“It is quite an education when I consider the degree of anger and hostility I get from “Christians” when I simply point out the ethics that Jesus taught, you know, ‘red letter’ stuff, like, love your enemies, do good to them who spitefully use you, etc. People will dodge, dance, resist, resent, fight, attack, slander, and any number of other lovely “Christian” behaviors for the right to cling to retributive justice and other unbiblical and ungodly beliefs, especially when Jesus’ ethics challenge their own. Once when dealing with an elder’s wife on an issue, I pointed to what Jesus said (in context, properly exegeted), in her own “red letter” Bible, that was contrary to what she was believing, clinging to, and fighting me about. Her exact words to me: ‘My Jesus is not like that.’ Precisely, that is the problem.” Dr. Stephen Crosby

The Church presents Christ as the therapist, the banker, the philosopher, the friend, the hippie, the social activist, the look-the-other-way zero-accountability spiritual figure.

Why are the majority of people in the West so confused or deceived about who Jesus really is? Why do they seem to have so little depth or spiritual substance in their lives? Why can’t these people’s Christianity go beyond, “Jesus said, ‘do not judge’?” Is it not in large part due to the distorted message of Him that our pulpits, our preachers, and our churches are presenting? Is it not for the lack of example we’ve had in many Christian leaders? Similarly, the reason for much of today’s current moral and cultural malaise stems from the Church’s distorted message of the Christ.

The image of Jesus for many professing Christians has been shaped by the society around them. Unless you have an intimate relationship with the Holy One and His Word, the image you have of Him will be distorted. It will resemble the pop culture you live in and what the people of that culture worship. In the West, self is god. Corruptible man is worshipped. Humanism rules. And this is what we see in much of today’s Church.

If a professing believer does not want to give up his carnal, sinful lifestyle and adhere to the Lord’s ways, he can just create an image of God that makes room for his sinful lifestyle. It is a very subtle deception that comforts and consoles him in his carnality and sin by saying things like, “God knows my heart,” or “God understands my struggles.” These types of comments, however, are usually made as a way of defending his lifestyle and justifying his carnal appetites. Is the Jesus you serve a product of your own desires patterned after this world, or is He the true presence of the Living Word of God in your life?

Image result for images of who is the real jesus

For example, divorce is now a rampant part of our Western culture, and the divorce rate in the church is nearly equal to that in the world. Many professing Christians find an unscriptural excuse to leave their spouses, and, in contradiction to the will of God, they forsake the vows they once made. And now that our culture is deteriorating to levels of sexual anarchy, professing Christians are claiming that one can also be gay and be a Christian. This is what happens when professing Christians flow with the spirit of the world. The image of God in them changes.

Emil Durkheim, the classic father of sociology, wrote extensively about totemism. Totemism is derived from the word “totem,” which is a natural object or an animate being, such as an animal or bird, assumed to be the emblem of a clan, family, or group. It can be an object or a natural phenomenon that a family considers itself to be closely related to; a totem serves as a distinctive mark of that group or family. Totemism is the belief in the kinship of groups or individuals having a common totem and the rituals, taboos, and practices associated with such a belief.

Durkheim described totemism as the human tendency to form a conception of God in our own image. He said that oftentimes human beings, whether they are jungle tribes or sophisticated city dwellers, will take the values and traditions that they admire most about themselves and project them onto a totem. Eventually, they stand in awe of that totem and end up worshipping an incarnation of the things they love about themselves. This is what people do with the image of God. We create an image of a god whom we can relate to and who cares about the same things we care about.

During the days of Moses, Israel was living in an environment that worshipped images of animals and creeping things, and so a golden calf was fashioned from the people’s gold and worshipped (Ex. 32). “Professing to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man — and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things” (Rom. 1:22-23). Their culture influenced and shaped their image of God. If you don’t stay in God’s presence and in God’s Word, being a doer of it, the same thing could happen to you.

Beware of idolatry and changing the image of an incorruptible God into corruptible man.

In the West, worshipping golden images of animals and insects is not as prominent. As I stated, we worship something more subtle: self.

The fewer preconceptions we bring from the outside to the reading of the gospels, the more clearly we shall see Him as He really is. It is all too easy to believe in a Jesus who is largely a construction of our own imagination — an inoffensive Person whom no one could dislike or disapprove of, and certainly whom no one would ever crucify.

But the Jesus we meet in the gospels is far from being an inoffensive person. On the contrary, He caused offense quite frequently. Even His loyal followers found Him to be offensive at times, even disconcerting. He upset all established notions of religious propriety.

An inaccurate, distorted, and unbiblical view of Jesus is a big reason why many pastors fail to confront sin in the Church and speak of the evils in our society.

When asked why pastors don’t speak out against the evils in our nation and government, one influential pastor said, “I think one reason is a lot of Christian leaders have the wrong idea about Jesus. They see Jesus as this little, wimpy guy who walked around plucking daisies and eating birdseed and saying nice things, but never doing anything controversial.

“The fact is, Jesus did confront his culture with truth — and he ended up being crucified because of it. I believe it’s time for pastors to say, ‘You know, I don’t care about controversy, I don’t care whether I’m going to lose church members, I don’t care about building a big church. I’m going to stand for truth, regardless of what happens.’”

At times, the greatest love we can demonstrate is in rebuke. Conversely, at times, the greatest cruelty we can demonstrate is in never confronting sin or evil.

“Nothing can be more cruel than the tenderness that consigns another to their sin. Nothing can be more compassionate than the severe rebuke that calls a brother back from the path of sin.”Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Jesus said what He meant and meant what He said. If you read His words assuming otherwise, then you are not encountering the real Jesus.

This is an excerpt from the fourth book of a compelling tetralogy called The Real Jesus. The other three books are The Real Salvation, The Real Spirit of Revival, and The Real Gospel. These books expose the falsehood that has creeped into the Church today and defiled it. They will help purify your walk with the Lord and increase your love for the truth.



I’d like to share a prophetic dream I had recently.

Many people were in a banqueting hall waiting for the guest of honor to arrive. He seemed to have delayed his coming. Then suddenly through a frosty designed long walled window I saw the shadow of a man with long flowing hair walking briskly.

It was Jesus.

Although I couldn’t make out his features due to the frosty window, I could see that He walking with a fast pace in long strides as if he was on an urgent mission. As he walked into the banqueting hall he approached me and spoke as a military officer in command:

“Farias! Did you get the bread?”

Oh no! The task of keeping fresh bread on hand had slipped my mind. In a frantic dash I rushed to the supply room in the back and found some old bread from the Salvation Army food bank. Due to its staleness I started warming it up in the microwave to make it soft and fresh, all to no avail. I had neglected to purchase fresh bread before Jesus came.

