Our American culture is attempting to make the narrow way wide and the exclusive way inclusive. Many cannot seem to understand that you can’t live in sin and go to heaven. You can’t live an immoral lifestyle  and go to heaven. You can’t live for yourself and do whatever your flesh and feelings dictate and go to heaven. You can’t believe what you want to believe and still go to heaven. You can’t respect everyone’s religion and systems of belief and go to heaven. There is only one way, and it is through Jesus Christ. It is the narrow way.

 Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12)

The unrighteous cannot inherit the kingdom of God.

“Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God” (1 Cor. 6:9-10).

Many cannot seem to reconcile these scriptures, especially the gay community, many of whom hurled nasty insults and vile comments at me this past weekend because my article offended them Gay Activism: The Death Rattle  of a Nation.

Twitter and Facebook also threatened to close down my accounts as other media outlets got wind of my Charisma article and misquoted me. Here’s one.


All I did was to frantically flag them down at the bridge that was out, but they sailed past me at 100 mph flipping their middle finger at me. I warned them that their house is on fire while they screamed hate-filled curses at me from their bedroom window accusing me of bigotry and hatred.


Image may contain: possible text that says 'Hell would be empty if everyone knew five minutes before death what they know five minutes after death'

These are accurate images of what is really happening. They accuse Bible believing Christians of hatred, and called me names I cannot repeat here.

They did the same to our Master.

“It is enough for a disciple that he be like his teacher, and a servant like his master. If they have called the master of the house Beelzebub, how much more will they call those of his household” (Matt. 10:25)!

It’s strange that their most common cry was that I was hateful, but they hated me for testifying that their lifestyle and works were evil.

“The world cannot hate you, but it hates Me because I testify of it that its works are evil” (John 7:7).

You see, they only like their version of hate, and this spirit has its tentacles all  over America. Americans celebrate the gay lifestyle. The world doesn’t hate this spirit. Heck, they and much of the church don’t even recognize it as a spirit. America and the world only hate true Christians and those who defy this spirit and sin.

With every vile comment they demand tolerance while actually being very intolerant of anyone who disagrees with them. They only like their version of tolerance.

Isn’t that something how that works?

Jesus moved in tough love and never compromised the truth. That’s why the most religious tried to kill Him.

“After these things Jesus walked in Galilee; for He did not want to walk in Judea, because the Jews sought to kill Him” (John 7:1).

Imagine that. Religion tried to kill a perfectly sinless and loving man. Religion sought to kill the Son of God. It’s always been this way.

Religion joins itself to homosexuality and hides there. They divorce Christianity from the Bible. This is present day America.


Homosexuality is unnatural. It’s unclean. The Bible calls it abominable. And it’s very stubborn. Why? Because it’s coming from a futility, and foolish hearts that have been darkened, and a will that is bent on this lifestyle. It suppresses the truth in righteousness even though God has shown them it is wrong (Rom. 1:18-19). Here it is:

“Although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man—and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things” (Rom. 1:21-23).

Sexual perversion is a choice, not an identity as some argued with me over the weekend. One man in particular told me he tried everything to change, but gave up, and convinced himself he was born gay. Such a deception. I’m afraid God has given him over to a reprobate mind, and if that’s the case, sadly, there is hardly any hope for him.

Reprobate minds void of judgment are multiplying. Many occupy high seats in government, school systems, the courts, and media. They are the devil’s agents sent to intimidate the Church and pollute and destroy the land. It’s now a principality in our nation.

No, homosexuality is not the only sin that will damn your soul and pollute our land, but do not fool yourself, Mayor Pete Buttigieg’s bold and unashamed stance for his and his partner’s gayness was a direct statement from this principality to the inhabitants of our nation, to you and me, to our children, and to our grandchildren. It was a Goliath moment mocking the true Church, our faith, and our family values.

This principality shouts at us, “I’ve come for you and your children. We are advancing and you can’t stop us, or we’ll get violent, mock your faith, and run you over! Conform to our agenda or else!”

Aggressive gay activism is just one area they are doing it in, but do not be desensitized, because it is a big one.


