The following Holy Spirit inspired words were spoken through the late Kenneth E. Hagin years ago to the body of Christ. They still apply today. Whosoever will, let him hear what the Spirit of God is saying to the Church.

“Don’t draw back. The time is near, the time is at hand. No longer can you wait; no longer can you procrastinate. No longer can you say, yeah, in another day I’ll consecrate. In a later day, I’ll wait on the Lord more. In another day, I will spend more time with Him. In another day, I’ll put my flesh under. No longer. Don’t draw back and don’t pull back.

“The Spirit of the Lord pleads with you. Come forward, more for- ward. Answer the call you hear in your heart. Respond unto the Spirit of God. It is not bad. It is good. The price that would be paid in the flesh is nothing compared to the glory which shall be revealed. It is not bad. Do not dread it. Do not draw back from it. It is a lie. It’s a de- ception that has held you back. It’s a lie. It’s a deception that has caused you to draw back. Go on in. Taste and see that the Lord is good.

“Oh, the treasures of the things He has laid up for you. The things that your heart is hungry for. Nothing else will satisfy your soul. Noth- ing else will give you the answer in your heart. Nothing else will satis- fy what you seek. Nothing.

“Oh, push in. Respond unto the Spirit of God. Just lay those other things aside. Humble the pride and fall before Him and wait upon Him. And as you do, your soul will blossom. Your spirit will spring forth. Yea, you will be a greater blessing unto your spouse. You’ll be a greater blessing unto your family because you will bloom forth. And you won’t be restricted like before. And you won’t be vexed like before. And you won’t be hindered like before.

“Yea, you’ve done some things for them (your family). You’ve drawn back and you said it was for them. But you have not been a blessing to them in that the full blessing of the Lord was not upon thee. But if you shall press in, though it might seem to cost that price in the beginning, it might seem like it costs you. It might seem like it costs them. Yea, but that’s the only way to get to the things that they desire and the things that you desire and the things that are needed.

“Yea, the things that must be in this hour, it cannot be delayed. It cannot be delayed. It must be now. Now, now is the time. So heed the call of the Spirit’s cry in your heart. Don’t say, ‘I’ll do it by and by.’ But the time is now. Do not dread or fear. It is good. Taste and see that the Lord is good. Taste and see that the Lord is good!

“Don’t think it’s too high a price. It’s nothing in comparison to the light and the glory that shall be revealed. Draw nigh unto Him. He shall draw nigh unto thee. Seek His face. He shall reveal Himself unto thee even in a greater way. And you shall rise up and you shall be en- abled to be a far greater blessing.

“And your latter end shall exceed and it shall overflow and it shall be abundant in blessing and glory and grace. And the evil one that thought to deter you and thought to lie to you and keep you from it, you shall look at him and you shall say, ‘Ha, ha, ha, ha… Your plan did not work. Ha, ha, ha, ha… It did not succeed. Ha, ha, ha, ha… I did not believe it. Ha, ha, ha, ha… I obeyed… Ha, ha, ha, ha… I ran my course. Ha, ha, ha, ha… I finished my job. Ha, ha, ha, ha. I have accomplished His will and with His glory I am filled. His grace, mercy and glory is with me day by day.’

“And those things that once held you, those things that for years, years, and years deceived you and held you out; you shall look at them from that higher place. And they shall seem nothing to thee. They shall seem small and despised in your eyes. You shall look upon them in dismay and you shall say, ‘Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.” You shall see far, ha, ha, ha, ha… And you shall know well, and you shall move sure, and shaken shall be hell. And their power shall be confused for His authority you’ve used.’

“And that which they greatly feared (hell’s demons) shall have happened. For they feared, they feared that the revelation of truth would come into the Earth. They feared that it would come through the heavenly host that would withstand it. They feared that someone would stand. They feared that someone would seek. They feared that some would penetrate into that realm.