The oil in the lamps of the virgins (Matt. 25:1-13) represents both the Holy Spirit (oil) and the Word (lamp). The dynamic of the Holy Spirit illuminating the word of God to us is what make the word of God fresh. Many in the body of Christ have their lamps but little to no oil. They have the word but they’re not filled with the Spirit. They may have some oil in their lamps but no added vessel with any extra oil. This is what will determine the coming separation in the Church now and at the rapture.

My wife and I have traveled extensively to churches in the last 8 years. We are seeing an unholy trend. There are more and more Pentecostal/Charismatic Christians who have a Bible but no oil. Some are not baptized in the Holy Spirit though they’ve been in a P/C church for several years. They do not have a prayer language or they don’t utilize it.

Here’s what the Lord said after the dream:

“I’m bringing back voices that are speaking what I’m saying.  My people must learn to hear and discern properly for there are deceiving spirits moving even among those previously thought to be strong.  It is only the revelation and the feeding and nourishment that comes from partaking of the fresh bread of My Word that keeps them in Christ and in the Light.

“There are many warnings I’ve given My people.  Remember that in these days I said many would be offended and deceived and the love of many would wax cold.  Many in My church are being fed stale food. The children of Israel needed fresh manna every day to look for Me, and eat of Me, and be filled with Me. Learn to come to Me every day to hear what I have to say. The Son of man was always ready to give people fresh bread because He stayed in the Father’s presence. You must do the same.”  

Many celebrity minsters and well known names no longer serve fresh bread. They’re too busy or idle in prayer, and so they do not have spiritual nourishment to feed the people and are no longer following God’s perfect plan for their lives. My wife observed a minister with a household name speaking at a conference and noticed a great difference in their words. They were stale and lifeless even though there was much truth in them.

It’s not about a name or a celebrity but it’s about a vessel through whom the word of the Lord flows through. Truth is not enough. Knowledge is not enough. The kingdom of God is not in words but in power. Such is the state of many pastors and ministers in this hour. Such is the state of many believers. Remember that a big part of the warnings in the last days is that there will be many false apostles, false prophets, and false teachers. Deception is the greatest danger. Warnings could be the greatest ministry. Selah.


This is a book to help believers navigate the tumult of the 2020s to emerge as an authentic remnant. 

Mario Murillo called it one of the most important words for this time. A severe warning from the Lord.

Prayerfully consider supporting our ministry and following our blog to help spread these messages. Also, consider subscribing to our ministry YouTube channel for weekly 15 minute Face to Face video impartations on the Spirit-filled life from my wife and I.  

Our books are forerunners to personal holiness, the move of God, and the return of the Lord. They also combat the departure from the faith and the turning away from the truth we are seeing in our day. 

Also, this ministry is sustained by the freewill offerings of those who believe in the mandate and message of revival and restoration that this ministry carries. Again, if this article has been a blessing to you, would you prayerfully consider making a tax-deductible contribution through our Paypal button to help? 


Thank you, and may God’s richest and best be yours. 


I heard a popular television preacher recently say this: “If God judges America He’s going to have to apologize to Jesus.”

But the Word says: “For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and His ears are open to their prayers; but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil” (1 Pet. 3:12).

And this:

“The Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trial, and to keep the unrighteous under punishment for the Day of Judgment” (2 Pet. 2:9).

The first fallacy in today’s visible mainstream church world is ignorance concerning God’s judgments and even wrath.


The aforementioned preacher’s understanding lacks balance and the whole counsel of God. He says that Jesus bore our judgment and therefore God will not judge America or anyone for that matter. Honestly, this belief system is the edge of universalism.

It says Jesus bore everyone’s judgment on the cross, so no one will be judged. Everyone is okay. Everyone will be saved in the end. Actually, it is this popular view that has opened a large door to so much deception in the church. It breeds a lackadaisical spirit and an absence of holy fear in most Christians. It emphasizes a positional truth at the expense of an experiential truth.

In fact, Romans 1 offers specific proof that America is already under the judgment of God.

“The wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth through unrighteousness” (Rom. 1:18).

God’s wrath is already being revealed. Present tense. In other words, we don’t need to wait until the Day of Judgment to see God’s wrath. It is being demonstrated now. You need to read the rest of the verses that follow this verse to see this.

“Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness” (Rom. 1:24a).

“For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions” (Rom. 1:26a).

God gave them over to a debased mind” (Rom. 1:28b).

These verses are talking about sexual immorality, specifically the sin of homosexuality and lesbianism. The entire so-called sexual revolution is a product of God’s wrath. America has been under the judgment of God for decades! We’ve praised AIDS victims as if they are heroes, but in actuality, it is the penalty of their sin that they have received (Rom. 1:27).

In fact, when those who practice such things that are deserving of death, also approve of others who practice them (v. 32) it is one of God’s final signs of His wrath on a society.


This list does not include the promised future judgments of God that are also found throughout the New Testament.

1.  The wrath of God is currently and continually abiding upon all those who reject Jesus Christ as the Son of God (John 3:36).

2.  Ananias and Sapphira (believers) are struck down dead for lying to the Holy Spirit (Acts 5:1-10).

3.  King Herod is struck dead by an angel of the Lord for not giving God glory (Acts 12:20-23).

4.  Elymas the magician is struck blind “by the hand of the Lord” for being a fraud and son of the devil (Acts 13:8-12).

5.  The immoral brother is judged and handed over to Satan for the destruction of his flesh (1 Cor 5).

6.  Believers are judged and become sick, some even die, for not judging themselves before partaking of the Lord’s supper (1 Cor 11:27-32). 

When you take away the present wrath and judgment of God from the New Covenant you are changing the word of God and removing your name from the book of life and the holy city (Rev. 22:19). You are guilty of creating a god made in your own image and participating in an antichrist agenda.

Wake up, church! What are some of these preachers saying? God’s judgment and wrath are already here! Can they escape? Yes, if they turn to God in sincere repentance, they can still receive His mercy and be saved and delivered. But many will not do so.


The second fallacy in much of the church world today is a total misunderstanding of true holiness. In fact, the Lord told me that there’s been a diabolical silence on it. I believe that restoring the beauty of biblical holiness in the Church is a critical ingredient to healing the moral confusion in our culture. As the Church goes, so goes the world. Our disproportionate view of holiness is one of the big reasons there is so much of the spirit of the world in the Church.

True holiness has gotten such a bad rap and is looked upon with a sort of disdain, as being primitive, outdated, and just not culturally relevant. We need to realize, however, that negative experiences or unsound teaching does not nullify the real meaning, necessity, and beauty of God’s holiness.

One of my favorite definitions of holiness as it applies to believers is that it is a moral dedication and a life committed to purity of thought, word, motive, and deed. At the center of that definition is the fact of being set apart or consecrated to God’s purposes. in other words, we are not to be conformed to the world’s ideals, patterns, or standards, but to God’s nature and will.

