Could what the late prophet Kenneth E. Hagin saw in September 1950 vision is upon us? 

“I looked at the scroll again, and again I looked to see what I had read about. I saw the skyline of a large city. Looking closer, I saw the skyscrapers were burned out hulls. Portions of the city lay in ruins. It was not written that just one city would be destroyed, burned, and in ruins, but that there would be many such cities. 

The Lord then began to speak to him about America’s last call and the end of all things being at hand. 

I wrote these words nearly a month ago:

The recent Covid-19 pandemic has altered our nation, but will it be temporary? Remember, Pharaoh reneged on his promises to let God’s people go. He was not sincere. God is looking for sincerity and humility in America, in both repentance and our service to Him.

I’m warning you that if pride and arrogance continue to rule today’s church leaders and there is insincere repentance and we return to life as usual, there is something else that will come on the heels of this virus that will alter life in America again. I wish it were not so, and I hope I’m wrong. The effects of another national crisis may last longer than this one. Depending on how the church and people respond to the second thing (I don’t sense it will be another pandemic, but something else), there will be a third crisis that will change our nation for good, unless there is humility and heartfelt repentance that leads into a Spirit-filled movement and a national awakening.

Now we can see that the racial riots and senseless actions of violent thugs and looters over the unlawful death (really murder) of George Floyd that are sweeping  across our nation is indeed a second crisis.

Oh people, it’s time to serve the Lord with holy fear and trembling. To those who’ve been genuinely born again, God is our Father who loves us with an everlasting love, but don’t forget He is also a consuming fire, and it is a fearful thing to fall into His hands (Heb. 10:31). He loves even His enemies and desires to keep His hand of protection over our lives, families and nation, but we must cooperate with Him. He is patiently waiting for the precious fruit of the earth (James 5:7)and a glorious Church to arise from her anemic state and offer to Him the reward of His sacrifice.  Jesus is returning for such a Church – one who loves not their lives even unto death. He loves His church and the world so much and desires His best for all, but we must submit to Him or His protection will be removed off our nation even more, and Satan will continue to defile our land. 

Floyd protest photos - AP


Here is a brother calling for a counter peacemaker movement:

We wake up this morning to a new trauma and an urgent invitation. Please make no mistake as you read headlines about “Protesters” and violence, survey the damage, and pick the broken pieces. Yesterday there were hundreds if not thousands of peaceful prayer vigils hosted by communities of faith. And there were hyped up but physically non-violent “protests” in different places which could be more likened to rallies.

However AFTER those, cities all over America were assaulted. There is a major difference between a protest and a riot. But what I witnessed late last night isn’t rioting. It was a calculated Anarchist attack by those who: 1. Have no hope 2. Believe there is NO value in non-violence 3. Are committed to violent overthrow of the present systems. 4. Possess no fear of God therefore possessing no foundation for internal restraint, moral governance, or the need to be governed. In sociology, a tipping point is a point in time when a group—or many group members—rapidly and dramatically change behavior by widely adopting a previously rare practice. This usually happens when the shelf life of what is standard practice, has expired or grown stale. WE ARE IN A TIPPING POINT.

Historically in America, these types of groups were considered “fringe” but today many of them have the loudest voice BECAUSE WE are not physically PRESENT. The number of black, white, Asian, Latino, and native Americans who DO NOT BELIEVE THOSE THINGS FAR OUTNUMBER those with anarchists ideas, and we are literally HANDING them the tipping point advantage.

I’m as upset and hurt by the failures of America and the police as the next man but this ENTIRE GAME is changing QUICKLY. People died last night and early this morning but the coming bloodshed will be far more grievous. I write this through dried out and blurry eyes, on less than 4 hours of rest as I attempt to keep rinsing the remnants of the tear gas that got into them. Myself and just a few of my friends stood, prayed, confronted, and tried to de-escalate the crisis as OUTSIDERS looted businesses, hurled rocks at the police, damaged properties, and RE-TRAUMATIZED my already deeply wounded city of Ferguson, Missouri.

Based not only on what I have known and experienced for many years, but what I have assessed from last night. (or I should say this morning) If MASSES are not mobilized as PEACEMAKERS in order to take control of the narrative within the next 24-72 hours; just as quickly as COVID-19 changed nations almost overnight, we will not recognize this country one week from today.

I’m going LIVE on @Civilrighteousness for the 8:18a est/7:18a morning rally in our #ISAIAH58fast and doing the DAY 2- PEACEMAKING devotional in the Field Action Guide.(you can download it for free at

THEN I want to share a strategy that I believe could actually significantly impact the trajectory of where this is headed if implemented immediately by even 5% of those who do not share Anarchist belief systems. Please check it out. — Jonathan Jermaine Thomas

Violent protest against police killing of George Floyd in NYC

I partly agree with Jonathan and applaud his valiant efforts. But we need more than a peace-making movement. We need a mushrooming prayer movement the likes of the prayer revival of 1830-31 that began with lunch time prayer meetings with an outpouring of heart-felt contrition and broken confession of people’s sins that swept through the churches and then the nation. We also need the fearless boldness, and firepower of Pentecost to kick us out of the four walls of our churches, and as Jonathan stated, be a presence in these cities. 


Here’s what Mario Mario so succinctly stated yet again in his latest blog:

“Meanwhile, the true resistance—with the exception of a prophetic core— is asleep at the wheel. The army that holds the only answer to racial injustice—for the most part—doesn’t know who they are. They took the gold out of their message and replaced it with powerless sermons made of tin.

“Had there been more of the fire of God in the church, there would be less fires in the streets. If there was more of hell preached in the pulpit, there would be less hell being lived out in the inner city. The people with the solution and something relevant to say, are apologizing instead of evangelizing. The people with the bankrupt human remedy who have nothing to say, are declaring it with conviction.”

Mario is right! The people with no remedy or solution tell a lie with conviction while the Church tells the truth so poorly. We have got to do better! I believe God always has a Divine response to such evil and destruction in our nation, and it is always through His glorious Body and mighty army that it must come. We need the supernatural activity of God right now working though His people. Nothing else will work. 

Have The Tumultuous 2020s started? Find out what you must do to prepare and position yourself to thrive as God’s  authentic remnant in this decade. 


“Now the Spirit clearly says that in the last times some will depart from the faith and pay attention to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils” (1 Tim. 4:1).

“Preach the word, be ready in season and out of season, reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with all patience and teaching. For the time will come when people will not endure sound doctrine, but they will gather to themselves teachers in accordance with their own desires, having itching ears” (2 Tim. 4:2-3).

A subversive effort by the leftist leaning liberals to infiltrate the Church and turn people away from the real gospel and true doctrine is gaining momentum in this hour. The purpose of this agenda is to sway the church toward a radical political movement and the spread of socialism in our nation.

Its socialist agenda consists of the following buzz words:

Social justice
White privilege
Feeding the poor

They will use this terminology to persuade professing Christians into buying their bill of goods. Young people especially are being hoodwinked by these socialists. They will mention these buzzwords without ever mentioning moral biblical issues. Their language is always very nuanced and overt. They use leftist talking points dressed in Christian veneer. Why have they gone after the church?

Because the church is the last bulwark preventing their socialist ideology from becoming a reality. But they are infiltrating the church in subtle ways. They operate through the peace movement, the black lives matter movement, the women’s movement and the labor movement. They infiltrate our sacred institutions that people have considered safe. There are many examples of this.

For instance, World Vision, a once trusted Christian adopting agency for children, has been co-opted into the leftist movement. The progressive left used to hate World Vision because of its Christian conservative stance and charity. Now they love the organization and are becoming partners with it.

