serious prayer in this evil hour, but why are so many not praying?

The short answer is lethargy.

The dictionary defines lethargy as a lack of energy or enthusiasm. It is a a pathological state of sleepiness or deep unresponsiveness and inactivity. Spiritually, prayerlessness is rooted in a lack of love.

“Now I beg you, brethren, through the Lord Jesus Christ, and through the love of the Spirit, that you strive together with me in prayers to God for me”… (Rom. 15:30)

Notice the expression, “that you strive together with me in prayers TO GOD for me…

This statement may seem obvious, but we pray TO GOD. So many forget the simplicity and potency of that truth. In other words, to pray to God is to put our total dependence on Him.

Honestly, prayerlessness is such a sin and a state of spiritual poverty in many churches today because it is an indicator of our independence FROM GOD.

In times like these, acting and living independently from God is spiritual suicide.

Jesus gave another reason for this lack of love:

“And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold” (Matt. 24:9).

With the COVID-19 pandemic birthing such fear in the world and now hate-filled lawlessness abounding nationwide, sadly the love of many is growing cold. This love is agape, the God-kind of love, found only in believers, who are to be the conscience and voice of the nation during such evil times, and who are to pray effectually to thwart off Satan and the hordes of hell who are wrecking havoc on America and the world.

How is it that the love of believers can grow cold in such times of trouble and crisis? It is the plan of Satan in every generation to lull the church to sleep where prayerlessness becomes the norm. A prayerless church in nearly worthless. They are no threat to Satan and his evil plans and schemes.


Notice from the following incredible encounter that young prophet Jeremiah Johnson recently had that alerted and shook up the body of Christ in America and worldwide, who it is that does the most damage to Satan’s kingdom:

“On the night of May 30th, while praying and pacing over the United States in my home around 2 am, a demonic entity appeared right before me in an open vision. This type of encounter has only ever happened one other time while I was ministering in a foreign country in 2015. I have always engaged in this type of spiritual warfare while asleep and dreaming prophetically, but rarely if ever to this degree while awake.

“This demonic entity had a visible and deep scar underneath its right eye, but it also had the ability to mutate or rather change forms. I watched this being morph several times right in front of me, yet the gash below its right eye remained.

“It pointed its finger right in my face and said, I exist to deceive the whole world. Just as there are forerunners in the kingdom of God that go before the Son of Man, so I am a forerunning spirit in the kingdom of darkness that has been sent before the coming of the man of lawlessness.

It continued, “The scar underneath my right eye has come at the hands of the praying Church, for many of them in this hour have begun to detect our true plans and purposes to disrupt systems, divert attention, and release chaos in the land.”


The apostle Paul said this: “Awake, you who sleep, arise from the dead, and Christ will give you light. See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil” (Eph. 5:14-16.

In my latest book, The Tumultuous 2020s And Beyond, I wrote of a spiritual dream my wife had where The Lord showed her that the true condition of many in the body of Christ was one of sleepiness and slumber—under-utilized, under-achieving, and not living up to its potential, power, and effectiveness. But the good news is that is about to change.

In this dream my wife was pregnant and the surgeon wanted to perform a C-section and cut her open, but someone told her that she didn’t have to give birth the old way as before, but instead she could give birth God’s way — in the Spirit. At that moment, beginning from her navel, there was an expansion of her belly that blossomed out.

A Prayer for Revival – IMPACT church

INTERPRETATION: There is a super strength in the Spirit for the body of Christ to give birth to a move of God and an awakening right now, but many only need to arise from their state of slumber.

In this dream my wife saw the body of Christ awakening from her slumber and literally get out of bed.

Church, I know right now it may not look like it, but this is our finest hour! Let us get out of bed and arise from our slumber, and give ourselves to prayer and the Lord’s purposes.


Prayerfully consider subscribing to the following resources:

To our blog to receive inspiring anointed articles and on-fire life-changing truths.

Our YouTube channel for the move of the Spirit to renew and refresh you (Holy Ghost Forums, short Face-to-Facevideos of Bert and Carolyn sharing secrets of the Spirit-filled life.

Our end-of-days books that counter the falsehoods, doctrines of devils, and departure from the faith we are seeing today.

Bert’s weekly Charisma featured blog, an archive of rich prophetic articles dating back to 2014.

Bert’s Beyond The Veil (Behind The Veil) Arabic broadcast available now in English also (a series of rich and rarely taught teachings on the invisible world of heaven, hell, God’s judgements and rewards, and eternity. 

I hope you’ll check them out and that they’ll be a blessing and encouragement to you. 

Finally, this ministry is sustained by the freewill offerings of those who believe in the mandate and message of revival that this ministry carries. Again, if this article has been a blessing to you, would you prayerfully consider making a tax-deductible contribution through our Paypal button to help? 