“When the revelation comes, the truth doth set the captives free. And that which they have greatly feared, it shall even come to pass. It’ll come to pass. God shall reveal His truth unto His people. Yea, we’ve rejoiced in the light. And we’ve seen a little bit. And we moved, but, oh, there’s so much more. There’s so much more. And the enemy would have us just revel in what we see and what we know and not push and penetrate to hold fast to receive more. But it shall not be for a glimpse we do see. And we shall not be satisfied until the truth in our hearts abides. We shall not draw back, and we shall not fear until we have all that God would give year by year…increasing glory to glo- ry, light to light. Not doing it in the flesh, but by the good faith fight.

“And His plan shall be accomplished and His ways shall be straight. And then it shall be ready. He shall come. He’ll not be late. And His people shall have done His bidding, and His people shall have heard His voice. And His Spirit shall have reaped the harvest through the church and His people shall rejoice. He calleth thee higher. Continue to look down on lowly things on the ground, but look up and see what He has reserved for thee. And by faith, let your heart reach out.

“His Spirit lifts you up. Your heart has craved to know him. You shall know what your mind has hungered to know. You shall do what you were created to do.”

This excerpt was taken from the final chapter of my last book, Cleansing The Temple.

In this modern day of increased media and technology, where platform, popularity, and public ministry are valued and promoted far above prayer and private ministry, we need to return to our roots.

May the Lord purge us from mammon worship, every form of pride and iniquity, the wisdom of man, and false success. May He purify us and make us a house of prayer.

May your own personal temple and the corporate temple of God be consecrated to Him and become a house of prayer in this hour.

Order here:



Foreword by Mario Murillo



Chapter 1 — Prepare And Position Yourselves For The Tumultuous 2020s

Chapter 2 — Time For Authentic Christianity Devoid Of Mixture

Chapter 3 — Save The Church, Save The Nation

Chapter 4 — The Counterculture Church Can No Longer Coexist

Chapter 5 — The Corruption Of American Christianity And The Evil Agenda To Destroy America

Chapter 6 — America Is Now A Homosexual Nation

Chapter 7 — Three Portals Of Demonic Entry Destroying America

Chapter 8 — The Leftist Narrative: Divorce Christianity From The Bible

Chapter 9 — It’s Time To End The Liberal Leftist Movement

Chapter 10 — Abortion: Satanic Priest Governors Filling Up The Cup Of Judgment

Chapter 11 — Three Modern Fallacies Defiling The Church

Chapter 12 — All That Is Wrong With “Christian” America

Chapter 13 — The Destructive Mind-Set That Fuels Evil

Chapter 14 — Should Christians Be Involved In Politics And Vote For The Lesser Of Two Evils?

Chapter 15 — Further Persecution Of Jews And Christians Coming

Chapter 16 — Not Enough Hate Yet For American Ministers And Churches

Chapter 17 — The Tumultuous 2020s: The Decade The Church Gets Out Of Bed

Chapter 18 — Time For Wimpy Christians To Become Courageous

Chapter 19 — Jesus To The American Church: Meet The Conditions And You’ll See My Power

Chapter 20 — The Tumultuous 2020s: The Decade God’s Underground Church Arises In America

Chapter 21 — Retribution Time Of Nations Who Persecuted Jews Is Over

Chapter 22 — Incredible 1963 Kenneth E. Hagin Vision Of Atheistic Communism In America

Chapter 23 — We Have Entered A New Era

Chapter 24 — Contrasting The Now and Then America: A Friend’s Experience In Cooperstown

Chapter 25 — We Need A Course Correction

Chapter 26 — The Church Must Find The Radical Middle

Chapter 27 — Showdown Coming: Time Of Playing Church Is Over

Chapter 28 — An Example And A Call To Faithful Disobedience

Chapter 29 — The Conditions Are Ripe For A Spiritual Hurricane


“2020 will be a year when the nation will be totally divided. It will be the year that will see the election of your lifetime.” — Mario Murillo 

In many ways, the entire decade of the 2020s will be the most tumultuous decade in American history. The soul of our nation hangs in the balance.