President Trump stepped into dangerous ground recently by acknowledging and promoting the sinful abominable marriage of Mayor Pete and Chasten his partner. I was very grieved and disappointed by it. Someone in his inner circle of counsel needs to call him out on it. He could lose any remaining favor he might have with God right now, because he publicly positioned himself  against the Word of God, against the true church of Jesus Christ, and he aided the leftist liberals to undermine the future of our nation.

I agree with my friend Cary Gordon, pastor of Cornerstone church in Sioux City, Iowa:

“I have no desire to be an enemy of Donald Trump. God does not desire to be an enemy of Donald Trump, either, but President Trump better be careful he does not make himself the enemy of God and the Bible with his sinful opinions repeatedly spoken into TV cameras in front of American children!

“The Christian ministers who surround the President are waaaaay tooooooo quiet! We need REAL men of God to shake-off the sinful pragmatism and REBUKE the President when he earns it. He has earned it.”

“Republican election results be damned!!! You want to defeat Buttgeig and company? Then you go tell the President to stop praising the sins of Buttgeig, then!”


Some readers think I have an obsession with the sin of homosexuality, and that I should write about other sins as well, and not  push the issue. As I stated, it’s because it’s a principality that rules our nation. We have no choice but to push the envelope now and enter into faithful disobedience to the laws of the land that contradicts the Word of God. We should’ve been doing this long ago with abortion, with prayer being removed from our schools, and with a host of other antichrist issues.

It’s time to rock the boat.

The world, the culture, the media, and Hollywood are highjacking truth and sound doctrine. They are controlling the narrative, or the way of presenting a situation or series of events that reflects and promotes their particular antichrist agenda or set of values. They have  become the biggest educator in America. Every show, every movie, every song on radio has become in itself a voice or narrative of propaganda.

The most subtle trick of the devil is to get you to laugh at sin.

They’ve made too many believe that sound doctrine is the new religious hate speech. Even in churches. This has intimidated pastors and caused them to cower down from anything that is controversial. Pastor, this is not a minor issue. It’s one of the main strongholds in our nation.

Friends, the wicked are not hiding in their closet anymore, but it seems too many of the righteous are. Now that they’ve come out of their closet we need to be so bold and unapologetically tell them to come out of their grave. Preach the full gospel and the whole counsel of God. Preach against sin. Command the people to repent. Pastors and parents, you better educate the young ones and fortify the older ones. This is an hour when you must know what you believe and in Whom you have believed and committed your soul to.

Satan is not hiding his cards any more, but he’s playing for keeps. In case you’ve been living under a rock here’s what they’ve been doing to our children: Public School LGBT Programs

Here’s what they are doing to our pastors: California Pastor Loses Job Over Calling Homosexuality a Sin

Here’s what some churches are teaching and allowing: The Ordaining of a Lesbian Bishop

Goliath is mocking the people of God and too many of us are intimidated and afraid. You better put your armor on and get to the battle front. If what they’ve already done and continue to do does not fill you with righteous indignation, I’m sorry, but your faith is not worth a nickel to me.

We are not wrestling with flesh and blood. Our righteous indignation must not be aimed at human beings but this principality. Homosexuality is carving America down. It’s intimidating too many in the Church. It’s gotten its filthy hands on every aspect of society. It’s time to make a statement to this Goliath.

“Who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he should defy the armies of the living God” (1 Sam. 17:26)?

The days of living in Christian ease are over. The showdown is here. Choose you this day whom you will serve.

If you’ve ever wondered what you’d do during the civil rights movement, slavery, or the holocaust you are doing it right now. The leftist narrative has intensified and they are highjacking truth and peddling lies at the quickest pace in our nation’s history. It’s up to the remnant people of God and the burning ones of God to get in the face of America right now, ignite the Blood-bought Church, advance the kingdom of God, and take America back.

Do you want to survive or thrive in this decade? You must take an uncompromised stand for truth and righteousness. Please get my new book, The Tumultuous 2020s and Beyond, to discover all that’s at stake in this decade. We must be bold, fearless, and strong in the Lord. 



New research shows that while 90% of pastors believe the Bible has much to say about about today’s pressing political, societal, and moral issues, fewer than 10% are talking about these issues (Barna survey).


One word: controversy.