Thank you, and may God’s richest and best be yours.


Warm greetings, and warm Jesus love to you, dear friends from across the many miles that separate most of us!

Today was another milestone for me as I completed my last outpatient therapy session, which I will now continue at home. We are presently at the six week mark since my stroke. Most stroke victims recovery period is between the 3-6 month mark, and some with bigger ones take longer. A minister friend of mine said it was about two years before he felt like himself again after his stroke. Barring God’s miracle power, some who have massive strokes with more extensive damage are never quite the same.  

       Balance therapy

I praise the Lord for His kindness and mercy to me and an extension of my life and the ministry He has called me to fulfill on the earth. Now it’s my precious wife Carolyn’s turn to overcome her own ongoing health challenges by God’s grace. Again, most of you don’t know that she needs surgery to remove a low grade malignant tumor from her left calf. It is outpatient surgery, same day out. But then she has to back in just 7-10 days later to have more extensive plastic surgery done to fill in the hole the first surgery  will  leave. That second segment of the surgery is about a 5 hour surgery with a longer recovery period. Please stand in faith and agreement with us for surgical wisdom, guidance, and pinpoint precision with no complications, adverse effects, and an accelerated recovery period, nothing short of miraculous. 

Yes, it has been a challenging season for us, and one that will mark a historical timeline in our history with the Lord. His grace has been abundant and His faithfulness has been great. Carolyn and I believe we will both be stronger, better, and wiser after this season passes. Praise the Name of Jesus!

Carolyn will have surgery and will fully recover.

Why is this happening?

From the beginning I’ve stated that it is simply a demonic attack. I won’t touch anything else in my thought realm. It’s a dead end street. Did you open the door through sin? Not that I’m aware of. We live clean lives, and constantly watch our love walk. We have no unforgiveness or strife with anyone.  We will go to great lengths to repent and forgive.  Has the Lord dealt with you guys about things? Yes, but most things are none of anyone’s business but ours. Are we going to make some adjustments? You bet we are. Much of it has to do with rest. 

The Lord told us that the decade of our 60s would be our most fruitful years (Carolyn is 59 and I am 61). The devil comes to steal, kill, and destroy. End of story. But let me say that some attacks on us have been vicious. For example, we’ve received much hate mail from the LGBTQ community over some strong and holy articles we’ve written on homosexuality. Even my wife and son were threatened. Even since the stroke, one so called minister said the reason I had a stroke was because my doctrine was off, and he went on to add that if I didn’t change my doctrine, I’d probably have another stroke. Can you believe the wickedness of such a human being, much less a so called minister?  I deleted his comment, blocked him, and banned him to preacher prison. Many people, even religious ministers, hate the word we preach and the move of the Spirit we carry. Many hate the boldness and directness of our writings. Devils despise the fire of holiness that we love and that has marked our ministry for many years. They also seethe with rage at the anointing on my wife’s prayer life and the wisdom and revelation that have fueled us and hindered many devils from wreaking havoc on the saints and churches. We thank the Lord and intend to run our full race and finish our course and assignment in Him. Obedience is the food of our lives and ministry. 

“Jesus said to them, “My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to finish His work.


What we do need is a larger prayer covering from our partner churches and dearest friends. Thank you for all you who do pray regularly for us. We know we couldn’t have made it this far without all the outpouring of love, prayers, and support we’ve received.  Our hearts are overflowing with gratitude. Glory to God! And our faith is arising and we are filled with hope for the future. We make one consistent declaration: The devil is defeated and JESUS is LORD!

If you’ve read this far, thank you for your time today.

Abundant grace and peace to all of you who love the Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity. 

NOTE: Our books and articles are forerunners to the move of God, personal holiness, and the return of the Lord. The fire of God and the fear of God is attached to them. If you feel like this article is valuable, please use the social media buttons below to share it.

Also, this ministry is sustained by the freewill offerings of those who believe in the mandate and message of revival that this ministry carries. If this article has been a blessing to you, would you prayerfully consider making a tax-deductible contribution through our Paypal button to help? 




After writing back to back articles on the gay movement in our nation…after being placed on probation by Twitter and Facebook…after reading other articles from radical right wing watch groups, and news circulating the internet that misquoted me, twisted my words, believing me to be some kind of monster…

After so many nasty, vile, and venomous comments directed toward me, wishing me the worst, wishing me death, destruction, even going after my wife, spewing out such slimy curses on my behalf…

After many angry emojis and mock laughing emojis, and just a day of being slimed on, my mind and thoughts went to our precious Lord and how He suffered so much more, yet He was the epitome and embodiment of a perfect Man, the brightness of the Father’s glory and express image of His Person (Heb. 1:3).