But even more importantly, holiness has more to do with whom we belong to. To whom do we give our loyalty, love, and allegiance to? To be holy means that all we are and all we have belongs to God, not ourselves, and is set apart for His purposes. This is the theme of the apostolic letters to the early churches. How are some believers, even preachers, missing that today?

“Therefore, having these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God (2 Cor. 7:1)

Pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord…” (Heb. 12:14).

A distorted view of holiness, or simply the ignorance of it, is clouding our understanding of God’s true love. When God is seen as a loving, non-demanding pushover whose love overrides His holiness, whose grace no longer teaches us to deny ungodliness and worldly lusts then people will live in accordance with that belief and come under the judgment of God. Permissiveness and promiscuity will be prevalent.

This brings me to the third big fallacy I see in the church today and that is the false concept of the love of God.


“My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth” (1 John 3:18).

There’s a sentimental mushy kind of love expressed in the church and lives of so-called Christians today that falls so short of the real God-kind of love. It is a love not based on truth and deeds.

For example, one of the hot controversial topics today is that of the aforementioned homosexuality. More and more people in the church world are accepting it and now celebrating it. Entire denominations are now ordaining gay clergy. This is being done all in the name of love. But it is so clear from the Word of God that this is a complete abomination that should have no place whatsoever in the church. There are churches and entire denominations turning into “synagogues of Satan” “where his throne is” (Rev. 2:9,13). Doctrines like this are the “depths of Satan” (Rev. 2:24).

Does this mean we stop loving gay people? Of course not; we should love them all the more because they are in grave danger, but we must do so in all kindness, wisdom, and love, speaking the truth to them. But most people will hate you for it as they did Jesus.

“No man was ever more loving than Jesus Christ. Yet even His love made people angry. His love was a perfect love, a transcendent and holy love, but His very love brought trauma to people. This kind of love is so majestic we can’t stand it.” (R.C. Sproul, The Holiness of God).

You see, love must be mixed with truth and holiness for it to pass the biblical test. As I said, today we are altering the Scriptures because we don’t like certain verses that contradict the lifestyle that we or our friends may be living. Many have removed God’s judgments and wrath, holiness, and hell, right out of the Bible. It’s one of the signs of these evil last days we are living in.

We may criticize what is happening in the world all we want, but judgment must begin in the house of God if we desire to see His glory and the awakening that many of us have been praying for. Let us remove the evil from us. Let not any form of sexual  immorality be even named among us (Eph. 5:3).

“For the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of God, and if it begins first with us, what shall the end be for those who do not obey the gospel of God?” (1 Pet. 4:17).

Be a support to us and follow our blog and help spread these messages. Also, consider subscribing to our ministry YouTube channel for weekly 15 minute Face to Face video impartations on the Spirit-filled life from my wife and I.  

Our books are forerunners to personal holiness, the move of God, and the return of the Lord. They also combat the departure from the faith and the turning away from the truth we are seeing in our day. 

Also, this ministry is sustained by the freewill offerings of those who believe in the mandate and message of revival and restoration that this ministry carries. Again, if this article has been a blessing to you, would you prayerfully consider making a tax-deductible contribution through our Paypal button to help? 


Thank you, and may God’s richest and best be yours.


No Christian in this country is under the threat of death or imprisonment for preaching the gospel. No one’s life is in danger. No one is being beaten, flogged, or hardly even threatened. Yeah I know, a baker and florist among others had their day in court in a battle over first amendment rights concerning serving gay couples, and I’m still not sure how that was all settled. But no one is suffering for the sake of the name of Jesus in the same way the early disciples did. Why then is there such a passive posture and a cowardice in the church when it comes to standing for truth, righteousness, and morality in our culture? Why are there so few who are rocking the boat of our sinful, wicked, immoral culture?

Jeremiah said it this way:

“If you have run with the footmen, and they have wearied you, then how can you contend with horses? And if in the land of peace in which you trusted, they wearied you, then how will you do in the thicket of the Jordan?” (Jer. 12:5).

America is still virtually a land of peace, but Christians are slumbering and weary with the weights and cares of the world and such indifference. What would happen if overnight we were raided by radical terrorists who demanded we deny Jesus and join their religion and cause or be executed? What if there was a foreign invasion or military coup from insiders, and our government was suddenly taken over, and a new antichrist government was established—and all our freedoms were taken away? It’s unlikely at this point, but what if?

C’mon folks, let’s be real. Our brand of Christianity here in the West is soft, weak, anemic and nearly good for nothing.

We resemble the church of Laodicea who boasted in its supposed blessedness and wealth when Jesus called it wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked.

“For you say, ‘I am rich, and have stored up goods, and have need of nothing,’ yet do not realize that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked” (Rev. 3:17).

Many Christians are terrified to stand against the sins of our culture and just tell others it is wrong. In fact, some professing Christians will actually celebrate those sins with the world. They will march in gay pride parades because they say God is love. They will rally for women’s rights to abortion because after all, their bodies are their own. They will say that fornication, adultery, and every form of sexual immorality are none of our business, and that we shouldn’t judge and yada, yada, yada … .

Adding to their moral cowardice and complete ignorance of biblical standards, these passive “Christians” will defend their “personal” Jesus and tell others He loves them and understands them. How despicably immoral that is in itself. How grossly deceived they are! How spineless and yellow-bellied these professing Christians have become! They’ve been conformed to the culture and a Jesus they’ve created in their own image (The Real Jesus) instead of being conformed to the biblical Christ. This makes them twice as much a child of hell as the sinners who commit such sins. Oh, I know that’s hard to hear, but it’s the truth. Jesus was most angry and displeased with the religionists of His day who professed religion but denied Him and His works.

I am not saying our primary responsibility as Christians is to attack the sins of our culture, but where in our society are Christians standing against sin and immorality? The world holds up its poster child of sin, and we applaud or remain silent. Antichrist laws are legislated, but where is the outrage and the opposition? Where is the strong resistance and defense of the truth? Where is the resolute stand for righteousness and morality? Where is the voice of the shepherds and the Church across this land?

I am also not saying that our refusal to denounce sin is our greatest problem, but how long will morality and truth continue to give way to an ungodly and evil agenda in our nation? Our faith is either being kicked to the curb, placed in the corners and fringes of society, or just being denied by so many who remain passive and neutral. We’ve allowed our faith to be cut off from normal life and relegated to our church sanctuaries. In a word, we’ve been silenced in the public arena. There are a large consensus of Christians who are actually helping our culture build an atheistic society. And we use the secularism in our culture to be secular ourselves. In many ways they have influenced us far more than we have influenced them.

There is very little evidence of true Christianity in our American culture, and it’s our fault. It is time to heed the Lord’s admonition to Joshua.

“Be strong and courageous” (Josh. 1:6a) …

“Be strong and very courageous” (v. 7a).