The NAE (National Association of Evangelicals) is another example. This organization was led by a full-fledged apostate, who was funded by George Soros, as are many of these secret socialists.

The Roman Catholic Church is the most long-standing example of being connected to the socialist/communist movement. And if you’ll do your research, you’ll find that the current Pope Francis (real name is Jorge Mario Bergoglio from Argentina) is himself a communist.

Along with the Roman Catholic Church, the mainstream Lutheran and Episcopalian Church have been infiltrated by socialist/communistic ideology since the 1920s and 1930s. It’s been subtle but you can see the erosion of pure doctrine in these churches, which is a direct result of the penetration of a global socialist agenda.

What is presently shocking and very disturbing is the heavy penetration of socialism into the evangelical churches over the last few years, including, get this, the Baptist Church. Find that hard to believe?

Socialism has been hidden for decades in our nation but has secretly and quietly advanced until now when many people including Christians are being seduced by it. There are now elected Congressmen in our government who were taught socialism at a young age in schools and universities both here and abroad. These are the progressives who seek to destroy America’s ideals, form of democracy, and way of life. They have dressed up their agenda with Christian rhetoric for many years, but now they are brasher and bolder than they’ve ever been. Trump’s presidency is the biggest reason. He is a huge threat to their plans for a socialist nation.

Who Is George Soros?

Soros is a multi-billionaire hard core socialist who has had connections with Russia and Hungary for many decades, since World War II. In recent times, he has contributed over $18 billion into the socialist/communist movement in America. His motivation is to bring down our democratic system and godly constitution by flooding the church with socialist propaganda. For example, he and his minions use amnesty for illegal immigrants as a hot button issue to bring division in our nation. Soros is a globalist and wants a borderless socialist world where America is just one small province of a greater United Nations world super state. This man’s evil agenda needs to be fully exposed and resisted.

Of course, any serious Christian would say that they want nothing to do with Soros, but what they don’t understand is that he uses people that we know and trust to subvert and co-opt us into his socialist agenda and movement. For this reason, many of our largest Christian institutions have been infiltrated with leftist propaganda.

As another example, Tim Keller who formed the Gospel Coalition, has been co-opted by the left to alter doctrine and create new voters for the left. A majority of black Americans as well as a good number of Hispanics and whites have swallowed their agenda hook, line and sinker.

When socialism/communism began to infiltrate churches, they preached their ideology with a little Christian veneer, and many saw through their agenda and left. But now they preach 80-90 percent Christianity and add a little of the other. They push for social justice, promote the war against global warming, the ending of white privilege, the push for illegal immigration and catering to refugees from overseas. What many Christians don’t realize is that these programs are all left wing socialist/communist programs. You are getting 80-90 percent Christian content with a little poisonous socialist/communist doctrine thrown in.

The most effective lie is the one with the most truth in it. There’s an old Arab proverb that says, “Every liar tells the truth.”

There was a famous Marxist school that was established in America in the 1930s by Communist Marxist refugees. It was these refugees who started the cultural and sexual revolution of the 1960s and 70s. What is happening now is that their movement has grown and their ideology has spread to universities and now in the churches.

Christians need great discernment in this day and hour. Many are falling for these Marxist programs that have nothing to do with the gospel and they are subtly being moved to the left. These voters will end up destroying the America we’ve always known and loved unless the church wakes up and rises up to an uncompromisingly righteous position of strength. Christians who actually apply their faith to politics are the great final barrier to this corrupt socialist/communist agenda. This is why they are now being targeted.

The video is an introduction to a documentary movie concerning this takeover of America (Enemies Within The Church). Its release is due sometime in 2019. I believe very strongly in this documentary movie. Please pray for it, support it financially, and share it. The revelations and findings in this movie are going to shock the church and the world. I believe it could spark the radical, moral, and cultural revolution we so desperately need in our day.

Be a support to us and follow our blog and help spread these messages. Also, consider subscribing to our ministry YouTube channel for weekly 15 minute Face to Face video impartations on the Spirit-filled life from my wife and I.  

Our books are forerunners to personal holiness, the move of God, and the return of the Lord. They also combat the departure from the faith and the turning away from the truth we are seeing in our day. 

Also, this ministry is sustained by the freewill offerings of those who believe in the mandate and message of revival and restoration that this ministry carries. Again, if this article has been a blessing to you, would you prayerfully consider making a tax-deductible contribution through our Paypal button to help? 


Thank you, and may God’s richest and best be yours.


Don’t let this statement throw you but hear me out. America is now known as a homosexual nation. It is run and dominated by a homosexual agenda and now even a transgender agenda. And yet homosexuals are only 2% of our population. They control the cultural conversation, our media, our education system, and the language. You can no longer counsel gays or transgenders without backlash and persecution. You can no longer talk about family values because it offends them.

The homosexual agenda controls our movies and television. They control aspects of our government and our laws. Never did I think this could ever be in America. Our forefathers are rolling over in their graves. But guess what? This is not who the majority are in our nation. It’s just that the 2% have been resolute and demonstrated resolve and dominated the majority who are indifferent. They lie better than the Church tells the truth. The radicality that the Church should’ve been demonstrating for righteousness the homosexuals have demonstrated for evil. Shame on us.

In the American revolution history teaches us that only one-third of the people in the young colonies were truly patriots seeking independence from Britain’s tyrannical government. Another one third were loyalists to the king while the remaining 33-40% were indifferent and didn’t care one way or the other. That is how it is today.

Those old patriots had a depth of conviction and were unflinching in their resolve. They were committed to their freedom and liberty. They had great courage for a cause that would extend to their children and grandchildren and future generations. Sacrifice and suffering were embraced as a virtue. They defined their moment. It’s time for some real spiritual patriots to arise who won’t give up until there’s reformation and revival everywhere.

God only needs a consecrated minority. It’s actually a consistent theme in the Scriptures that a minority is what He prefers. Gideon’s 300 were enough and they recaptured 7 years of a lost harvest from thousands of the enemies of God. The 120 in the upper room were enough. They were a threat to the Roman empire and shook their world and turned it upside down for Christ. God has a mighty remnant that have not bowed their knees unto Baal and they can change this nation and the world.

As I heard someone say recently, we are in a defining moment in history. A defining moment is a moment that what is done in that moment will affect the future. A defining moment is a moment that puts a nation, a culture, and a church on a different path. A defining moment is a moment when conformity to society and the status quo is challenged. It’s a pushback moment when the Church rises up in defiance against the rule and political correctness of the culture.

Someone once said: Fear and anxiety typically coral us into formatted behavior rather than insight and revelation that offers a better way. God’s way is a better way.

Defining moments are moments when someone takes the pen and with decisive authorship writes the script for a new play. It’s time to write a different ending to the play the world has written, and it’s time to write it in accordance to God’s word.

We are moving into a defining and tipping point moment. Defining moments are not defined by governments or politicians. They are defined by a righteous radical remnant who refuse to let antichrist people with corrupt agendas define the moment. God gives us courage and authority to define moments. He expects us to be good soldiers. Throughout history it’s been the radicals in the Church that define pivotal times and crisis in culture.

Karl Marx was wrong about many things but he was right about this: Two percent who are passionate dominate the 98% who are indifferent. Indifference and passivity always loses. We need to end the delusional thinking that it takes the majority to bring forth radical change. If God be for us the odds will always be in our favor.

In the kingdom of God numbers never determine victories. God and His angels are for radical righteousness. All we need is a resolute minority anointed by the Spirit with some iron resolve to accomplish God’s purposes and make history.

May You, oh Lord, infuse iron resolve into our souls for Your great glory. In Jesus Name. Amen.