The battle rages, not only for a nation, however, but more importantly, for a cleansed, wholesome, and powerful Church. Instead of the Church being a subculture, the real believers shall become a counterculture.

We have come to the brink of the realization now that authentic Christianity will survive without America, but America will not survive without authentic Christianity.

This is a book to help believers navigate the tumult of the 2020s and to emerge as an authentic remnant. 

One day left to take advantage of our pre-order offer.


One prominent minister called it fine wine. Another called it a lightning bolt from heaven. Mario Murillo said it was one of the most important words for our time.

My new book, The Tumultuous 2020s and Beyond, is meant to both shake and steady the American Church — to help believers not only survive but thrive in this new decade. I really want you to have a copy.

I’m not in the business of selling books. I’m in the business of writing the word of the Lord. My primary mission and small part in God’s kingdom is to help restore the real spirit of Christianity in the church today and to light a fire in your spirit. Humanly speaking, I’m a nobody and am continually amazed that the Lord chose me to be a spokesman for Him. Many are much more qualified than I am. But the Lord uses foolish things to confound the wise.

We are at a crossroads in our nation. You will see some more significant and rapid changes every few months before the big one hits that changes everything. Believers must be prepared and positioned. A severe warning is necessary in such tumultuous times.

Please help me spread this message God gave me. The first step is to read it yourself.

For only a few more days until 12/30 a signed copy of my book is available for a small discount with free shipping. Here’s the link:


In the summer of 1979, while sharing a rented house with several of my college fraternity brothers in Bangor, Maine I came under the conviction of the Holy Ghost.

I was living in an old room adjacent to a garage and sleeping with just a mattress on the floor. While lying on that mattress one night after a drinking binge I turned on the television to see and hear a fiery preacher boldly proclaiming the gospel.

Immediately my senses were arrested, and I sobered up. My conscience was smitten. I knew I was not living right. I knew the things I was doing were sinful in God’s eyes.

As the gospel program came to an end, the preacher extended an offer for the viewer to write him if they had made a decision for Christ. If my recollection is accurate, I was held back by a thought. How can I stop sinning? So I wrote a letter to the television preacher asking him that very question. I never received a response so I continued to live a sinful lifestyle, but a great seed of repentance was planted in my heart.


At this time the college mail room clerk who was a stalwart Christian had taken an interest in me and was a gospel witness in my life. This man was just a few years older than I and shone with the peace and presence of God. My curiosity was aroused by his disposition. One day, I saw his Bible open on his desk and knew instantly the secret of his bright countenance. I was intrigued by that.

Over a process of time, he shared many things with me, always answering all of my religious questions with, “the Bible says.” One day, in a moment of exacerbation, I asked him if he could not think for himself and give me his own opinion instead of quoting the Bible all the time. His response: “The Bible says that the carnal mind is enmity or hostility against God.” Aarrgh!

I saw that this man really believed the Bible to be the unadulterated Word of God, and he lived by it. That impressed me. As a devout Roman Catholic, I had never met anyone like him. (Below is an old photo of me and the faithful witness who brought me to Jesus (circa 1981). I’m forever grateful for his mentorship in those early days.)

Gradually we became good friends, and he led me to Christ and taught me to observe the things He commanded from His Word. Immediately, he baptized me in water. The desire to drink, smoke weed and live a party lifestyle departed from me as I read His Word.


I also quickly proved my repentance by getting rid of my rock-n-roll albums that promoted sex, drugs and evil. I also made restitution by paying for some pornographic magazines I had stolen from a convenience store.

I spoke to the store manager and offered an explanation as I handed him the money and a letter with my testimony—quite different from many so-called conversions today when a prayer is made, a preacher’s hand is shaken, but no change is forthcoming.

I thank God for my humble beginnings and for a faithful witness who taught me what it meant to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. Isn’t this what we should all be doing for those who are still lost?


This week, as I celebrate yet another Christmas—my 38th in Christ, I am reminded that just as Christ was birthed and formed in the womb of the virgin Mary by the power of the Holy Spirit, so has He been birthed and formed in each of us who are His disciples. In a real way, His incarnation 2,000 years ago repeatedly reproduces itself in human flesh every time someone is truly born of the Spirit and follows Jesus.