“For consider Him who endured such hostility from sinners against Himself…” (Heb. 12:3).

Oh, how I groaned with the revelation of what He endured and how light of an affliction was my own!


Listen, I know many of my writings are strong and direct with hardly any fluff or smooth words. I’m very aware of the prophetic nature of all I pen, but it’s flowing from within, from the wellsprings of grace and how God expresses Himself through me. And yet, like you, I’m still a work in progress. I don’t apologize for it. But here’s often what many outsiders don’t see about the insideness, if you will, of rare and true prophetic people; not the kind who are selfish, greedy Word mongers, mammon babblers, sheep fleecers, and un-sanctified vessels; but the kind who’ve purchased their oil through suffering, weeping, and the travail of deep prayer.

Image result for image of tumultuous 2020s


There was a day last week I had no desire to preach or be in the ministry, or even ever write again. Of course I immediately recognized that as the effect of Satan’s fiery darts of discouragement and word curses from the days before. I went to bed last night thinking about all those word curses directed toward me, and how suddenly I became aware of their effect on my mind and spirit. But then the morning came and I woke up with a freshness.

My first thoughts were directed toward the Lord and just adoring Him, but then I began thinking of the awful depraved state of darkness those wicked words came from…the lostness, the guilt, the condemnation, and the utter moral decay, decadence, and a seared conscience of those caught in the deepest forms of perversion imaginable. As I was pondering these first early thoughts of the day, I began to weep and travail for the gay community and those caught in the grip of that most abominable perversion.

I then went into some of the most diverse tongues I’ve ever prayed in, all the while searching my own heart and asking the Lord to forgive me if I somehow wrote any words that proceeded from pride or any impure motive of the carnal mind. Then almost simultaneously, I found that sweet spot in prayer where the Spirit of God began to pray through me for the deliverance of my enemies who hurled their most wicked curses and insults at me. I prayed earnestly for the gay community and all who approve of their perverse lifestyle.


I know I’m being vulnerable right now, but the lesson is to make you see what many don’t see about the grace of true, heart-felt, Holy Ghost praying. My wife Carolyn prays this way more frequently than I do because of an anointing she received in 1995 when she came into personal revival. This is where the body of Christ must find themselves in these tumultuous times and most evil days. This is where true ministry must flow from. Persecution will increase and the most fierce will come from the gay community. Do you realize that much of America is now very close to the point of voting for a gay president?

Let us be found loving and praying for our enemies from the deepest recesses of our hearts and the grace of prayer. It’s the fuel that will take us through and give us overcoming power now and in these tumultuous years just ahead of us.
I love you all. Thank you for your time today. Be blessed with the affections of the heart of Jesus and the travail of His soul. May it lead you to that sweet spot of prayer and fellowship with Him as the heat of persecution arises in our own land.

Do you want to survive or thrive in this decade? You must take an uncompromised stand for truth and righteousness. Please get my new book, The Tumultuous 2020s and Beyond, to discover all that’s at stake in this decade. We must be bold, fearless, and strong in the Lord. 

For more of the same please make some time to listen to the Charisma podcast interview I did this week.


The following Holy Spirit inspired words were spoken through the late Kenneth E. Hagin years ago to the body of Christ. They still apply today. Whosoever will, let him hear what the Spirit of God is saying to the Church.

“Don’t draw back. The time is near, the time is at hand. No longer can you wait; no longer can you procrastinate. No longer can you say, yeah, in another day I’ll consecrate. In a later day, I’ll wait on the Lord more. In another day, I will spend more time with Him. In another day, I’ll put my flesh under. No longer. Don’t draw back and don’t pull back.

“The Spirit of the Lord pleads with you. Come forward, more for- ward. Answer the call you hear in your heart. Respond unto the Spirit of God. It is not bad. It is good. The price that would be paid in the flesh is nothing compared to the glory which shall be revealed. It is not bad. Do not dread it. Do not draw back from it. It is a lie. It’s a de- ception that has held you back. It’s a lie. It’s a deception that has caused you to draw back. Go on in. Taste and see that the Lord is good.

“Oh, the treasures of the things He has laid up for you. The things that your heart is hungry for. Nothing else will satisfy your soul. Noth- ing else will give you the answer in your heart. Nothing else will satis- fy what you seek. Nothing.

“Oh, push in. Respond unto the Spirit of God. Just lay those other things aside. Humble the pride and fall before Him and wait upon Him. And as you do, your soul will blossom. Your spirit will spring forth. Yea, you will be a greater blessing unto your spouse. You’ll be a greater blessing unto your family because you will bloom forth. And you won’t be restricted like before. And you won’t be vexed like before. And you won’t be hindered like before.