Our books are forerunners to personal holiness, the move of God, and the return of the Lord. They also combat the departure from the faith and the turning away from the truth we are seeing in our day. The Real Gospel, The Real Jesus, The Real Salvation, and  The Real Spirit Of Revivalare especially strategic in trumping the many falsehoods spreading in the modern day Church. Cleansing The Temple is flying off the shelves right now as the message is resonating with many in this hour. If any of our books or articles on this blog are a blessing and encouragement to you please use the social media buttons below to share them.

Also, this ministry is sustained by the freewill offerings of those who believe in the mandate and message of revival that this ministry carries. Again, if this article has been a blessing to you, would you prayerfully consider making a tax-deductible contribution through our Paypal button to help? 


Thank you, and may God’s richest and best be yours.


This is a compilation of several major visions and prophecies of last days events leading up to the coming of the Lord. I’ve shared them individually this week in their entirety, but now here I highlight excerpts from each one. 


There must be special preparation for the return of Christ and at least half of all believers will be totally unprepared. We have to see that these days have to come before the Lord can come. There has to be a falling away. I want to speak to you very exactly. All the people which are pressing into and getting ready for this glorious attained place where they shall not be found naked, where they shall be blameless, where they shall be immovable, where they shall be purified by the power of the Word of God, have within them a consciousness of the very presence of God within, changing their very nature and preparing them for a greater thing, and causing them to be ready for translation.

This is the day of purifying. This is the day of holiness. This is the day of separation. This is the day of waking. O God, let us wake today! Let the inner spirit wake into consciousness that God is calling us.

HAGIN – 1950

I was struck dumb. He laid his right hand on my head and said, “Read, in the Name of Jesus Christ!”

I began to read what was written on the paper, and as the words instructed me, I looked and saw what I had just read about. First I read about thousands upon thousands of men in uniform. Then I looked and saw these men marching, wave after wave of soldiers marching as to war. I looked in the direction they were going, and as far as I could see there were thousands of men marching.

I turned to read the scroll again, and then looked and saw what I had just read about. I saw many women—old women with snowy white hair, middle-aged women, young women and teenagers. Some of the younger ones held babies in their arms. All of the women were bowed together in sorrow and were weeping profusely. Those who did not carry babies held their hands on their stomachs as they bowed over and wept. Tears flowed from their eyes like water.

I looked at the scroll again, and again I looked to see what I had read about. I saw the skyline of a large city. Looking closer, I saw the skyscrapers were burned-out hulls. Portions of the city lay in ruins. It was not written that just one city would be destroyed, burned and in ruins, but that there would be many such cities.

The scroll was written in the first person, and seemed as if Jesus Himself were speaking. I read: “America is receiving her last call. Some nations already have received their last call and never will receive another.”

…”More and more miracles will be performed in the last days which are just ahead, for it is time for the gift of the working of miracles to be more in prominence. We now have entered into the era of the miraculous.

Many of my own people will not accept the moving of my Spirit, and will turn back and will not be ready to meet Me at my coming. Many will be deceived by false prophets and miracles of satanic origin. But follow the Word of God, the Spirit of God and Me, and you will not be deceived. I am gathering my own together and am preparing them, for the time is short.”

…”So today I am speaking and giving America her last warning and call to repentance, and the time that is left is comparable to the last seven days of Noah’s time” (Gen. 7:4).

“Judgment is coming. Warn this generation, as did Noah his generation, for judgment is about to fall. And these sayings shall be fulfilled shortly, for I am coming soon.”

Jesus repeated, “This is the last revival. I am preparing my people for my coming. Judgment is coming, but I will call my people away, even unto Myself, before the worst shall come. But be thou faithful; watch and pray, for the time of the end of all things is at hand.”

HAGIN – 1963

For there came a dark hand up out of the ocean from the east, even from the Atlantic Ocean. It came up out of the sea as a hand and as it rose up into the air it became a dark cloud and it filled the whole atmosphere. Yea, and it swept in like a storm at sea. And I said, “Oh Lord! Oh Lord! Oh Lord! What’s the meaning of this?” And He spake unto me and said,

“Son, that is the darkness of atheistic communism that is sweeping across the nation—even in the minds of men in high places and politicians with great power. And this nation shall not grow more strong and you shall not have more liberty than you have now, but liberties that you’ve known and you’ve seen shall be seized and taken from you.”

And I looked again, and I could see upon the mountain a blotch, as though a bottle of ink had been spilled and spread out over several states in the south and east. And then I looked and I could see spots splotched all over the map and I said, “Lord, what meaneth this?”

And He said,

“Communistic inspired hatred among races shall cause greater turmoil than your nation has seen heretofore. Yea, it is not the will of God but men’s hearts are perverse and they walk without the love of God and seek to have their own way. And so it shall be worse than you have seen.”

And I said, “Oh Lord! Oh Lord! Is there a remedy? Is there a remedy? What shall the answer be?”

And He said,

“Evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceived and being deceived.”

And then I said, “Oh, Lord! Do we have nothing to look forward to in the future except the darkness, the blackness, war, destruction and evil?”

And so then I looked into the spirit realm and I saw falling upon that mountain a ball of fire from heaven. The closer to the Earth, the bigger it got, and then when it came to the Earth it divided into small balls or sparks of fire, and it fell upon men. And I saw an army of men rise up, and it seemed as though their hands were fire. And there sat upon their heads a tongue of fire. (When I first saw it, it seemed like their whole heads were on fire but it was tongues of fire leaping.) And I said, “What meaneth this?”

And He said,

“Before the worst shall come and the day of darkness encompasses there will be those who shall go and who shall carry the fullness of My truth and the fire, not only to the states of this nation but to many other places. For there is a work that must be done, first spiritually, before the Lord shall come.

“Now prepare ye your hearts, for the time is at hand and the beginning is now; and ye shall see and ye shall know for the hand of the Lord is upon you and many of you shall be used in these last days and the work shall progress.”


“With great judgments will I plead with the population of this country. Great darkness is coming upon the countries that have heard My gospel but no longer walk in it. My wrath shall come upon them. The darkness shall be so great and the anguish so sore that men shall cry out for death and shall not find it. There shall be a lingering death, famine and great catastrophes.

My wrath shall be manifested against all ungodliness. It shall come with great intensity. You have known my love but have not experienced My wrath or My severity. My judgments are literal and not a thing to be passed over lightly.

Realize the severity of My judgments and My intense anger against the sin in My household. My judgments shall begin in My house, for I will cleanse My house that it be not a partaker of My wrath against the iniquities of the cities. Before I visit the nations in judgment; I will begin at My house. When I do cause My wrath to come upon the cities of the world, My people shall be separate. I desire a people without spot or wrinkle, and such will be preserved by Me in the time of My wrath, which will be coming upon all iniquity and unrighteousness.

I am going to prepare you for the coming days by a hard path that will cause many to cry out continually unto Me. For when the going is easy, men do not seek Me but rejoice in a temporary blessing. And when that blessing is removed, they so often turn this way and that way but do not come to Me. I am showing you these things in order that you may seek Me continually and with great diligence. As you seek Me, I will open up truths to you that you have not seen before, and these very truths will be such that will enable you to stand in these last days. As you are persecuted, reviled and rejected by your brethren, then you will turn unto Me with all your heart and seek Me for that spiritual life that you need so that when the tribulation comes, you will have that which will enable you to stand for many will be tossed to and fro. Men’s hearts shall fail them because of trouble on every hand. These days shall be very terrible, the likes of which have never been seen before.


“A lukewarmness without parallel will take hold of the Christians, a falling away from true, living Christianity. Christians will not be open for penetrating preaching. They will not, like in earlier times, want to hear of sin and grace, law and gospel, repentance and restoration. There will come a substitute instead: prosperity (happiness) Christianity.