“This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go (v. 9)”

Because of our lack of backbone and courage American Christianity is falling off the cliff. We are going the way of the dinosaur if Christians do not become stronger and more courageous in their faith and convictions. We are living in a very pagan culture right now in our nation. Things are so much worse than they seem. The vices, the bondages, and vile filth are expanding at an overwhelming pace. The church is to be the conscience of the nation, but the conscience of so many professing Christians is seared right now.

Our brand of Christianity is lame. It is seen as a nice religion of nice people. A wholesome fanaticism is missing. A life and a vibrancy is lacking. We are too passive and too wimpy. If we want to change our culture, we must come out of our closet of fear and intimidation. Many need to understand that we can be loving and yet fearless and courageous at the same time.

Honestly, we have no need to be fearful and intimidated. As I said, no one is being threatened with their life. No one is being killed for their faith. So what are we afraid of? The rejection of men? Who cares? Is that really going to matter in the end? There are plenty of others who will applaud you and wax courageous because of your example to stand for truth, righteousness and morality, and share the gospel of Jesus Christ. And God will give you wisdom and grace to love even your enemies.

Let the change begin with you. A little courage will go a long way. And if enough of us wax strong in the Lord and stand tall and courageous, we will, in time, see the change our hearts are longing for.

Be a support to us and follow our blog and help spread these messages. Also, consider subscribing to our ministry YouTube channel for weekly 15 minute Face to Face video impartations on the Spirit-filled life from my wife and I.  

Our books are forerunners to personal holiness, the move of God, and the return of the Lord. They also combat the departure from the faith and the turning away from the truth we are seeing in our day. 

Also, this ministry is sustained by the freewill offerings of those who believe in the mandate and message of revival and restoration that this ministry carries. Again, if this article has been a blessing to you, would you prayerfully consider making a tax-deductible contribution through our Paypal button to help? 


Thank you, and may God’s richest and best be yours.



“For our fight is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, and against spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places” (Eph. 6:12).

Those who are familiar with my writings know I don’t usually mince words. The devil is always behind sugar-coated truth and a slimy tongue. Be sure of that.

Abortion, homosexuality and Islam are the greatest dangers facing America in the 21st century. Each of them has opened up portals of entry into our culture and way of life. These are ideologies that have infiltrated the minds of multitudes—shaped and fueled by the unprincipled mad media.


Abortion is not an opinion about what women have a right to do or not do with their bodies. That’s the devil’s facade to hide what it really is. Willful abortion is murder at any point of a woman’s pregnancy. It’s a demon just like the Old Testament god of Molech to whom people sacrificed babies. It’s the same altar where many Americans now worship.

Think about it. Why are there abortion rights that have killed 60 million babies in the America alone? Blunt answer: mainly because of fornication and adultery.

There are some cases of rape and so forth, but that’s a very small minority. Yet it’s one of the main talking points of what people debate on. It’s hogwash. Sexual immorality is the biggest reason we have abortions. People want sex without the commitment and covenant of marriage and responsibility of the consequences. In fact, what they say by their actions is “A baby will ruin my happiness, so kill it!” How much more demonic can it be?

But do you know what is fueling the increase of promiscuous sex and now pedophilia, as well as all sorts of perversion? One word. Pornography. If you shut down the billion-dollar industry of pornography, you will radically decrease sexual immorality and perversion on every level. Abortions will also decrease exponentially.

Pornography is another portal of entry for demonic access. These evils are all linked together. It’s Satan’s master plan and worldwide web.


How about homosexuality? I wrote an article over four years ago on homosexuality being a demon, and demons flew from every direction to attack my words. People were calling our ministry phone, writing nasty comments, sharing the article with right-wing watch groups and mocking it. They were fuming in venomous rage. That alone proves it was a demon because it’s the very point that nearly everyone attacked.

People accused me of having no compassion, but guess what? I also received calls and messages from homosexuals who knew I was telling the truth and wanted help. My compassion was directed toward those.

Now, it’s not only acceptable in our culture, but it’s celebrated and legalized. What happened? Demons, through the agency of deceived people and lawmakers, pushed it through and legalized it. When they did, it opened up a larger portal of entry for the release of more demons and the rule of a principality in our nation.

As long as the majority of people want their demons God will let them have them because He honors the human agency of free will—a debased mind void of judgment will be their most terrible portion (Rom. 1:24-28). Eventually homosexuality will destroy the culture of a nation and bring down the judgment of God as it did in days of old. Wherever homosexuality is prevalent, and alas, made law, evil rules and reigns and anyone who fights it is preyed upon.


Now this one will make people angry. The mask to Islam is that it’s a nice religion of peace. Much of the gullible populace has swallowed this lie—hook, line and sinker.

Have you ever read the Quran and the ideologies that are written therein?

The Quran says:

  • Muslims must not take infidels as friends (3:28).
  • Any religion other than Islam is unacceptable (3:85).
  • Maim and crucify the infidels if they criticize Islam (5:33).
  • Terrorize and behead those who believe in Scriptures other than the Quran (8:12).
  • Muslims must muster all weapons to terrorize the infidels (8:60).
  • The unbelievers are stupid; urge the Muslims to fight them (8:65).
  • When opportunity arises, kill the infidels wherever you catch them (9:5).
  • The Jews and the Christians are perverts; fight them (9:29).
  • Make war on the infidels living in your neighborhood (9:23).
  • According to its own holy book, this is a religion full of hate that believes it does God a service by killing all non-Muslims, especially Christians and Jews. Jesus warned us of such.

“They will put you out of the synagogues. Yes, the time is coming that whoever kills you will think that he is offering a service to God” (John 16:2).

Yes, some Muslims are good, peaceful Americans, but when push comes to shove, they will stand with their ideology.

The more people understand the entire Islamic strategy to kill and conquer, the more society will wake up to it, and the better it will be for America and its future. This religious war is filled with deliberately thought-out, methodical strategies to take over every nation Islam enters. It’s called jihad. This dark Islamic strategy is so much bigger than the average person realizes. The big plan jihadis have devised for America is to destroy it from within.

Take note of the similarities between abortion, homosexuality, and Islam. Abortion is death to the most innocent. Homosexuality is death to the family, normal reproduction and the increase of confusion and perversion. Transgenderism came in right behind homosexuality to pile on more confusion, darkness, and death upon the human race. Finally, Islam declares death to all nations who do not worship their false god.

Death has gained great access into America. We are in a very serious and intense war. Satan is playing for keeps. It is time for every believer in Jesus Christ to enter this spiritual fight and stop living in denial. It’s time for fire to erupt in the bellies of preachers and for their mouths to thunder truth and righteousness. Quit being passive and politically correct. In doing so, you are actually being an ally to the devil. It’s time to rock the boat and demolish the strongholds in people’s minds through not only heartfelt, fervent prayer, but through strong, straightforward preaching.