“Yea, you’ve done some things for them (your family). You’ve drawn back and you said it was for them. But you have not been a blessing to them in that the full blessing of the Lord was not upon thee. But if you shall press in, though it might seem to cost that price in the beginning, it might seem like it costs you. It might seem like it costs them. Yea, but that’s the only way to get to the things that they desire and the things that you desire and the things that are needed.

“Yea, the things that must be in this hour, it cannot be delayed. It cannot be delayed. It must be now. Now, now is the time. So heed the call of the Spirit’s cry in your heart. Don’t say, ‘I’ll do it by and by.’ But the time is now. Do not dread or fear. It is good. Taste and see that the Lord is good. Taste and see that the Lord is good!

“Don’t think it’s too high a price. It’s nothing in comparison to the light and the glory that shall be revealed. Draw nigh unto Him. He shall draw nigh unto thee. Seek His face. He shall reveal Himself unto thee even in a greater way. And you shall rise up and you shall be en- abled to be a far greater blessing.

“And your latter end shall exceed and it shall overflow and it shall be abundant in blessing and glory and grace. And the evil one that thought to deter you and thought to lie to you and keep you from it, you shall look at him and you shall say, ‘Ha, ha, ha, ha… Your plan did not work. Ha, ha, ha, ha… It did not succeed. Ha, ha, ha, ha… I did not believe it. Ha, ha, ha, ha… I obeyed… Ha, ha, ha, ha… I ran my course. Ha, ha, ha, ha… I finished my job. Ha, ha, ha, ha. I have accomplished His will and with His glory I am filled. His grace, mercy and glory is with me day by day.’

“And those things that once held you, those things that for years, years, and years deceived you and held you out; you shall look at them from that higher place. And they shall seem nothing to thee. They shall seem small and despised in your eyes. You shall look upon them in dismay and you shall say, ‘Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.” You shall see far, ha, ha, ha, ha… And you shall know well, and you shall move sure, and shaken shall be hell. And their power shall be confused for His authority you’ve used.’

“And that which they greatly feared (hell’s demons) shall have happened. For they feared, they feared that the revelation of truth would come into the Earth. They feared that it would come through the heavenly host that would withstand it. They feared that someone would stand. They feared that someone would seek. They feared that some would penetrate into that realm.

“When the revelation comes, the truth doth set the captives free. And that which they have greatly feared, it shall even come to pass. It’ll come to pass. God shall reveal His truth unto His people. Yea, we’ve rejoiced in the light. And we’ve seen a little bit. And we moved, but, oh, there’s so much more. There’s so much more. And the enemy would have us just revel in what we see and what we know and not push and penetrate to hold fast to receive more. But it shall not be for a glimpse we do see. And we shall not be satisfied until the truth in our hearts abides. We shall not draw back, and we shall not fear until we have all that God would give year by year…increasing glory to glo- ry, light to light. Not doing it in the flesh, but by the good faith fight.

“And His plan shall be accomplished and His ways shall be straight. And then it shall be ready. He shall come. He’ll not be late. And His people shall have done His bidding, and His people shall have heard His voice. And His Spirit shall have reaped the harvest through the church and His people shall rejoice. He calleth thee higher. Continue to look down on lowly things on the ground, but look up and see what He has reserved for thee. And by faith, let your heart reach out.

“His Spirit lifts you up. Your heart has craved to know him. You shall know what your mind has hungered to know. You shall do what you were created to do.”

This excerpt was taken from the final chapter of my last book, Cleansing The Temple.

In this modern day of increased media and technology, where platform, popularity, and public ministry are valued and promoted far above prayer and private ministry, we need to return to our roots.

May the Lord purge us from mammon worship, every form of pride and iniquity, the wisdom of man, and false success. May He purify us and make us a house of prayer.

May your own personal temple and the corporate temple of God be consecrated to Him and become a house of prayer in this hour.

Order here: http://holy-fire.org/2020-book-promo.html


This is the rough draft preface to my new book. I never thought I’d be writing a book on this topic so shortly after just releasing a new one, but the burden has intensified. I’ve noticed the passions of other authors are also moving in this direction. They understand that America is on the brink of destruction, but there is still hope if we will pray and act. I’d like to survey our readers. For many Christians a book of this nature is too political for them, but we need to trash that deceptive philosophy. It’s a trick of the devil.  Please let me know from this preface if you’d be interested in reading such a book.

God has ordained the United States Of America to be the most powerful nation in the world. Its military power and its economic superiority actually holds the world together. If the U.S. crumbled or imploded, China would take over the whole of the Far East. Pakistan and India would more than likely break out in war as both possess nuclear weapons. Iran would cause unlimited chaos and madness in the Middle East. Those are just a few examples.