“The important thing will be to have success, to be something; to have material things, things that God never promised us in this way. Churches and prayer houses will be emptier and emptier. Instead of the preaching we have been used to for generations -like, to take your cross up and follow Jesus, – entertainment, art and culture will invade the churches where there should have been gatherings for repentance and revival. This will increase markedly just before the return of Jesus.


Suddenly, in the clouds in the skies above New York City and the east part of the United States, and which hung there for quite sometime and then spread out across America, without touching the ground, and then God diffused it away from America and sent it out to the nations of the earth. And I saw and I heard. What did I see? I saw something coming down from above: Smoke and vapor and blood, or it looked like that to my eyes, to my spiritual eyes.

There it was hanging so huge until it almost blotted out the sky.

…And then I heard God’s voice. He said: “I’m making a sign.”

This is a sign according to the second chapter of Acts, where the apostle Peter, upon the giving of the Holy Spirit, the baptism of the Holy Spirit, said there’ll be signs in the skies.”

He said, “This is one of the signs of the end time because the world is not ready for the second coming of my Son.” He said, “My church is not ready for the second coming of my Son.”

He said, “The Jews, with whom I’ve had the covenant for thousands of years, they’re not ready for the second coming of my Son.” He said, “The nations of the earth are not ready for the second coming of my Son.”

…And He said to me, “You remember that I said in My Bible to my disciples 2,000 years ago, ‘Go into all the world and teach all nations, and when that teaching has reached the nations then shall the end come.'” And then he startled me. He said, “With all of the widespread force of my church in the world, but particularly in the United States, which is the source of most of the gospel that’s being preached in all the world,”

He said, “There is a wasting of My power, there is a failure to grasp the end time. And the church, they are coming to church on Sunday morning mostly for themselves. And the preachers, for the most part, are not really concerned about the nations of the earth.”

“They’re concerned about the little group that is there, and they sing their songs and they get up and preach.” And He said, “When 9/11 struck, there was a fear that came into the hearts, even of My people of the church and of the people outside the church. And millions the following Sunday or two rushed to go to church.”

“But the preachers were not prepared, and most of them didn’t even preach on it and didn’t even talk about it being the sign of something that’s coming hundreds of thousands of times bigger.”

…Now, there’s got to be preaching with fire in the belly!

There’s got to be an anointing of the Holy Ghost. My church has to wake up because what I’m revealing in this sign that “every” eye is going to see, “every” ear is going to hear. They’ll see this thing. They will not necessarily know what it is, but it’s a wake-up call about the Second Coming of my son!

It’s not going to come and touch the earth. It’s going to be seen, it’s going to be heard, and people are going to become aware of the drama of the end time, of the Second Coming of Christ. When He splits the skies and comes back with His bride and takes over the reign of the earth and He destroys the Antichrist, who will arise at that time. He will destroy the followers of Antichrist and He’ll establish His kingdom upon the earth. And He said, “I cannot let anybody live and die without knowledge that my Son is coming back the second time.”

Before Jesus comes there must be a final Cleansing Of The Temple to prepare His Church for the greater glory and the  terrible judgment yet to come.  


Yea, the hand of the Lord was upon me … the Spirit of God moved upon me … the voice of God spoke unto me and said, “Come up, come up hither son of man.”

I went, as it were, up into the air and stood with Him, the Head of the church, even the Lord Jesus Christ…in the air. And as I looked down upon the ground I could see as a map laid out before me the entire nation—all the states of the continental United States. And as I looked He said,

“Behold son, and I shall show you that which shall come to pass, and that which the eyes of many shall see. And they shall remember that their ears heard that it shall come to pass.”

For there came a dark hand up out of the ocean from the east, even from the Atlantic Ocean. It came up out of the sea as a hand and as it rose up into the air it became a dark cloud and it filled the whole atmosphere. Yea, and it swept in like a storm at sea. And I said, “Oh Lord! Oh Lord! Oh Lord! What’s the meaning of this?” And He spake unto me and said,

“Son, that is the darkness of atheistic communism that is sweeping across the nation—even in the minds of men in high places and politicians with great power. And this nation shall not grow more strong and you shall not have more liberty than you have now, but liberties that you’ve known and you’ve seen shall be seized and taken from you.”

And I looked again, and I could see upon the mountain a blotch, as though a bottle of ink had been spilled and spread out over several states in the south and east. And then I looked and I could see spots splotched all over the map and I said, “Lord, what meaneth this?”

And He said,

“Communistic inspired hatred among races shall cause greater turmoil than your nation has seen heretofore. Yea, it is not the will of God but men’s hearts are perverse and they walk without the love of God and seek to have their own way. And so it shall be worse than you have seen.”

And I said, “Oh Lord! Oh Lord! Is there a remedy? Is there a remedy? What shall the answer be?”

And He said,

“Evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceived and being deceived.”

And then I said, “Oh, Lord! Do we have nothing to look forward to in the future except the darkness, the blackness, war, destruction and evil?”

And He said,

“Son of man, forget not your text for you look at the things not seen (the title of his message was, Looking At Things Unseen).”

And so then I looked into the spirit realm and I saw falling upon that mountain a ball of fire from heaven. The closer to the Earth, the bigger it got, and then when it came to the Earth it divided into small balls or sparks of fire, and it fell upon men. And I saw an army of men rise up, and it seemed as though their hands were fire. And there sat upon their heads a tongue of fire. (When I first saw it, it seemed like their whole heads were on fire but it was tongues of fire leaping.) And I said, “What meaneth this?”

And He said,

“Before the worst shall come and the day of darkness encompasses there will be those who shall go and who shall carry the fullness of My truth and the fire, not only to the states of this nation but to many other places. For there is a work that must be done, first spiritually, before the Lord shall come.

“Now prepare ye your hearts, for the time is at hand and the beginning is now; and ye shall see and ye shall know for the hand of the Lord is upon you and many of you shall be used in these last days and the work shall progress.”

Hallelujah to Jesus! Hallelujah to Jesus!

And I said to Him, “Oh Lord! May I have a small place to work?” And He said, “I shall cause thy tent to be enlarged. Yea, thou shalt have an enlarged ministry and thou shalt minister to many where you ministered to a few. Therefore, go ye back to the Earth and be thou faithful and give forth that which I tell you to give for you have been reluctant in days gone by to tell it. Now tell it boldly and speak it true for now is the day that it shall be so.”

Oh hallelujah! Oh hallelujah! Praise God! Praise God! Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!

For the word of the Lord came unto me saying,

“The prophetic vision shall be restored unto the church, for even in the days of old under the old covenant the prophet would see by vision and prophesy, and so the prophetic vision shall be restored unto the church. And this is the time, and this is the hour, and this is the place.”

Praise God! Hallelujah! Thank you Jesus! Praise God, praise God!

When I spoke up I saw this very night. I saw the vision. I was lifted up to that place. Oh men and women, thank God for His goodness to man.

We are now in a very serious time of judgment and cleansing. There are two cleansings in the ministry of Jesus. He  cleansed the temple at the beginning (Jn. 2) and at the end of His public ministry (Mt. 21, Mk. 11, Lk. 19). In the end, this cleansing  prepared the way for a new order that His resurrection and ascension would bring. Cleansing The Temple is the time we are now in, so that the Lord’s glory can be restored in His people before the worst shall come. America is on the edge of judgment, and when judgment falls, the Church will be separate, and her impact will be greater.

Also, this ministry is sustained by the freewill offerings of those who believe in the mandate and message of revival that this ministry carries. Again, if this article has been a blessing to you, would you prayerfully consider making a tax-deductible contribution through our Paypal button to help? 