“For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds, casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ” (2 Cor. 10:4-5).

Be a support to us and follow our blog and help spread these messages. Also, consider subscribing to our ministry YouTube channel for weekly 15 minute Face to Face video impartations on the Spirit-filled life from my wife and I.  

Our books are forerunners to personal holiness, the move of God, and the return of the Lord. They also combat the departure from the faith and the turning away from the truth we are seeing in our day. 

Also, this ministry is sustained by the freewill offerings of those who believe in the mandate and message of revival and restoration that this ministry carries. Again, if this article has been a blessing to you, would you prayerfully consider making a tax-deductible contribution through our Paypal button to help? 


Thank you, and may God’s richest and best be yours.


When I went to Rhema Bible Training Center (now college) in 1982 an elder in the body of Christ warned me. He basically told me that knowledge puffs up or makes one proud, and that I was going into a spiritual jungle and would hear many new things. I was only 18 months old in the Lord and he was concerned that I would not decipher between what was human, divine, or even demonic. He was concerned that as a young convert I would lack discernment to rightly divide the things of the soul and the things of the Spirit, or that which was “good” versus that which was truly born of God.

By the grace of God I thrived at Rhema and cultivated a healthy intimate prayer life with the Lord, and He kept me from stumbling and falling into error or pride. I learned great truths from a general in the faith, the late Kenneth E. Hagin, who had the deepest prayer life and love walk of any man I’ve ever known to this day. The supernatural followed his life and ministry, and even though he was a man of the Word, spectacular visions of Jesus marked his ministry.

When I survey the landscape of Christianity today I have similar concerns, especially for the younger generation, that the aforementioned elder had for me all those years ago. It is a vast spiritual jungle out there with many more false apostles, false prophets, and false teachers than there were back in my earlier Christian days. There are many conferences and a host of celebrity type ministers who are polluting Christendom with teachings and practices that are thoroughly unscriptural and even some that border on the occultic. Here is one extreme: Psychics (Try not to vomit)

We must familiarize ourselves with the real Spirit of God and be grounded in the Scriptures or we could succumb to the spirit of error that is prevalent in this hour.

“Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world” (1 Jn. 4:1).

“But the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you, and you do not need that anyone teach you; but as the same anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is true, and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you will abide in Him” (1 Jn. 2:27).

If you are born again and Spirit-filled you have an anointing that abides within you. Notice several characteristics of that anointing:

  1. It’s a Teacher.
  2. It’s greater than a human teacher.
  3. It’s true.
  4. It cannot lie.
  5. It has already taught you.
  6. It will keep you from deception.
  7. It is the Holy Spirit.

“These things I have written to you concerning those who try to deceive you” (1 Jn. 2:26).

Be very careful my friends. There are some popular names out there that are in grave error concerning doctrine and practice, and even have questionable lifestyles. Some have a multitude of followers even numbering in the millions. Just because someone has a big name, a big ministry, a mega following does not mean they are following God. Jesus warned us that we would know them by their fruits. Where many miss it is that they judge them by the fruit of their ministries, their gifts, talents, popularity, size and influence of their ministry instead of by the fruit of their lives, their character, marriage, children, home life etc. Who you are in the home is who you really are. Don’t be fooled.

I could say much more and I will later on, but this is sufficient for now. The safeguard against deception is to abide in the anointing and cultivate humility, teachability, and a strong prayer life and love for the truth. Surround yourself with true fathers of the faith and elders in the body of Christ who are proven and move in the same anointing.

“Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy. To God our Savior, who alone is wise, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and forever. Amen” (Jude 24).

Please invest in yourself by getting our latest book, Cleansing The Temple, that speaks strongly to these issues. Our books are forerunners to personal holiness, the move of God, and the return of the Lord. They also combat the departure from the faith and the turning away from the truth we are seeing in our day. 

Also, this ministry is sustained by the freewill offerings of those who believe in the mandate and message of revival that this ministry carries. Again, if this article has been a blessing to you, would you prayerfully consider making a tax-deductible contribution through our Paypal button to help? 


Thank you, and may God’s richest and best be yours.


NOTE: This prophetic word was spoken by Prophet Stanley Frodsham who was a personal friend of Smith Wigglesworth, a traveling companion and author of one of the books about him. It was given in Chicago in 1965, five years before he died. This is only an excerpt of the entire prophecy.


“With great judgments will I plead with the population of this country. Great darkness is coming upon the countries that have heard My gospel but no longer walk in it. My wrath shall come upon them. The darkness shall be so great and the anguish so sore that men shall cry out for death and shall not find it. There shall be a lingering death, famine and great catastrophes.

My wrath shall be manifested against all ungodliness. It shall come with great intensity. You have known my love but have not experienced My wrath or My severity. My judgments are literal and not a thing to be passed over lightly.

Realize the severity of My judgments and My intense anger against the sin in My household. My judgments shall begin in My house, for I will cleanse My house that it be not a partaker of My wrath against the iniquities of the cities. Before I visit the nations in judgment; I will begin at My house. When I do cause My wrath to come upon the cities of the world, My people shall be separate. I desire a people without spot or wrinkle, and such will be preserved by Me in the time of My wrath, which will be coming upon all iniquity and unrighteousness.

I am going to prepare you for the coming days by a hard path that will cause many to cry out continually unto Me. For when the going is easy, men do not seek Me but rejoice in a temporary blessing. And when that blessing is removed, they so often turn this way and that way but do not come to Me. I am showing you these things in order that you may seek Me continually and with great diligence. As you seek Me, I will open up truths to you that you have not seen before, and these very truths will be such that will enable you to stand in these last days. As you are persecuted, reviled and rejected by your brethren, then you will turn unto Me with all your heart and seek Me for that spiritual life that you need so that when the tribulation comes, you will have that which will enable you to stand for many will be tossed to and fro. Men’s hearts shall fail them because of trouble on every hand. These days shall be very terrible, the likes of which have never been seen before.


When I visit My people in mighty revival power, it is to prepare them for the darkness ahead. With the glory shall come great darkness, for the glory is to prepare My people for the darkness. I will enable My people to go through the darkness because of the visitation of My Spirit. Take heed to yourselves lest you be puffed up and think that you have arrived. Many shall be puffed up as in the olden days, for then, many received My message but they did not continue in it. Did I anoint Jehu? Yet the things that I desired were not accomplished in his life. Listen to the messengers, but do not hold men’s persons in admiration or adulation. For many whom I shall anoint mightily with signs and miracles shall become lifted up and shall fall by the wayside. I do not do this willingly, for I have made provision that they might stand. I call many into this ministry and equip them, but remember that many shall fall. They shall be like bright lights, and the people shall delight in them. But they shall be taken over by deceiving spirits and shall lead many of My people astray. Hearken diligently concerning these things, for in the last days shall come seducing spirits. They shall turn many of My anointed ones away; many shall fall through diverse lusts and because of sin abounding.

