Warm greetings, and warm Jesus love to you, dear friends from across the many miles that separate most of us!

Today was another milestone for me as I completed my last outpatient therapy session, which I will now continue at home. We are presently at the six week mark since my stroke. Most stroke victims recovery period is between the 3-6 month mark, and some with bigger ones take longer. A minister friend of mine said it was about two years before he felt like himself again after his stroke. Barring God’s miracle power, some who have massive strokes with more extensive damage are never quite the same.  

       Balance therapy

I praise the Lord for His kindness and mercy to me and an extension of my life and the ministry He has called me to fulfill on the earth. Now it’s my precious wife Carolyn’s turn to overcome her own ongoing health challenges by God’s grace. Again, most of you don’t know that she needs surgery to remove a low grade malignant tumor from her left calf. It is outpatient surgery, same day out. But then she has to back in just 7-10 days later to have more extensive plastic surgery done to fill in the hole the first surgery  will  leave. That second segment of the surgery is about a 5 hour surgery with a longer recovery period. Please stand in faith and agreement with us for surgical wisdom, guidance, and pinpoint precision with no complications, adverse effects, and an accelerated recovery period, nothing short of miraculous. 

Yes, it has been a challenging season for us, and one that will mark a historical timeline in our history with the Lord. His grace has been abundant and His faithfulness has been great. Carolyn and I believe we will both be stronger, better, and wiser after this season passes. Praise the Name of Jesus!

Carolyn will have surgery and will fully recover.

Why is this happening?

From the beginning I’ve stated that it is simply a demonic attack. I won’t touch anything else in my thought realm. It’s a dead end street. Did you open the door through sin? Not that I’m aware of. We live clean lives, and constantly watch our love walk. We have no unforgiveness or strife with anyone.  We will go to great lengths to repent and forgive.  Has the Lord dealt with you guys about things? Yes, but most things are none of anyone’s business but ours. Are we going to make some adjustments? You bet we are. Much of it has to do with rest. 

The Lord told us that the decade of our 60s would be our most fruitful years (Carolyn is 59 and I am 61). The devil comes to steal, kill, and destroy. End of story. But let me say that some attacks on us have been vicious. For example, we’ve received much hate mail from the LGBTQ community over some strong and holy articles we’ve written on homosexuality. Even my wife and son were threatened. Even since the stroke, one so called minister said the reason I had a stroke was because my doctrine was off, and he went on to add that if I didn’t change my doctrine, I’d probably have another stroke. Can you believe the wickedness of such a human being, much less a so called minister?  I deleted his comment, blocked him, and banned him to preacher prison. Many people, even religious ministers, hate the word we preach and the move of the Spirit we carry. Many hate the boldness and directness of our writings. Devils despise the fire of holiness that we love and that has marked our ministry for many years. They also seethe with rage at the anointing on my wife’s prayer life and the wisdom and revelation that have fueled us and hindered many devils from wreaking havoc on the saints and churches. We thank the Lord and intend to run our full race and finish our course and assignment in Him. Obedience is the food of our lives and ministry. 

“Jesus said to them, “My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to finish His work.


What we do need is a larger prayer covering from our partner churches and dearest friends. Thank you for all you who do pray regularly for us. We know we couldn’t have made it this far without all the outpouring of love, prayers, and support we’ve received.  Our hearts are overflowing with gratitude. Glory to God! And our faith is arising and we are filled with hope for the future. We make one consistent declaration: The devil is defeated and JESUS is LORD!

If you’ve read this far, thank you for your time today.

Abundant grace and peace to all of you who love the Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity. 

NOTE: Our books and articles are forerunners to the move of God, personal holiness, and the return of the Lord. The fire of God and the fear of God is attached to them. If you feel like this article is valuable, please use the social media buttons below to share it.

Also, this ministry is sustained by the freewill offerings of those who believe in the mandate and message of revival that this ministry carries. If this article has been a blessing to you, would you prayerfully consider making a tax-deductible contribution through our Paypal button to help? 