Thank you, and may God’s richest and best be yours.

America’s Last Call: A Vision From Kenneth Hagin Sr. — 1950

We are at the threshold of the fulfillment of these things. Please read in the Name of Jesus Christ and he who has ears to hear let him hear what the Spirit of God is saying. Next year it will be one entire generation since Brother Hagin’s fearful vision in 1950.


As I looked to the west, I saw what appeared to be a tiny dot on the horizon. It was the only moving thing I could see. As I watched, it grew larger and came toward me, taking on shape and form. Soon I could see it was a horse. As it came closer I could see a man upon the horse. He was riding toward me at full speed. As he approached, I could see he held the reins of the horse’s bridle in his right hand, and in his left hand, high above his head, he held a scroll of paper.

When the horseman came to me, he pulled on the reins and stopped. I stood on his right. He passed the scroll from his left hand to his right hand and handed it to me. As I unrolled the scroll, which was a roll of paper 12 or 14 inches long, he said, “Take and read.” At the top of the page in big, bold, black print were the words “WAR AND DESTRUCTION.”

I was struck dumb. He laid his right hand on my head and said, “Read, in the Name of Jesus Christ!”

I began to read what was written on the paper, and as the words instructed me, I looked and saw what I had just read about. First I read about thousands upon thousands of men in uniform. Then I looked and saw these men marching, wave after wave of soldiers marching as to war. I looked in the direction they were going, and as far as I could see there were thousands of men marching.

I turned to read the scroll again, and then looked and saw what I had just read about. I saw many women—old women with snowy white hair, middle-aged women, young women and teenagers. Some of the younger ones held babies in their arms. All of the women were bowed together in sorrow and were weeping profusely. Those who did not carry babies held their hands on their stomachs as they bowed over and wept. Tears flowed from their eyes like water.

I looked at the scroll again, and again I looked to see what I had read about. I saw the skyline of a large city. Looking closer, I saw the skyscrapers were burned-out hulls. Portions of the city lay in ruins. It was not written that just one city would be destroyed, burned and in ruins, but that there would be many such cities.

The scroll was written in the first person, and seemed as if Jesus Himself were speaking. I read: “America is receiving her last call. Some nations already have received their last call and never will receive another.”

Then, in larger print it said, “THE TIME OF THE END OF ALL THINGS IS AT HAND.” This statement was repeated four or five times. Jesus also said this was the last great revival. He went on to say: “All the gifts of the Spirit will be in operation in the church in these last days, and the church will do greater things than even the early church did. It will have greater power, signs and wonders than were recorded in the Acts of the Apostles.”

I believe in visions we have seen and experienced many healings, but we will now behold amazing miracles that have not been seen before. Jesus continued: “More and more miracles will be performed in the last days which are just ahead, for it is time for the gift of the working of miracles to be more in prominence. We now have entered into the era of the miraculous.

Many of my own people will not accept the moving of my Spirit, and will turn back and will not be ready to meet Me at my coming. Many will be deceived by false prophets and miracles of satanic origin. But follow the Word of God, the Spirit of God and Me, and you will not be deceived. I am gathering my own together and am preparing them, for the time is short.”

There were several other exhortations to watchfulness, to awaken and pray, and not to be deceived. Then I read, “As it was in the days of Noah, so also shall the coming of the Son of Man be. As I spoke to Noah and said, ‘For yet seven days, and I will cause it to rain upon the earth forty days and forty nights; and every living substance that I have made will I destroy from off the face of the earth

“So today I am speaking and giving America her last warning and call to repentance, and the time that is left is comparable to the last seven days of Noah’s time” (Gen. 7:4).

“Judgment is coming. Warn this generation, as did Noah his generation, for judgment is about to fall. And these sayings shall be fulfilled shortly, for I am coming soon.”

Jesus repeated, “This is the last revival. I am preparing my people for my coming. Judgment is coming, but I will call my people away, even unto Myself, before the worst shall come. But be thou faithful; watch and pray, for the time of the end of all things is at hand.”

We are now in a very serious time of judgment and cleansing. There are two cleansings in the ministry of Jesus. He  cleansed the temple before (Jn. 2) and after His public ministry (Mt. 21, Mk. 11, Lk. 19). In the end, this cleansing  prepared the way for a new order that His resurrection and ascension would bring. Cleansing The Temple is the time we are now in, so that the Lord’s glory can be restored in His people before the worst shall come. America is on the edge of judgment, and when judgment falls, the Church will be separate, and her impact will be greater.

The Sign of Christ’s Coming: A Vision Given to Oral Roberts

We are living in a time when the frequency of last days events are moving quickly to fulfillment. The day is coming when it will suddenly burst forth. Right now the Lord is holding these things back to give His body time to prepare, but many are wasting that time in false confidence, complacency, and compromise.


In the midst of the turmoil, the fear and the anxiety that’s in our nation and in our world, as I was walking and meditating, I heard the voice of God. I’ve heard that voice many times. It’s too familiar to me, and there’s no way that I can fail to understand His voice because I’m familiar with it. And instantly I heard that voice and I heard it and then I saw with my eyes something I’d never seen.

Suddenly, in the clouds in the skies above New York City and the east part of the United States, and which hung there for quite sometime and then spread out across America, without touching the ground, and then God diffused it away from America and sent it out to the nations of the earth. And I saw and I heard. What did I see? I saw something coming down from above: Smoke and vapor and blood, or it looked like that to my eyes, to my spiritual eyes.

There it was hanging so huge until it almost blotted out the sky. Instantly I thought about 9/11, when the terrorists attacked the Twin Towers and through television all of us in America, and probably the world, saw those more than 100-story-high buildings crumple and heard the cry of thousands of people who were being either killed or wounded. I remembered the fear that struck my heart and knew that what I was feeling everybody else was feeling and remembered that never in the history of the world, and certainly not of America, that something of this proportion had struck the human race and was a preview of things similar to it that were going to happen through what we now call terrorists.

First, I saw this thing hovering and great changes coming in it to where I couldn’t miss it. And then I heard, something came into my ears, and it reminded me of what a friend of mine had said when the first space capsule was released into the sky.

He was a newsman in New York City and maybe half a mile or more away from the capsule. And he said when that thing lifted off the earth, there was a sound, and the sound itself moved the weeds and the growth, and he said, “It penetrated my body.” He said, “As I talked to others, they felt the same thing.” He said the sound was so enormous that nothing had ever happened like it in the history of the world. Instantly, I thought of that because the sound that was coming into my ears was penetrating my whole being.

And then I heard God’s voice. He said: “I’m making a sign.”

This is a sign according to the second chapter of Acts, where the apostle Peter, upon the giving of the Holy Spirit, the baptism of the Holy Spirit, said there’ll be signs in the skies.”

He said, “This is one of the signs of the end time because the world is not ready for the second coming of my Son.” He said, “My church is not ready for the second coming of my Son.”

He said, “The Jews, with whom I’ve had the covenant for thousands of years, they’re not ready for the second coming of my Son.” He said, “The nations of the earth are not ready for the second coming of my Son.”

He said, “America has been set aside by a special covenant that I made with many of the people who came to found this nation several hundred years ago, that this was My nation and the gospel was going to go out from it unlike any other nation and there’d be more gospel going out from America.”

And He said, not only would there be a powerful military presence in the United States unlike any other nation, but it would be the center of the gospel that I was sending out.

And He said to me, “You remember that I said in My Bible to my disciples 2,000 years ago, ‘Go into all the world and teach all nations, and when that teaching has reached the nations then shall the end come.'” And then he startled me. He said, “With all of the widespread force of my church in the world, but particularly in the United States, which is the source of most of the gospel that’s being preached in all the world,”

He said, “There is a wasting of My power, there is a failure to grasp the end time. And the church, they are coming to church on Sunday morning mostly for themselves. And the preachers, for the most part, are not really concerned about the nations of the earth.”