But slowly and gradually in recent years, America’s moral high ground, which caused God to mercifully protect this land, has begun a downward sliding. Then in this last decade, the nation began to spiral into an abyss. Her enemies within sprang up in our marketplaces, court systems, universities, in the high and low places of our government, and of course, in the unprincipled, mad, lying media.

You will be greatly enlightened from my findings in chapter 5 of this book that there are also now many enemies within various branches and large segments of the Church itself. An all-out hellish assault has been doubly unleashed to lull the Church to sleep and to destroy and crush our nation.

Islamists, atheists, LGBT, Planned Parenthood, activist judges and a president who embraced an anti-biblical, one world ideology dominated American culture in the last decade. Hollywood also spearheaded this evil, violence, and corruption throughout the world.

During these turbulent times born again Christians and Messianic Jews began to pray. Thank God that across the nation there were enough saints who saw what was happening and began to cry out to God. Prayer movements for true revival and awakening intensified among the remnant people of God.

God’s response was to miraculously allow an unlikely businessman, Donald J. Trump, to be elected to the presidency of the United States Of America. God foresaw that this hot blooded and temperamental man would have the backbone and character to stand up against the hordes of demonic forces that were intent on destroying our nation. Now these forces working through unregenerate, wicked, and unreasonable men are moving in chaotic desperation as they witness President Donald Trump undoing the work of the last president and gaining momentum for a second term run.

Contrariwise, some of Obama’s last acts as he left the presidency were (1) to free a homosexual spy from prison, (2) to allow his Department of Justice and the FBI to spy on the opposing presidential candidate, and (3) to purposely refuse to use his veto power in the Security Council, leaving Israel with a UN resolution that states that Israeli towns and communities in Judea and Samaria are in “flagrant violation” of international law.

This resolution has given a great boost to the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions Movement with the goal to destroy Israel’s economy. This resolution also means that the Old City of Jerusalem and the Mount of Olives does not belong to Israel, as far as the UN was concerned (see below).

Today President Trump is working to protect Christians whose faith is being attacked by atheistic judges. He is working against a One World open border, which the Democrats dream of allowing literally millions of foreigners into America, and to carry out unlawful deeds such as granting illegal immigrants free medical services, free schooling, and free housing, as well as voter rights to everyone with no citizenship or even identification.

And certainly one of President Trump’s greatest achievements has been to confirm 150 new conservative judges in our nation.

I must honestly say: I cannot imagine how any true Christian or Messianic Jew can be a Democrat today. It is quickly morphing into a Marxist, socialist, violently atheistic party with great greed for power. One cannot read his Bible and be a leftist liberal democrat. You have to go to humanistic schools to be one.

As for Israel, right now God is using President Trump and his close associates as a huge shield to the nation of Israel. He has done more for Israel in such a short time than anyone could have imagined. According to polls, he is more popular in Israel than any other nation in the world. Right now he is also moving quickly to protect the Christians in America and in other nations as well.

The Democrats will do everything in their power to defeat the president and vote in a 2020 president who will free up Planned Parenthood and continue to increase the murder of the unborn, and fully restore the forced brainwashing of nursery and school children to believe and accept the false joys of being a transgender and to get used to seeing men in the girls’ bathroom. These are the facts.

Some of you may not know it, but Israel copies America. Lots of nations follow America. But we also cannot forget for one minute that God has promised that all of Israel shall be saved, and He has promised to pour out His Spirit on all flesh.

Finally, God has allowed a great divide between the right and the left wings of our government. No one who says he serves Jesus Christ and who reads his Bible will have any excuse for not knowing what is good and righteous and what is evil and wicked in this hour. It is becoming increasingly clear in these tumultuous times what is light and what is darkness, and what is Biblical morality and what is violent, intolerant Marxist socialism.

So if we care about this land from sea to shining sea, we will pray and pray that in our lifetime and the lifetimes of our children and grandchildren and future generations, God will keep godly men and women in office, so that America can continue to be a shining light to the world, and that the works of Satan will be defeated in this next election.

“Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth” (1 Tim. 2:1-4).

Notice the connection between praying for governmental leaders and the salvation of men’s souls. When a nation legislates and restricts the propagation of the gospel, it becomes more difficult for the people of that nation to be saved. In America we not only have enjoyed these liberties but the gospel has been carried from this nation to the entire world. This is probably the biggest reason and God’s greatest purpose in keeping America free from its antichrist enemies and saving her “one nation under God” sovereignty.