But if you will seek Me diligently, I will put My Spirit within you so that, when one shall turn to the right hand or to the left hand, you shall not turn with them, but instead you will keep your eyes fixed wholly on your Lord. The coming days are going to be most dangerous, difficult and dark for there shall be a mighty outpouring of My Spirit in judgment upon many cities, and many shall be destroyed. My people must be diligently warned concerning the days ahead. Many shall turn after seducing spirits, and already many are seducing My people. It is those who do righteousness that are righteous. Many cover their sins by great theological words. But I warn you of seducing spirits who instruct my people in an evil way.

Many of these I will anoint that they in turn may purify and sift My people, for I will have a holy people. When I come I shall not find faith upon the earth but in a few, for when the time of testing comes, many will depart from their Lord.

Many shall come with seducing spirits and hold out lustful enticements. You will find that after I have visited My people again, the way will become narrower, and fewer shall walk therein. Be not deceived, the ways of righteousness are My ways. For though Satan come as an angel of light, hearken not to him; for those who perform miracles and speak not righteousness are not of Me. I warn you with great intensity that I am going to judge My house and have a church without spot or wrinkle when I come. I desire to open your eyes and give you spiritual understanding, that you may not be deceived, but may walk with uprightness of heart before Me, loving righteousness and hating every evil way. Look unto Me, and I will make you to perceive with the eyes of the Spirit the things that lurk in darkness that are not visible to the human eye. Let Me lead you in this way that you may perceive the powers of darkness and battle against them. It is not a battle against flesh and blood, for if you battle in that way, you accomplish nothing. But if you let Me take over and battle against the powers of darkness, then they are defeated, and then liberation is brought to My people.”

My new book, Cleansing The Temple, is now available in paperback and kindle. We have a special sale on it here on our website until May 31. It will bring you greater understanding concerning articles like this. 


While waiting on the Lord in prayer before an evening meeting in a particular city the communications of the Spirit of God began to flow…(Carolyn and I recorded it and then transcribed it). For the last several years this has been our pattern and mode of operation. We have 100s of pages of prayer notes, or prayer jottings, as we like to call them. We’ve been praying about redesigning our blog and calling it The Prayer Jotter, and also writing a book on the wisdom of God that has come forth during these special times. Following is a lengthy one for spiritually minded people:    

And even here you know something is not right and you’ve been picking it up in your spirit, but you’re not seeing anything for it’s been masked…

It’s very skilled at being deceptive…it’s veiled in religion…a mask of religion… and its only a certain kind of utterance and power that is going to break through this very strong veil of deception.


I see that Lord, so we can’t go in light and fluffy for it’s all disguised in that religious display.

More tongues…

So this then is why the demonstration of My power, not with enticing words of man’s speech, is necessary here (1 Cor. 2:4-5), for this mask that has been here knows what to say, knows what to look like on a Sunday, knows how to pretend and is very good at it, but their faith must be established in the power of God.

We just surrender now to the Holy Ghost and power, to the One who shows us Your heart and Your will, shows us the sick and diseased, and shows us and penetrates through with the preaching that cuts to the heart, and separates the soul.

Hebrews 4:12-13  For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are naked and open to the eyes of Him to whom we must give account.”

Lots of tongues, heaving…

This utterance must come forth to break through the veil of religion, to break through that deceptiveness that is here…and what Ananias and Sapphira were trying to do, because they saw people doing it so they did it, too.

But the anointing and the power and the glory were too great at that time to allow deception. That lie could not walk past the anointing and the one who was walking in the spirit of truth (Peter), for it not to be recognized as a covering and a veil to bring in an impure spirit, a falsehood, and a lie.

And what was going on at that time? There was such a great awareness of the truth of Jesus Christ; there was such an anointing and a power in the body.

There were miracles going on outside the church walls with the shadow of Peter…there was demonstration and power that was being seen, yes, that was going on. The demonstration of the Spirit of the Lord was upon My people, My ministers, so much so that they didn’t need to be in a building; they just had to walk the streets and there I was moving. Yes, that same power that raised Christ from the dead was upon them and could move even away from them and the shadow, yes, even the shadow, which was My Spirit, was healing and delivering and moving through My apostles at that time.


Yes, and even the preaching that came forth was causing hearts to decide, either to disbelieve and oppose, and get angry at the words coming forth, or repent, be glad and rejoice.

Can you not see what it looks like? Can you not understand what it looks like when I am moving? There is power and there is an utterance and a word that causes there to always be a dividing, and you said it through your own words and through your own mouth that I either make them glad, sad, or mad.

This is evidence of My Spirit moving and My Spirit in dominance and the authority on My ministers of reconciliation.


You see it’s almost like He’s highlighted this morning the beginning of Acts where it started, how there was an anointing, how the Holy Spirit first came through a people who prayed and were consecrated and waited on Him, and He came like a whirlwind and the people automatically went out of the upper room and into the streets…that is automatic and that is something you should see and recognize, even in the body today.

When the Holy Spirit is poured out people cannot stay in the pew; they have to go out to the streets for there’s an activation.

And so you have seen, and so don’t you remember when you went to_________? Aahh, I remember when we were moving in the Spirit at _____________ and how gifts were activated and how some started waking up when the Spirit was released, and yet that leader stopped it because of being in control, and all of a sudden it was all stopped. And what was the release and what happened out of that?

It burst, and instead of life, it brought forth adultery in the body and it brought forth coldness and people walking away; it brought forth people being taken away, this marriage being destroyed, this one going off into false doctrine, that one moving away from God and becoming cold and it brought forth a dry cold monument of religion.

Whenever someone or something comes to stop (a move of God) that is the result…the work of Satan, the work of death…but oh remember how it all started and how they let the Holy Spirit move and Peter got up and preached, and the word cut to their hearts and there were so many that came to the Lord and believed, and then there was a movement in homes.

But understand what tried to come with Ananias and Sapphira was disguised in religion, disguised with a mask of pretension, but because of the sensitivity of the ministers (Peter), they were watching and they saw it as soon as it moved by. There was a discernment that came because the Holy Spirit was in charge and He recognized in the disguise that which was false.

But oh how many today would allow Ananias and Sapphira to walk in the door with their pay checks, with their checkbooks, with their debit cards and credit cards, and their bank accounts, and say: “Oh, God told us to give this to you pastor, and oh they would be received and yet it was a messenger of Satan; it was a pride that got in, and then there comes the control through the money…a control of what goes on through the Spirit because of the money.


And so I see the disguise that’s gone in and infiltrated the church in this area.