“They’re concerned about the little group that is there, and they sing their songs and they get up and preach.” And He said, “When 9/11 struck, there was a fear that came into the hearts, even of My people of the church and of the people outside the church. And millions the following Sunday or two rushed to go to church.”

“But the preachers were not prepared, and most of them didn’t even preach on it and didn’t even talk about it being the sign of something that’s coming hundreds of thousands of times bigger.”

He said, “When those planes of the terrorists struck the Twin Towers in New York City and they gradually came tumbling down, it was something bigger than people had ever seen, but it’s nothing in comparison to what’s going to happen in the second coming of my Son.” And so He said, “My church was not prepared to deal with that, and people came to church and then nothing much happened and they dropped back and many of them went back to their bars.”

“And there I was with my whole creation that’s alive in the earth, not counting all those who have died—millions who have lived and died, all of whom will be resurrected at some time in the future, having to do with the second coming of my Son, some to everlasting life, some to live forever in their new bodies and some to everlasting shame and contempt forever lost.” And He said, “I love people. I created them. I love them by creation. I love them because I sent My only begotten Son.” And instantly I thought of the great show that Mel Gibson made of The Passion.

When millions upon millions went to see it and are seeing it now all over the world. I remember when I sat there with my wife, watching it, and how my soul was stirred and the tears sprang from my eyes and my body trembled as I saw something about the sufferings of Jesus, the Son of God, to save the human race and so that the devil would not destroy God’s creation. He would not destroy men, women and children that God had created and for whom Jesus had died and rose from the dead that we might be born again—we might repent of our sins and have salvation and come into a readiness for the coming of Christ.

And He says, “As you know in the Bible, the second coming is in two parts. One is called the rapture, one is called the revelation.

“And first of all I’m going to rapture, or catch up, My people—the people who are born of my Spirit and filled with My Spirit and serving me. I’m going to catch them up in a moment of time and they’ll meet My Son in the clouds and come on into heaven, into My presence. And then not long after I’m going to bring that bride of Christ back with Jesus when He comes the second time to the earth, and that’ll be the beginning of the judgment of the nations.”

But He said, “The thing that is breaking my heart is that I commanded my people, I commanded My church to preach the gospel in all the world and to teach all nations. And while they are evangelists and pastors and prophets and apostles and all kinds of my workers in various parts of the world and in some of the nations of the earth, it’s just a drop in the bucket to what I commanded My disciples to do.”

“And I love people so much I cannot afford to let people go on like they are. And then He directed my attention to the book of Matthew, the 24th chapter, where He speaks in the 24th chapter and beginning at verse 35:

“Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away. Concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only. As were the days of Noah, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day Noah entered the ark, and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.”

Now, He reminded me in the 6th chapter of Genesis that the earth was filled with violence and it was so full it couldn’t be any more full and it grieved the heart of God that He had made man and he decided that He would destroy man and begin over, and He established a remnant and it was a family: Noah and his family. And He commanded him to build a huge boat that would take two of every living thing in it so when the flood came—and they’d never had rain before in the earth, it had been watered by a mist.

But He said, when the flood comes and this boat with this family and two of every living thing gets in it and the flood lifts them up from the earth that’s being destroyed, or from the human race that’s being destroyed, the flood that lifts the ark, or the remnant of my people, in Noah’s day, will come down in judgment upon the people of the earth.
And He said …

Now, there’s got to be preaching with fire in the belly!

There’s got to be an anointing of the Holy Ghost. My church has to wake up because what I’m revealing in this sign that “every” eye is going to see, “every” ear is going to hear. They’ll see this thing. They will not necessarily know what it is, but it’s a wake-up call about the Second Coming of my son!

It’s not going to come and touch the earth. It’s going to be seen, it’s going to be heard, and people are going to become aware of the drama of the end time, of the Second Coming of Christ. When He splits the skies and comes back with His bride and takes over the reign of the earth and He destroys the Antichrist, who will arise at that time. He will destroy the followers of Antichrist and He’ll establish His kingdom upon the earth. And He said, “I cannot let anybody live and die without knowledge that my Son is coming back the second time.”


The blowback has begun from Part 1 of this article. Charisma posted it and the comments, as I expected and predicted, were mostly negative. I’ve chosen to name names in this two part article, something I don’t usually do, because it is common knowledge and many other articles have already been written about these men.

For example, men like Tim Keller, Dr. Russell Moore (more about him later), and the gospel coalition have been injecting their ideology at a slow pace for the eight years of Obama’s presidency, but now its very evident and their ramped up efforts during the Trump presidency are easy to gauge. They’ve become more brazen and are getting away with utilizing more corrupt methods. They are moving with a greater sense of urgency and doubling down on their efforts. They are now telling Christians not to be so political and that we don’t need a two party system.

I’ve talked to a few of my younger friends who are young enough to be my sons, and they have swallowed this lie, and its difficult to convince them otherwise. Some even believe that it is somehow righteous not to vote or engage at all in the political process. In Acts 22:25 Paul used his Roman citizenship to stop the mob that threatened his life. “Is it lawful for you to scourge a man who is a Roman, and uncondemned?” He took advantage of his Roman rights, and yet many American Christians neglect theirs.

What we are witnessing is a hard core political left wing movement that bashes conservatives while glorifying their liberal progressive agenda. But perhaps the greatest danger is that they are neutralizing many Christians who say they don’t want to be political. Even pastors have fallen for it. Surprisingly, now the previously reliable Southern Baptist Church, primary sticklers for Bible doctrine, are being dissuaded and weakening.

Case in point, the Southern Baptist ERLC (Evangelical Religious Liberty Commission), led by Russell Moore out of Washington DC conducted a planning meeting right before mid-term elections to combat conservatism. What? Anyone tied to Russell Moore has written many anti-conservatism articles and actually made it cool and hip to be an anti-Christian conservative. Young pastors are coming out of seminary brainwashed to hate America and bashing conservatism. And they all think its cool! Most of them idolize men like Russell Moore and listen and follow him closely.

This article is not about party. It’s about exposing lies and deception and bringing truth to the surface. The cause is the strengthening and mobilization of the Church and the saving of our nation. This is not even about championing the Republican party or conservatism, as much as it is to expose the subtle subversion of Christian doctrine in order to co-opt the Church into voting for this ungodly and unchristian agenda.


Deception is how darkness moves. The leftists have become geniuses at twisting language and terms to make them mean something different. One of the things they are presently doing is trying to redefine what pro-life is. They are now saying that it doesn’t mean you oppose abortion and fight for the protection of the unborn, but it now means the equivalent of taking care of the poor. I know the Church is commissioned to care for the poor and needy as well as widows and orphans, and that’s exactly why these socialists use it to make their case for pro-life. They find a place of agreement with us as a way of seducing us. Don’t take the bait. It’s rat poison.

Just this past week I had a long thread of comments on a post I shared, and this was one of the dividing issues. A couple of people were challenging my stand against abortion while making a case for helping the poor and those who’ve already been born. In other words, they were saying it’s time to help the born and not so much the unborn. The deception is unreal! It became obvious to me that they were African-American Christians, born again and Spirit filled who voted Democrat. They were offended by my post. Shame on them. They’ve been deceived by the progressive socialist agenda.

To further soften the element of murder in abortion, these leftists also say that to be pro-life is to care about the environment and climate change. This ideology is starting to pick up steam and it’s neutralizing the Christian base. It’s dividing us by redefining what it means to be pro-life.