PRAYER: Lord, we pray continually, that You will hear our prayers, and that You will grant mercy for America. We pray that You will pour out Your Spirit on Your mighty remnant who are advancing Your kingdom and fighting the good fight of faith for the salvation of souls and for the saving and sovereignty of our nation. Amen.

***According to Wikipedia, the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement (also known as BDS) is a Palestinian-led campaign promoting various forms of boycott against Israel until it meets what the campaign describes as Israel’s obligations under international law defined as withdrawal from the occupied territories, removal of the separation barrier in the West Bank, full equality for Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel, and “respecting, protecting, and promoting the rights of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and properties.” The campaign is organized and coordinated by the Palestinian BDS National Committee.

Be a support to us and follow our blog and help spread these messages. Also, consider subscribing to our ministry YouTube channel for weekly 15 minute Face to Face video impartations on the Spirit-filled life from my wife and I.  

Our books are forerunners to personal holiness, the move of God, and the return of the Lord. They also combat the departure from the faith and the turning away from the truth we are seeing in our day. 

Also, this ministry is sustained by the freewill offerings of those who believe in the mandate and message of revival and restoration that this ministry carries. Again, if this article has been a blessing to you, would you prayerfully consider making a tax-deductible contribution through our Paypal button to help? 


Thank you, and may God’s richest and best be yours.


I don’t usually blog reports of our meetings and travels, but this one was extra special. When the invitation came months ago to minister in a little obscure place near Toronto, Ontario in Canada, honestly I wasn’t quite sure how to respond. But remembering the word of the Lord and the call to what He referred to as the “underground” Church of the West, we were happy to go. When we began to pray for the conference our hearts were filled with anticipation of what God would do because of the faith and hunger we sensed coming from our hosts and the people.

We are not a big ministry. Our platform is small to the natural eye. The casual observer won’t notice the workings of God. But there’s something about small places. Jesus began His ministry in the villages. His words and wonders had a domino effect and a chain reaction in the region. His fame spread far and wide.

Never despise your labor in obscurity, away from the limelight, your time with the one, or a hungry remnant. God can save by many, but He loves to save by few, so man won’t glory in the flesh. This has been one of the marks of our ministry for years now.

Don’t forget, the nations will be judged based on how they treated the least. “For I was an hungry, and you gave me meat: I was thirsty, and you gave me drink: I was a stranger, and you took me in: Naked, and you clothed me: I was sick, and you visited me: I was in prison, and you came unto me” (Matt. 25:35-36). Sadly, these works are the least esteemed in modern day ministry.


Big and small are relative terms.

Just because someone or something is big doesn’t mean it’s godly (and it is also understood that bigness is not tantamount to ungodliness either). In fact, it’s a greater test of our devotion to be big (whatever “big” means to us) and yet remain holy, than it is to be small (whatever “small” means to us) and holy. And let’s not forget that smallness is not equivalent to godliness either. Discerning the difference between the wisdom of man and the wisdom of God is what’s important. But we are so often fooled by the “big” while being unaware and undiscerning of the “small.”

We’ve ministered to multitudes. In our earlier years we taught in Bible schools that had 1000 students both overseas and in America, preached on the streets and evangelistic campaigns in West Africa with 100s and 1000s of unsaved people. Then here in the United States we were even a part of a great outpouring now known as the Brownsville revival. Then, almost mysteriously, the Lord commissioned us to be sort of missionaries/sent ones to the Church in America. It didn’t make sense to the natural mind. We wrestled with it. Then came the call to write. Then more open doors. Then we finally saw what God was after. There was a season of perseverance and pioneering a bonafide travel ministry, so to speak.

In retrospect it’s quite amazing to see what God has done in the last few years. My admonition to you is to never despise your assignment in the Lord, however small it may appear. And I’m not just talking about Ephesians 4:11 ministry gifts. Each believer has an assignment.

Don’t seek greatness. Don’t seek popularity and crowds. Don’t seek recognition or attention. Seek God. Walk with Him. For example, I know hard working younger families that meet in their home for prayer and discipleship with a remnant. They are raising godly children and families, and just being faithful in their local fellowships and communities. They hustle every day of the week to balance life and work. They give of their time, their talents, and their treasury (finances) to building God’s kingdom. They don’t separate life and work from kingdom; it’s all one. I know single individuals, young and old, who are doing the same, all maintaining a posture of just simple obedience as the goal. Just walking with Jesus is their passion and pursuit, and the delight of their lives. They see Him in every little thing or work they do. That is authentic Christianity.

Be encouraged. God is only pleased with obedience. The simplicity and supremacy of Christ in your life is always the goal.  The Lord told a good friend of mine: “Son, the day you seek to be a success in ministry is the day you stop being a success in my eyes.” What a compelling heart-piercing word!