They know what to say, they know what to do, they know how to come in, and make havoc of pure things that may have started with the right heart, but oh…

They know how to raise their hands, they know how to dress, they know how to move, they know what to say…

It’s a disguise I say.

But now me and Bert pray, for we have a little bit of understanding now. You told us to come in demonstration, for how will they even pay attention, how will their faith even be in the words that are spoken, except they first see the power of God—the pure power of God.

Thank You for this revelation and understanding and what we’re dealing with in this religious spirit.

Now let’s give place to praying in the the Spirit together…


Honest with God, honest with God…the honesty and unveiling starts with God; it starts with an individual’s relationship with the Lord, it starts with transparency, it starts with an unveiled face, it starts by beholding the glory of the Lord as in a mirror…it starts vertically with every believers’s relationship with the Lord…for you cannot hide from God…you can put a mask on but He sees through the mask.

For nothing is veiled but all is open and naked before Him with whom we have to give account and every creature is naked before God. For the sharp sword of His Word cuts through the soul and spirit and the joints and marrow and discerns the thoughts and intents of the heart.

You cannot hide from Him!

So there is the need to walk before Him in purity and integrity and honesty without defilement and without guile and without hypocrisy and without malice, and as babes in Christ, desiring the sincere milk of the Word so that you may grow thereby.

As babes, as babes…for He hides His wisdom from the wise and prudent, but He reveals them unto babes, so as babes, desire the pure milk of the Word. And receive the wisdom, yea, even the hidden secrets of God.

Tongues…lots of tongues…

I’m reminded that the true apostolic and the true prophetic is in this manner—that it turns the hearts of the people towards God; it turns the motives of the hearts of the people towards God, and that which is veiled and masked is ripped apart, so that they see even as they should see and are known even as they’re known, not even just through a glass darkly, but in the Spirit they see, even as God sees what He desires for them to see at that moment and at that time.

So I see where we forget that that operation is supernatural and is such an integral and critical part of the apostolic and the prophetic even as you just said when ___________ ministered at __________, and his opening statements ripped a veil and ripped a mask off the fake and phony carnal prosperity gospel and it turned the motives of people’s hearts immediately toward God,  and it put them face to face with God and with pure truth, and then they decide.

For too many have spoken smooth words from smooth lips when there’s been war in their hearts.

Oh but the truly apostolic and prophetic even as seen in the early apostles and Peter in the early Church, oh, it ripped that mask and that veil and political talk (correctness) right off of people.

So I see the Church has had a mask, and many things have been veiled even as You have shown us today, and the great need is for true apostles and prophets to come with strong words and a certain kind of utterance that would penetrate and unmask and unveil those things which are hidden and that are hindering the Church and God’s people and pure truth from seeping through…hindering the true move of the Spirit of God, for the Spirit cannot be yoked with darkness, and what manner of agreement has God with Baal, and how can we dine at the table of God and the table of devils, and what accord has light with darkness?

So you see even the need of the hour, even as you’re beginning to write that My house shall no more be called a den of thieves but a house of prayer.

So you see that there must be a cleansing and there must be a purification before the true power can really come, for if the power comes without the purification the deception would grow and people would say, “Oh, God is pleased with us for He’s demonstrating His power and pouring out His Spirit and therefore He must be pleased,” and then people would continue to walk on in their blindness and in their deception.

For I will not pour out My power on a church that is blemished and full of pride and sin and deception…no, no, no for that would only further add to the deception that already is.

So there must be a purification, a purifying, a sanctifying, a cleansing of all the impurities that have been veiled and masked.

Our books are forerunners to personal holiness, the move of God, and the return of the Lord. They also combat the departure from the faith and the turning away from the truth we are seeing in our day.  If any of our books or articles on this blog are a blessing and encouragement to you please use the social media buttons below to share them.

Also, this ministry is sustained by the freewill offerings of those who believe in the mandate and message of revival that this ministry carries. Again, if this article has been a blessing to you, would you prayerfully consider making a tax-deductible contribution through our Paypal button to help? 


Thank you, and may God’s richest and best be yours.


The spirit of Christmas needs to be superceded by the Spirit of Christ. The spirit of Christmas is annual; the Spirit of Christ is eternal. The spirit of Christmas is sentimental; the Spirit of Christ is supernatural. The spirit of Christmas is a human product; the Spirit of Christ is a divine person. That makes all the difference in the world. ― Stuart Briscoe

There is such a great need in this hour for the unveiling of the intimate and excellency of the holy knowledge of the real Jesus.

Oh people, do you see what we’ve done with the Holy One?

We’ve brought Him down to our level and made Him so common. Yes, He was made a common man, but yet so uncommon. No man ever lived like Him. No man ever loved like Him. No man ever spoke like Him. He was full of grace and truth (Jn. 1:14). He spoke from the fullness of the Godhead.

All His words were the purest of wisdom. His works were the purest of power. His motives were the purest of love. He was the perfect man; not like us, but sent to make us like Him. Instead we’ve tried so hard to make Him like us.

Why is there an increasingly number of people in the West so confused or deceived about who Jesus really is? Why do they seem to have so little depth or spiritual substance in their lives? Why can’t some people’s Christianity seem to go beyond, “Jesus said, do not judge?” Is it not in large part due to the distorted message of Him that our pulpits, our preachers, and our churches have presented? Is it not for the lack of example we’ve had in many Christian leaders? Similarly, the reason for much of today’s current moral and cultural malaise stems from the Church’s distorted image and message of Christ. 

The image of Jesus for many professing Christians has been shaped by the society around them.  Unless you have an intimate relationship with the Holy One and His Word, the image you have of Him will be distorted. It will resemble the pop culture you live in and what the people of that culture worship. In the West, self is god. Corruptible man is worshipped. Humanism rules. And this is what we see in much of today’s Church. This is what we see during the Christmas holidays. Jesus is Santa Claus who has come bearing gifts for all of us while His demands are ignored.

The fewer preconceptions we bring from the outside, for instance in the reading of the gospels, the more clearly we shall see Him and hear Him as He really is. It is all too easy to believe in a Jesus who is largely a construction of our own imagination—an inoffensive Person whom no one could dislike or disapprove of, and certainly whom no one would ever crucify.

But the Jesus we meet in the gospels is far from being an inoffensive person. On the contrary, He caused offense quite frequently. Even His own loyal followers found Him to be offensive and quite disconcerting at times. He upset all established notions of religious propriety.

An inaccurate, distorted, and unbiblical view of Jesus is a big reason why many pastors fail to confront sin in the Church and speak of the evils in our society and educate people on true morality.

When asked why pastors don’t speak out against the evils in our nation and government one influential pastor said, “I think one reason is a lot of Christian leaders have the wrong idea about Jesus. They see Jesus as this little, wimpy guy who walked around plucking daisies and eating birdseed and saying nice things, but never doing anything controversial.” 