Here’s something else, homosexuality in the Church is now also being redefined by the left as same-sex attracted Christians and not LGBT. It’s a ramped up effort by the left to use overt terminology in making homosexuality even more acceptable and normal in the churches.

There’s a religious coup going on in the ERLC organization. They used to be known as one of the most conservative and trusted Christian organizations but are now swinging to the left. It is not only the liberals but hard core Marxists like Jim Wallis who are pushing this corrupt agenda. The chickens have come to roost as this movement dates all the way back to the Communist Party USA and the Democratic Socialists of America, who by the way, have people planted all throughout our theological seminaries at very high positions. They are producing their kind, as “Christian” pulpits are now filled with their reprobates and apostates. A number of black pastors actually belong to the religious commission of the Communist Party of the USA. Others belong to the National Council of Churches and the Russian Orthodox Church, a tool of the Soviet KGB.

Some of you may be in shock or disbelief as you’re reading this. Actually, I hope you are shocked back into reality with a passion to do something about it. This runs pretty deep and is quite sinister. It’s an organized Marxist agenda to corrupt and pervert American Christianity and destroy America from the inside out. Wolves have infiltrated Christianity and are baiting and alluring God’s people away from the truth to dilute and destroy their faith and the godly foundation and purpose of our nation.

I am not a doomsday preacher because the kingdom of God will forever stand. I can be positive about our future because I understand and am submitted to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, but I am not going to live in denial and bury my head in the sand when it comes to the here and now.


Preachers, it’s time to wake up and rise up to fulfill the sacred function of your ministry. We are not only to preach the real gospel but to courageously and aggressively defend it. The only way to do that is by exposing the lies and the deception much of the Church has come under. Loving people means telling them the full truth and teaching them the whole counsel of God, even when it’s unpopular and unwelcome.

A host of denominations are on their way to full apostasy. The Lutherans, Wesleyans, and now the Baptists have wittingly or unwittingly received money from corrupt Marxist sources, thus putting themselves on the hook to allow this liberal theology a strong foothold in their organizations. Even Campus Crusade, another once highly respected major Christian college ministry, is on its way to a full fledged compromise and a highjacking by the left. Watch as major resignations will happen over the next two years. It will be the same with other major Christian organizations across the globe.

Both the Roman Catholic and the mainstream Protestant churches have been heavily penetrated for over 60 years, and now we are watching the same fate happening to the evangelical churches. And if they succumb to this leftist socialist/communist agenda, what remains?

Alas, even faith based initiatives begun by President Bush and advanced by Obama have these organizations on the brink of falling and being run by so called “democratic” socialists. For example, the Human Rights Campaign, who is the largest LGBT advocacy group in the nation, which of course, embraces gay marriage, gave us transgender bathrooms, and endorses only Democrats. Too many of them have now gotten their hands on these faith based programs.

The end goal of socialism and communism is not the gospel and the saving of souls. It is satanic in nature because it puts great restrictions on the gospel and steals our God-given liberties. The history of socialism/communism is strewn with rotten fruit to the core of society. Just look at what’s happened to Canada and many of the European nations.

America was founded as a Christian nation and has a constitution that came right out of the Bible. The God given purpose for this nation was to be a light to the other nations, and not to be one among many smaller provinces in a global kind of government. But in order to save America the stream of Christianity must be cleansed from its compromise and corruption and the infiltration of an evil socialist/communist agenda.

We are not called to just be nice, but to defend and exalt truth in a confrontational way. One of our big problems is that we have too many peacekeepers and not enough peacemakers. A peacekeeper keeps peace at the expense of compromising truth and holiness. But a peacemaker will pursue peace without compromise and confront to expose lies and deception.

We better get some confrontation in our backbone because time is running out.



The following link is an introduction to a documentary movie concerning this takeover of America. It’s release is due sometime in 2019. I believe very strongly in this documentary movie. Please watch the video below, and pray for it, support it financially, and share it. The revelations and findings in this movie are going to shock the church and the world. I believe it could spark the radical, moral, and cultural revolution we so desperately need in our day. Do a google search and you’ll find previews and more videos on it. 

Our books are forerunners to personal holiness, the move of God, and the return of the Lord. They also combat the departure from the faith and the turning away from the truth we are seeing in our day. The Real Gospel, The Real Jesus, The Real Salvation, and The Real Spirit Of Revival are especially strategic in trumping the many falsehoods spreading in the modern day Church. If any of our books or articles on this blog are a blessing and encouragement to you please use the social media buttons below to share them.

Also, this ministry is sustained by the freewill offerings of those who believe in the mandate and message of revival that this ministry carries. Again, if this article has been a blessing to you, would you prayerfully consider making a tax-deductible contribution through our Paypal button to help? 


Thank you, and may God’s richest and best be yours.



From Jeremiah Johnson:

On July 1, 2017, I had and released a prophetic dream where I saw a gigantic messenger of Satan coming into the United States from the East Coast. I called out to it from the walls of a large fortified city and said, “I am a watchman over this land and I command you to tell me by what authority do you enter this nation?” It said, “I come here by the permission of the Church who has granted me access to come plunder and devour right in the midst of them.”

The principality had the wings of an angel, but the tail of a dragon and it looked hideous! There was great darkness upon it, yet it had the outward appearance of unusual light. In its hands it carried a large black book with the words written on it, “The gospel of accommodation”.

The Spirit began to show me massive deception is sweeping the Church and it is fast asleep. There is a very real war in the spirit realm over the true gospel, the gospel of self-denial, and this false gospel, the gospel of accommodation that is seeking to overtake the American Church. The gospel of accommodation encourages American Christians to fit Jesus into their life, rather than making Him their life. This false gospel requires no sacrifice, no commitment, and no death to self. It is dangerous, deceptive, and we are going to witness God beginning to highlight preachers and churches who preach this false gospel of accommodation.

The Messenger of Satan (Gulf of Mexico)

Again on Sept 1, 2017, (exactly 2 months from the last dream) I had another prophetic dream where I saw this same messenger of Satan appear in the Gulf of Mexico. Instead of carrying a book, he was now carrying a large boat paddle and began to stir the waters of the Gulf of Mexico and his paddle reached as far as the Caribbean. I began to hear the earth literally groan. The water was crying out. That’s the only way I know how to explain it. As this principality began to stir the waters, several demonic spirits manifested and revealed themselves to me. They specifically were: Hatred, Fear, Violence, and Depression. The Holy Spirit spoke to me and said, “Jeremiah, you must know that the spiritual storms that are manifesting in the earth are far greater than any physical storm that has touched the earth. Physical storms are limited to a region of people. These spiritual storms that are coming will have the power to affect every area of culture. The physical hurricanes that have come and coming are devastating, but the spiritual ones are greater. The physical hurricanes that will manifest in this season will only further serve to reveal and open up the eyes and ears of the Church to the spiritual storms of hatred, fear, violence, and depression that are upon them.”

The Paul Revere Anointing

As the Spirit spoke this to me and I watched this messenger of Satan stir the waters in the Gulf of Mexico and even the Caribbean, as these demonic spirits manifested into spiritual storms, I suddenly found myself in the state of Texas. There was an army of horse riders waiting for me and prepared to run. I relayed to them what I had seen, not only on July 1, but on September 1. I shouted, “The anointing of Paul Revere is upon us! Now is the time to warn the American Church of the coming spiritual storms. We must warn them of the false gospel of accommodation! (This is an actual title of a chapter in my book, The Real Gospel). Watch as God uses the physical storms to highlight those who are preaching this false gospel. We must warn the Church of the hatred, fear, violence, and depression that will try to overtake them. If they give in, they will look no different than the world. Days are coming where parts of the Church will become so blended with the world that you will have a hard time discerning the difference between the two.”