Now for those who are interested, here is a report of the stirrings in Canada:


“Our new American friends! We so love you! We thank Almighty GOD for your consecrated ministry to us! We are humbled and so full of gratitude that you would so give of yourselves here in our nation of Canada, to transmit God’s heart and instruction for us, collectively and individually, so that we can better know how to do our part to achieve a much, much, deeper walk with Him!”

“Bless you, bless you, bless you and your wife for how you both poured out so selflessly for us from your hearts even through  flu-like symptoms trying to come at you guys.”

“The reason we wanted you to speak at our conference is because you foster the work of the Holy Spirit, and that is what the Church needs in this hour.”


“Before the conference the Lord told me not to have any preconceived ideas about what would happen. I’ve been to conferences where it was all man directed and flashy and super showy. To the point that I would leave because it magnified man. When Bert sang in the Spirit the first night. I could hardly stand. It wasn’t Bert’s voice I heard. It was the Father’s and it was confirmation for me to sing the song that He has been brewing inside my soul. I could have listened to that voice on repeat. I haven’t been born again for as many years as my beautiful friends but I know that I have a greater responsibility to the Lord now. I am a part of that holy generation and I will never look back.”

“So many people’s spirits “leapt” within them, and many, many said there lives will never, ever be the same!”

“For me, family and friends, this weekend with the Farias’ was awakening, refueling our lamps, learning, and experiencing. Canada, including me, needs to be shaken in Spirit and Truth.”

“Thank you so much LORD! Thank you so much Bert & Carolyn for teaching us and showing us how to be much more yielded to our LORD so that He can use us in a much greater way for His Glory!”

I never in my 20 years of being a Christian have heard a message so radical regarding prayer and fasting and birthing the new born in Christ Jesus. I always pray and fast as I grew up in Panama and speaking in tongues. But there are a lot of things and your experiences (explanations) with Father Nash. I’m almost finished the 2 books I bought, and thanking God for that. I will talk about them with my pastors in Panama seriously as I have this confidence. My husband David was in shock on Saturday night that he was speechless until next day. My son Allan went on Sunday and he started asking me questions and I asked him to read the Prayer book. With no exaggeration this weekend has been awakening for too many people here and around.”

“This was one of the most incredible messages I have heard! The experience, the wisdom, the maturity was foundational, and the necessity of this message for today! I was blown away and, God-willing, this will be one that will burn in my heart until the day I die!”


The things I have seen and heard in the past 30 hours (two of the three days of meetings) are literally the fulfillment of at least 25 years of prayer and intercession. In the lives of many, not just my own self. In the remnant of Christ, in families, in nations, in regions…probably more.

“I know how often we hear the words “shift” and “transition” and “revival” in the church, and how cliche these words can be to many who feel like they wait and wait, but never see the “thing” they wanted to see. It is easy to give up and hard to be faithful. It is even harder to prepare for something by faith with nothing in sight. But we are commanded to walk by faith and not by sight for a purpose beyond ourselves. And one is, so we never miss when an hour of visitation is upon us. When God speaks a thing, He does it. In His timing, but He does it. And if He shows us to wait patiently for something, it is an invitation to partner with something He will do. But, if we don’t believe in waiting and in doing our part in preparing as we wait, there are times we fall asleep and miss the very moment He meant for us. He gives it to those who are awake and ready and were faithful to prepare.

“We live in a day when many want a drive through Jesus. And when they pull up to the window, they want to get exactly what they ordered. No surprises. But God is not something we “order” and get exactly what we want. Scripture in Isaiah 40:31 says, “They that wait on the Lord He shall…” Waiting is important. Waiting has a very specific purpose. It is working something out in us, so we can see with spiritual eyes when key things are fulfilled before us. If we are stuck in our natural eyes, we can miss the very thing we have waited for, and even neglect preparing so we are not ready to move the moment it’s time!”

What jumped out to us from this lady’s wisdom was that very often we fail to realize that we are the answer to the prayers of others.


Please invest in yourself by getting our latest book, Cleansing The Temple, that speaks strongly to these issues. Our books are forerunners to personal holiness, the move of God, and the return of the Lord. They also combat the departure from the faith and the turning away from the truth we are seeing in our day. 

Also, this ministry is sustained by the freewill offerings of those who believe in the mandate and message of revival that this ministry carries. Again, if this article has been a blessing to you, would you prayerfully consider making a tax-deductible contribution through our Paypal button to help? 


Thank you, and may God’s richest and best be yours.


This is another excerpt from my new soon-to-be released book, Cleansing The Temple: Restoring The Glory Through Purity, Prayer, and Power. 