Although I strongly despise the many pagan rituals and commercialism that surround the Christmas season, I still celebrate our Savior’s birth with great joy and cheer. What I grossly detest is the perversion of the message the angels brought to the shepherds concerning His birth.

And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, and good will toward men!” (Luke 2:13-14).

The message the angels announced was not man having peace and goodwill towards one another, but it was a communication from the heavenly Father to mankind: “The armies of the heavenly host have not come to destroy you but to bring you a message of peace and good will. The Father has sent His Son as a Lamb (that is why He was born in a stable) and a peace offering to all of mankind.”

How sad that the peace and goodwill the Father offers to all of mankind in His Son has been reduced to, “All human beings be nice to each other and give each other gifts.”

His birth and incarnation—God becoming man—should remind us all of God’s ultimate purpose to be embodied in mankind, and for each of us to represent Him and His attributes.

“Christ in [us], the hope of glory” (Col. 1:27b). This is the real Jesus and the real meaning of Christmas.

Merry Christmas to you all.


Can you not see and discern that politicians are given power to make decisions that affect us personally and determine our future?

They will influence not only the way our government runs and the state of our economy and our money but also our public institutions of learning and Church houses. Most importantly, politicians will legislate laws that will exalt either righteousness or evil in our nation for many years to come. That’s not political; that’s spiritual!

Somebody will take your hard-earned money and use it for their un-Godly agenda. Someone is already spending it and getting richer. Many who will run for office do not care about our national debt; they will help create another Great Depression. They want to give away free American citizenship, free American healthcare, and free education to everyone who can break through our borders. And they will make sure you pay for it. How can that not stir you to action?

Worst of all, politicians will enact laws that will use your tax money to indoctrinate your children with homosexuality, transgenderism, socialism, false gods, and false religion. How can you continue to be indifferent?

If politicians and their political parties, the media, Hollywood, and academia can convince people on these issues, then they can convince them on anything else, including the rejection of the gospel. This is the reason many youth abandon Jesus Christ and the Church after they leave home and go to college.

Did you know, based on the politics of Twitter, Facebook, Google, and other liberal-run organizations and companies, that it’s “hate speech” if you say that Islam is not a peaceful religion or that homosexuality is a sin or that transgenderism is wrong? But they are perfectly fine with banning Chick-Fil-A at airports or removing a monument cross or a nativity scene at a public place or just harassing Christians. Can you not see that voting for politicians with strong core moral values and truth and righteousness affects you personally, your family, children, and grandchildren? But the change is gradual and so subtle, like the proverbial frog in boiling water. What one generation tolerates, the next generation celebrates. We are seeing it all around us.

Politics and politicians continually make decisions that affect these issues. If you love God and you love people, you will be passionately interested in what values and principles are being legislated by our governmental leaders. This is politics, my friends. How can you say God does not care about politics?

As I examine things in the political realm since Donald Trump has become president, here is something I see. In recent attempts from the Democrat Party to unseat President Trump and run him out of office, I have noticed the dominant influence of the dirtiest politics I’ve ever witnessed in my lifetime and how the FBI, the attorney general, and FISA court judges are all falling under the sway of this extreme avarice for political power.

We have sunk to new levels of evil and the slimiest kind of wickedness and corruption when you add media power to magnify and propagate political power in order to destroy a sitting president. We have moved further and further away from the position of a party that offers to provide the best leadership to truly benefit the people into a political party that is willing to overthrow its own freedom to be in power. God help us!

We need to be praying and looking to the Lord for the best leadership for this country and stop thinking we can do this without Him. This is an early reminder to get engaged in the political process and let the Lord guide you in your vote in 2020 and beyond. Look carefully at your candidate and make sure that what they stand for politically and personally is what best represents your values and the direction you want for the country.