As I and the army of horse riders rode with the anointing of Paul Revere to American Churches, we visited three specific types churches. (This was almost identical to a dream I had in 2015, but some details God gave me were different).

The Sleeping Church

The first type of church we visited had “Sleeping Church” engraved on its doors. As we opened the doors to these churches, every one of them was in the middle of a service. We would hurry in to relay the message of what we had just seen and heard, only to be shocked to see everyone in attendance, including the leadership, sucking on pacifiers. While this type of church could hear our words, they had no ability to respond. We began to cry out and say, “Why are you silent, Church, why are you silent? Though you are awake, you are sleeping!”

In the dream, the Holy Spirit immediately spoke to me Eph 4:14: “Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of men in their deceitful scheming.”

The Hyper Grace Church

The second type of church we visited met in various looking buildings and was very post modern. We were delighted because many of them seemed to be younger in age (18-35). As we warned them of the coming spiritual storms, they laughed at us. God said

“These are the products of the works-based gospel movement of the ’80s and ’90s. These are they who have rebelled in the name of grace, but not in the name of My Son.” As the Spirit spoke this to us, there began to be mass commotion among them. He said,

“These types of churches are blinding the generations to the truth in the name of grace. They call themselves Joel’s army because they believe they will usher in the last day’s grace movement in the earth, but know that they are like the locust seeking to devour and ravage the vineyards of young generations. They distort the truth and preach rebellion and tolerance in the name of grace. They shall question if hell exists. They will believe that many paths lead to Me.”

After visiting these two types of churches, The horse riders were in great distress. I cried out to the Spirit and said, “Take me to Your church.” I immediately rode up on a church building that had “Surrendered Church” on its doors.

The Surrendered Church

We quickly walked in and sat down. I immediately noticed that in the back of this church was a gaping hole. It was as if a blast had gone off and almost entirely knocked out the back walls of the Surrendered Church. As we visited surrendered churches all over America, we found the exact same thing. I sat in the back and asked the Father what had happened. He said, “My church was at first deceived by the false gospel of accommodation. They allowed hatred, fear, depression, and violence to overtake them. The Hyper Grace Church you just saw, stormed out of the back of My church and left because of the preaching of holiness and the fear of the Lord, but now My church has been awakened and it shall be repaired.”

I got up out of my seat and watched as many people were working on repairing the gaping hole in the back of the church. As I watched, I noticed something interesting; the workers were not just any workers. They were true apostles and prophets restoring the foundation of the Church and many of them were teaching other young people how to properly lay the foundation. God said, “I am raising up a remnant in the American Church that will be sound in doctrine, they will embrace the gospel of self-denial, and they will not walk in fear, anger, violence, and depression.”

Many intercessors were in great travail repenting over the sins of the Church, but having a great sense of hope as they cried out and thanked the Father for awakening the Church from deception.

Then I woke up.

With sobriety,

Jeremiah Johnson

NOTE: Our books and articles are forerunners to the move of God and personal holiness. The fire of God and the fear of God is attached to them. If you feel like this article is valuable, please use the social media buttons below to share it. Also, this ministry is sustained by the freewill offerings of those who believe in the mandate and message of revival that this ministry carries. If this article has been a blessing to you, would you prayerfully consider making a tax-deductible contribution through our Paypal button to help? 


Thank you, and may God’s richest and best be yours.


May these living words produce a consciousness of God and His holy fear in your life that gives birth to godly repentance.

This vision was given decades ago. Think how much closer we are today to the more complete fulfillment of this vision. This is a great reminder and sober warning for all of us to heed these words and not just to admire the accuracy of it.


As I looked to the west, I saw what appeared to be a tiny dot on the horizon. It was the only moving thing I could see. As I watched, it grew larger and came toward me, taking on shape and form. Soon I could see it was a horse. As it came closer I could see a man upon the horse. He was riding toward me at full speed. As he approached, I could see he held the reins of the horse’s bridle in his right hand, and in his left hand, high above his head, he held a scroll of paper.

When the horseman came to me, he pulled on the reins and stopped. I stood on his right. He passed the scroll from his left hand to his right hand and handed it to me. As I unrolled the scroll, which was a roll of paper 12 or 14 inches long, he said, “Take and read.” At the top of the page in big, bold, black print were the words “WAR AND DESTRUCTION.” I was struck dumb. He laid his right hand on my head and said, “Read, in the Name of Jesus Christ!”

I began to read what was written on the paper, and as the words instructed me, I looked and saw what I had just read about. First I read about thousands upon thousands of men in uniform. Then I looked and saw these men marching, wave after wave of soldiers marching as to war. I looked in the direction they were going, and as far as I could see there were thousands of men marching.

I turned to read the scroll again, and then looked and saw what I had just read about. I saw many women—old women with snowy white hair, middle-aged women, young women and teenagers. Some of the younger ones held babies in their arms. All of the women were bowed together in sorrow and were weeping profusely. Those who did not carry babies held their hands on their stomachs as they bowed over and wept. Tears flowed from their eyes like water.

I looked at the scroll again, and again I looked to see what I had read about. I saw the skyline of a large city. Looking closer, I saw the skyscrapers were burned-out hulls. Portions of the city lay in ruins. It was not written that just one city would be destroyed, burned and in ruins, but that there would be many such cities.

The scroll was written in the first person, and seemed as if Jesus Himself were speaking. I read: “America is receiving her last call. Some nations already have received their last call and never will receive another.”

Then, in larger print it said, “THE TIME OF THE END OF ALL THINGS IS AT HAND.” This statement was repeated four or five times. Jesus also said this was the last great revival. He went on to say: “All the gifts of the Spirit will be in operation in the church in these last days, and the church will do greater things than even the early church did. It will have greater power, signs and wonders than were recorded in the Acts of the Apostles.”

I believe in visions we have seen and experienced many healings, but we will now behold amazing miracles that have not been seen before. Jesus continued: “More and more miracles will be performed in the last days which are just ahead, for it is time for the gift of the working of miracles to be more in prominence. We now have entered into the era of the miraculous.

Many of my own people will not accept the moving of my Spirit, and will turn back and will not be ready to meet Me at my coming. Many will be deceived by false prophets and miracles of satanic origin. But follow the Word of God, the Spirit of God and Me, and you will not be deceived. I am gathering my own together and am preparing them, for the time is short.”

There were several other exhortations to watchfulness, to awaken and pray, and not to be deceived. Then I read, “As it was in the days of Noah, so also shall the coming of the Son of Man be. As I spoke to Noah and said, ‘For yet seven days, and I will cause it to rain upon the earth forty days and forty nights; and every living substance that I have made will I destroy from off the face of the earth.

“So today I am speaking and giving America her last warning and call to repentance, and the time that is left is comparable to the last seven days of Noah’s time” (Gen. 7:4).

“Judgment is coming. Warn this generation, as did Noah his generation, for judgment is about to fall. And these sayings shall be fulfilled shortly, for I am coming soon.” Jesus repeated, “This is the last revival. I am preparing my people for my coming. Judgment is coming, but I will call my people away, even unto Myself, before the worst shall come. But be thou faithful; watch and pray, for the time of the end of all things is at hand.”

NOTE: Our books and articles are forerunners to the move of God and personal holiness. The fire of God and the fear of God is attached to them. If you feel like this article is valuable, please use the social media buttons below to share it. Also, this ministry is sustained by the freewill offerings of those who believe in the mandate and message of revival that this ministry carries. If this article has been a blessing to you, would you prayerfully consider making a tax-deductible contribution through our Paypal button to help? 


Thank you, and may God’s richest and best be yours.