Oh, how wrong they are. Read the red letters of Jesus. It will be an eye opener for you. There was no political correctness about Him. He was firm. He was direct. And He usually rocked the boat. Such a contrast from the baby Jesus in a manger that is depicted at Christmas time. Yes, He was once a baby, but in glory He was born. The shepherds were frightened when they saw the glory of the Lord that surrounded His birth.

“Suddenly, an angel of the Lord appeared among them, and the radiance of the Lord’s glory surrounded them. They were terrified…” (Lk. 2:9, NLT).

As Christ was formed in Mary’s womb by the power of the Holy Spirit so has He been formed in every true born again believer. That is the true fulfillment of Christmas and why He came.

Do you know Him? Is He in you?

This Christmas series contains modified excerpts from my book, The Real Jesus. It is a book that I’d love to put into the hands of many during this holiday season. It would make a great gift.

If this article has been a blessing to you please share it. And may God make you a blessing during this Christmas season as you exalt the Lord Jesus Christ.  


We are living in perilous times. The greatest of the perils may be the failure of the Church to teach sound doctrine and stand in the whole counsel of God. The second greatest failure as a result of the first is giving heed to seducing spirits and the false prophetic that fills the vacuum churches and preachers have left for not preaching the baptism and the great work of the Holy Spirit.

Here’s a recent quote by Mario Murillo:

“Today we are swimming in more false teaching, false prophecy and false Christianity than ever before. All across the internet ministries dabble in new age hybrids of Christian faith, exotic extremes, drunkenness and even perversion. Turns out, the church is the other swamp that needs draining.”

Deception is everywhere.


I’d like to share another story that will serve as one more example of a deceived people, who due to not hearing the whole counsel of God had become comfortable in their sinful lifestyle. This true account does not end well and serves to show the tragic consequences of the failure to preach the real gospel.

Years ago I took a Bible school group of 10 students to a church in a large city in America. God led me to preach a very strong message on repentance. As I was giving the altar call people began to come forward. Before I could instruct them, however, the pastor stepped in and brought the entire service to a halt. He accused me of being hard and defended himself and his people, saying that they were all just as saved as I or anyone else was. He then asked me to come to his office and further reprimanded me for my message. The Lord told me to keep my mouth shut and not say anything. This pastor then cancelled the rest of the meetings we were to have in his church, and also called all the other churches in the area that we were scheduled to minister in and convinced the pastors of those churches to cancel the remainder of our meetings as well.

Within a day or two of that particular meeting I received a vision from the Lord to explain what had happened in that church. In the vision he showed me a large snake all coiled up on top of a mound of sand. Then he showed me cocking my right arm back and firing a rock that hit him right between the eyes. Suddenly that snake uncoiled, raised up his ugly head, and hissed loudly while shaking violently and scattering sand everywhere. His secure stronghold had been threatened. The Lord showed me that there were serious sin issues in that church beginning with the pastor himself, and the message I preached shook and unsettled everything.

Sometime later a brother whom we found favor with from this hosting church wrote me at my request to let me know what transpired in that church over the next several years. Within two years the children’s pastor was charged with child molestation. Think of the damage done to those children. Then the pastor’s daughter, a married woman, was caught having an affair with her boss. Her husband died a couple of years later. This adulteress woman has a beautiful daughter who loves Jesus, but to this day she enjoys no relationship with her. This is the rotten fruit of sin.

That’s not all, though. A few years later the host pastor, who was responsible for virtually kicking us out of town and canceling all our meetings, suddenly fell dead of a massive heart attack on a Sunday morning right before a service. Another pastor, who had cancelled our meetings because the host pastor encouraged him to, was also caught in adultery and lost his church. It turns out this other pastor only cancelled our meetings because the host pastor was the biggest financial contributor of his television ministry.

All these casualties happened because people were made to feel comfortable in their sins; because no one preached the confrontational aspects of the gospel. Judgment caught up with people in this church because they were not willing to judge themselves. Think about that. And think about their eternal fate.


Evil and wickedness are actually strengthened when preachers fail to stand in the counsel of the Lord and speak His words.

“They strengthen also the hands of evildoers, that none returns from his wickedness…But if they had stood in my counsel, and had caused my people to hear my words, then they should have turned them from their evil way, and from the evil of their doings” (Jer. 23: 14, 22).

Somehow people think it is mean-spirited and even condemning to preach the cross and a confrontational gospel that deals with sin and worldliness and calls people to repentance, when actually it is the mercy of God and His saving grace to do so.

The real life examples I listed above are a direct result of a failure to preach the real gospel and to warn people of impending judgment and the consequences of sin. Sadly, there are multitudes in hell today because they were lied to or deceived and didn’t hear the  truth of the gospel. They heard another version that never told them to repent and turn from their sins.

Ministers will be held accountable for not preaching the full counsel of God. God hates deception because it eventually destroys people, brings judgment upon them, and is eternally fatal. Notice again these extremely strong words from the Amplified version of the Bible and the very heavy indictment given to those who preach another gospel:

“But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to and different from that which we preached to you, let him be accursed (anathema, devoted to destruction, doomed to eternal punishment)! As we said before, so I now say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel different from or contrary to that which you received [from us], let him be accursed (anathema, devoted to destruction, doomed to eternal punishment)” (Gal 1:8-9 Amp)!

Do we really believe that such a horrific curse pronounced on false preachers of a false gospel is in the Bible? Does this really mean what it says? Whenever something is repeated in the same context of Scripture we better pay very close attention to it and understand God’s heart in the matter. His anger and severity with all those who preach another gospel is glaringly evident here.

Why is this most damning terminology used to devote and doom men to destruction and eternal punishment? I’ll tell you why: Because a false gospel deceives and damns souls. It insults the precious blood of Christ and the agony and sacrifice He made for the sin of the world. It takes away the glory from the redemptive work of Jesus. It stains and contaminates the glorious bride of Christ. And in this context, it threatened to cause these young Galatian converts to depart from Christ and the real faith and return to the Law.

“Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the sea” Mat 18:6).

“Therefore I testify to you this day that I am innocent of the blood of all men. For I have not shunned to declare to you the whole counsel of God” (Acts 20:26-27).

I don’t want the blood of sinners on my hands because of a failure to preach the real Biblical gospel. Paul preached in order to present every man perfect in Christ Jesus (Col 1:28). May we do the same and save our necks and those who hear us.

Our books are forerunners to personal holiness, the move of God, and the return of the Lord. They also combat the departure from the faith and the turning away from the truth we are seeing in our day. The Real Gospel, The Real Jesus, The Real Salvation, and  The Real Spirit Of Revival are especially strategic in trumping the many falsehoods spreading in the modern day Church. If any of our books or articles on this blog are a blessing and encouragement to you please use the social media buttons below to share them.

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Thank you, and may God’s richest and best be yours.