Charles Finney, in his excellent book How to Experience Revival, compares the spirit of prayer to the great conviction sinners often feel. Sinners are especially convicted when they think about their sins. Finney equates this to a spirit of prayer that a Christian may obtain as he also thinks on the condition of lost souls. In other words, if the believer will cultivate a deep awareness by thinking on their state and cherishing the slightest impressions, he will come into a spirit of prayer for the conversion of sinners. He encourages Christians to go through their Bible and find verses of Scripture that describe the conditions of a world without God. “Look at the world, your children, and your neighbors, and see their condition while they remain in sin. Then, persevere in prayer and effort until you obtain the blessing of the Spirit of God.”

Finney explains that, with most Christians, this is a progressive and prolonged process. Gradually they cultivate a burden about something until it consumes them in sighing out their desires to God during their daily activities. He likens it to a mother who sighs as if her heart is broken because her child is sick. If she is a praying mother, her sighs are breathed out to God all day long. If she leaves the room where her child is, her mind remains on the child. If she sleeps, her thoughts are still on the child. She will even jerk in her dreams, thinking that perhaps her child may be dying. Her mind is absorbed with that sick child. Finney says that this is the state of mind in which Christians can enter into the real spirit of prevailing prayer for the lost.

This burden is the natural result of great benevolence and a clear view of the danger sinners are in. This is a reasonable sentiment, Finney says. He compares it to the average Christian witnessing a family shrieking with agony in a burning fire. He would become extremely burdened and moved to action to save them. No one would consider these actions strange but, rather, cold-hearted if there was no powerful response or reaction.

This depth of concern and burden for souls is thoroughly Scriptural. The apostle Paul was familiar with it.

“I tell the truth in Christ. I am not lying, my conscience also bearing me witness in the Holy Spirit, that I have great sorrow and continual grief in my heart. For I could wish that I myself were accursed from Christ for my brethren, my countrymen according to the flesh…” (Rom. 9:1-3 – KJV).

The psalmist of old was familiar with it.

“Horror hath taken hold upon me because of the wicked that forsake thy law” (Ps. 119:53). “Rivers of waters run down mine eyes, because they keep not thy law” (Ps. 119:136 — KJV).

The Old Testament prophets such as Jeremiah also experienced great sorrow because of Israel’s sins.

“My bowels, my bowels! I am pained at my very heart; my heart maketh a noise in me; I cannot hold my peace, because thou hast heard, O my soul, the sound of the trumpet, the alarm of war” (Jer. 4:19 — KJV).

In light of these Scriptures, why should it be considered fanatical or abnormal when Christians become burdened this way and pray fervently unto groanings and travailings when they contemplate the wrath of God on sinners and the misery of those nearing eternal damnation?

Occasionally the Spirit of God may initiate a burden to pray, but more often than not, you must cultivate it and move into it by faith and learn to yield to the Spirit of God. It’s usually not all God, and certainly not all man, but a cooperative work between God and man. The Holy Spirit does not pray, but He helps us mightily in prayer.

“Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered” (Rom. 8:26).

“My little children, of whom I travail in birth again until Christ be formed in you” (Gal. 4:19).

“As soon as Zion travailed, she brought forth her children” (Is. 66:8)

Groanings and travail of soul are elements of prevailing prayer. Persistence and perseverance are usually required. These elements of intercession are often extensions of praying in tongues. Finney believed and taught that this travail of soul in prayer was the only real revival prayer, and if anyone does not know what that is, he does not understand the spirit of prayer, and he is not in a revival state. That is, until he understands this agonizing prayer, he does not know the real secret of revival power.

We don’t learn to pray that way by just hearing about it or reading about it. As with most skills, we learn by doing it.

For example, you don’t learn to drive an automobile by reading the handbook on it. No — you must get behind the wheel and start driving.

You don’t learn to cook a delicious meal by just reading a cook book of recipes. You must actually prepare the food and various ingredients and cook the meal.

It’s the same way with prayer. Unless this spirit of prayer and certain elements of intercession are passed on by those who understand and operate in these dimensions, it will be lost to the next generation. This is probably the primary reason why we are no longer witnessing the great depths of revival and outpourings of the Spirit that was seen in Finney’s day. Let us consecrate ourselves to the Lord and cultivate the spirit of prayer. Perhaps God is calling some to make prayer your business and to labor fervently this way for the conversion of souls and true revival.

NOTE: Our books and articles are forerunners to the move of God and personal holiness. The fire of God and the fear of God is attached to them. If you feel like this article is valuable, please use the social media buttons below to share it. Also, this ministry is sustained by the freewill offerings of those who believe in the mandate and message of revival that this ministry carries. If this article has been a blessing to you, would you prayerfully consider making a tax-deductible contribution through our Paypal button to help? 


Thank you, and may God’s richest and best be yours.