Controversial issues affects attendance, participation in church programs, and people’s tithes and offerings.

But pastor, what about the condition of the souls you’ve been entrusted to shepherd? Is that not the most important issue?

Consider these startling facts:

  • In one large “Bible-believing” church 60% of the couples did not know that living together out of wedlock was wrong.
  • An increasing number of professing Christians also no longer believe homosexuality is sinful.
  • Young people believe that socialism is good for our country and that Jesus Himself was a socialist, and they love Democratic candidates like Bernie Sanders. Why is this unbiblical and shows a lack of discernment?
  • Most young people believe that Jesus preached love and acceptance, so we must love and accept everyone. It sounds true, but why is it a subtle lie?
  • Many professing Christians believe that “Everything is okay and relative. People can believe what’s right for them.” Again, why is that wrong thinking?
  • More and more of our young people believe we should appreciate everyone’s religion, culture, or god, and that we should all learn to get along. Again, why is this such another very deceptive lie?

And the list goes on and on. These are rather popular belief systems in the Church today. What are you going to do about it, pastor?

You better get in your study and prayer closet and receive grace and wisdom from God to preach for the times we are living in. You better let God break your heart over the sinful state of our society and the brokenness of many of our young people who are having a hard time making sense of it all. There’s never been a generation in America with more addiction, depression, and dysfunction than this one. If you are not biblically educating your people in these areas, sadly, the world will fill the void.

By abdicating your responsibility to teach and train your people in these major areas that are large cultural issues, in favor of church members’ attendance, participation, and giving, or whatever it is you deem more important — you as a minister and pastor, are saying that the Bible is really not important enough or authoritative enough in shaping people’s lives. These modern day political, societal, and moral issues are too critical to continue to avoid them and be selective as to what portions of Scripture you or I teach and preach on.

More pure authentic Biblical truth has been highjacked from Christianity in the last two decades that perhaps any other time in history.

Preaching the whole counsel of God and the issues that Satan is pressing on our culture, especially our young people, has never been more urgent.

Read the following scripture very carefully, noting the underlined portion of it.

“Herald and preach the Word! Keep your sense of urgency [stand by, be at hand and ready], whether the opportunity seems to be favorable or unfavorable. [Whether it is convenient or inconvenient, whether it is welcome or unwelcome, you as preacher of the Word are to show people in what way their lives are wrong.] And convince them, rebuking and correcting, warning and urging and encouraging them, being unflagging and inexhaustible in patience and teaching” (2 Tim. 4:2 — AMPC).

Did you know that 2/3’s of Scripture is corrective? The Bible is filled with reproofs, rebukes, warnings, and corrections. Yet most pastors and believers think those portions of Scripture are too negative or even legalistic. Notice that we are to preach with a sense of urgency — whether it is convenient or INCONVENIENT welcome or UNWELCOME.

We’ve got to preach this way again, showing people in what ways their lives are wrong — even when it is unfavorable, inconvenient, or unwelcome.

I remember in my younger years we use to go to church to feel the conviction of God; to go to the altar and repent and make it right. We loved preaching on themes like heaven and hell and sin and holiness. Now many Christians think it’s all too negative. There has been a diabolical silence on such themes in the Church today. Satan has muted our pulpits. Even anointed piercing preaching on the cross and the blood of Christ is being neglected.

Let me show you what Satan is doing.

Satan has introduced a false compassion into the church and used it to camouflage compromise. He has done this by accusing us of hate speech. So in order to compensate, Christians are compromising the truth and convincing themselves that they are being compassionate.

True compassion is being moved by the sin, lies, and belief systems that are destroying people’s lives and keeping them in bondage. So called compassion is actually cruel when it’s not mixed with Biblical truth. The lack of absolute truth is eroding the moral base of our culture.

Unless the Bible becomes our complete and absolute standard of truth the tide of evil will continue to rise in the Church and in our society.

Never has there been a more urgent need for true spiritual physicians, preachers of righteousness, and shepherds who are not moved by popular opinion, but care for the sheep. 

.Tumultuous 2020s And Beyond by Author Bert Farias

An authentic last days oracle. Mario Murillo said it was one of the most important words for our time. Get your copy today.