On Thursday March 19 I had a minor stroke that left me with limited mobility on my left side. I spent a few days in the hospital before transferring to a rehab center where I am currently receiving intensive therapy. I will be okay and recover full mobility and then some. God has been good to me and will restore my health and heal all my wounds (Jer. 30:17).

Furthermore, God has communicated many things to me during this time concerning adjustments I need to make going forward. My faith is arising and I am filled with hope for the future. What many people don’t yet know is that my wife Carolyn was scheduled for surgery on March 18 that was postponed due to the virus. A blessing in disguise indeed, because I was to take care of her after her surgery, but now am needing care myself.

In the end we will both be okay and fully recover in the mighty Name of Jesus. The only thing is that we have to postpone our ministry travel schedule until further notice.

Until further notice we have temporarily postponed our ministry travels


Very simply, it was a demonic attack against our lives and ministry. I’ll leave it right there. One reality about true faith is that it never accuses God. To do that is to side in with the devil, who is the true accuser of God and the brethren. I will never give him any self-satisfaction for what he put me and my family through. But I can tell you that by the power of the Holy Spirit he will pay. As a matter of fact, he already is as nearly everyone who has served me in the hospital and rehab center has heard the gospel, and I led my roommate in a sinner’s prayer yesterday here. We will come at him hard. God will restore us physically and multiply us spiritually. We will see more healings and miracles going forward than we’ve ever seen in our lifetime by the mighty power of God. 

Some have asked why I didn’t tell anyone. Honestly, we just are not those kind of people. As the Lord said to a good friend of mine who recently had major surgery when he was about to ask everyone for prayer on Facebook:

“I told you to cast your cares on Me, not Facebook.” 

Isn’t that good? Please don’t feel sorry for us or pity us. Unbelief is detrimental to our fullest recovery. We appreciate compassion, faith filled prayers, and Spirit-inspired intercession but not begging nor accusing God for what happened. I trust you understand. There are a few close friends who pray and are full of faith that we disclosed  this trial to, and they have been a great blessing to us. You know who you are. Your love, faith, and prayers have ministered great strength to Carolyn and I.

Although we appreciate everyone’s love, care, and concern, I  want to also tell you that due to therapy I do not have time to answer people’s questions or respond to personal inquiries.  Please respect our privacy and give us time. We are in touch with a few dear close friends including our pastors and partners, and that is sufficient . 


Besides putting all my efforts into therapy and giving myself to prayer, I will still be writing articles and working on another book that has been birthed in me during this trial. But we simply cannot travel like we were doing so extensively before. If you want to sow a financial seed or contribution to our ministry, that is your prerogative. You follow the Lord and do what He says. We want to be sensitive to churches and believers in this hour of great national crisis that is difficult on believers and churches and causing a financial burden on many. God is our Source and we fully trust Him to take care of us personally and ministerially. We are His beloved children and His love has overwhelmed us during this time. 

Thank you for your understanding. 

Finally, please be careful not to add or take away from anything I’ve said here. That is how rumors spread. One person twists the story, then another adds to it, and before you know it, accuracy is totally lost. 

Please know that this will turn out to be a historic year in our calendar and timeline with God.  Carolyn and I are in positive spirits and rejoicing in God’s intervention and my miraculous recovery. Carolyn is also in perfect peace concerning her surgery.  We are under the overcoming glory of God right now. Now that this has finally been made public  I will occasionally be giving you updates of our progress and sharing fresh revelation. I will tell you one thing, never has the Word of God been as precious to me as it’s been over the last couple of weeks. I have fed on His healing Word nearly day and night and it is alive in my heart. 

Thank you everyone for your love and concern. We will fully recover and be fully restored. 


Bert (and Carolyn) 

NOTE: Our books and articles are forerunners to the move of God, personal holiness, and the return of the Lord. The fire of God and the fear of God is attached to them. If you feel like this article is valuable, please use the social media buttons below to share it.

Also, this ministry is sustained by the freewill offerings of those who believe in the mandate and message of revival that this ministry carries. If this article has been a blessing to you, would you prayerfully consider making a tax-deductible contribution through our Paypal button to help? 


Thank you, and may God’s richest and best be yours.