This is not about domesticating or politicizing Jesus into our perceived “cause.” I am well aware that His kingdom is not of this world, and it is not an either-or polarity. It is a third way. But He loves righteousness and hates iniquity, and we should live and vote the same way.

As a preacher stated recently, don’t fall into the trap of making an artificial divide between spirituality and politics. The devil is intensely spiritual, and he loves to infiltrate and possess media, entertainment, institutions of learning, and politics to promote his evil cause and make the broad road to destruction even broader for our nation’s people.

“We do not have to invade the United States; we will destroy you  from within.” Nikita Khrushchev

“Our strategy is to destroy the enemy from within, to conquer him through himself.” Adolf Hitler  

“Our constitution was made for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for any other.” — John Adams


The following visitation with subsequent word is from John Fenn (Church Without Walls International). It parallels to what I’ve been sensing and writing recently. He has given me permission to share it. Please read it prayerfully and reverently and let the Spirit of God minister to you. Besides the italicized scripture references, what the Lord actually said is also italicized. 

Things are going to change in the US – the change even now has been rapid, but still gradual, over a few years, but a ‘suddenly’ will be upon us that will change everything. 

In I Peter 4: 16-17 he writes: “…if someone suffers persecution for being a Christian let him not be ashamed, but let him glorify God, for the time has come for judgment to begin with God’s household…” 

So it was in the visitation I’m sharing today. And while He did speak of political happenings and outcomes in this nation and others, those are not the parts I’m able to share at this time. It is the season in the Spirit for the body to judge itself.


There has been a season of breaking of friendships in the Lord, as one moves deeper in the Lord while their friend will not?

“While that type of separation between friends will continue, there is another kind of separation in my body that you will see. There is coming a separation between those who love the world and its culture, and those who love Me and the culture of my kingdom. The days are coming when the differences between those two will become obvious.”

“This will be gradual at first, and even now I have been at work in the hearts of many, and will continue in gentleness of the heart, asking them to end their love affair and adultery with the world. Asking them to judge themselves. Let those who have ears to hear, hear now. Because for those who deny the churning of their heart now, there is coming a time that decision will be forced upon them. Their adultery will cease of their own doing, or will be exposed for what it is by events outside of their control. Remember what James wrote.”

Related image

“You adulteresses; do you not know that friendship with the world is hostility against God…” (James 4:4).

Some versions like the King James state ‘You adulterers and adulteresses’, which is incorrect. Others like the NIV say ‘You adulterous people’, which isn’t correct either. The Greek is simply, ‘adulteresses’, because he is emphasizing that we are to live as the bride preparing to meet the Groom.

‘Friendship’ here is ‘phileo’, which is the love good or best friends have for one another. The word for ‘world’ is ‘kosmos’, which means ‘world system/culture’. James is accusing some of being in a love affair with the world in a deep friendship, being unfaithful to the Lord by being faithful to the world system and culture and loving it.

I would add here that He was not talking about various sins we might wrestle within ourselves. We aren’t perfect and He knows that. We aren’t accountable to perfection, but to growth. And even wrestling with sins for years is a sign of growth, for there are many who refuse to join in to wrestle with these things. The point isn’t that sins exist in our lives, but that we do wrestle against sin. Many do not. His point is specifically with those who love the world and all that is in it, their faith intertwined with the world’s system, rather than being in the world but clearly not part of it. 


“I will use what I can to get the attention of those in Me. But there will come a day that will change everything. In fact, there will be a series of several specific days over months that will change things, leading to a big day that seals those previous days.”

“Right now many are examining their love due in part to what they see in the world (the politics, instability, and ugliness of it all), some out of fear, and for many these things are leading them to rearrange their heart to stop their affair with the world and its culture, and return to me.” 

“Others sense a stirring and deep dissatisfaction within (that has, in fact, been there for some time) brought to their attention by many things coming together in their world to cause this sudden awareness deep within.”

“I am working a deep desire within many to simply grow in Me, for they have finally exhausted themselves with the world and false religion and now seek Me in purity, but many don’t know where to turn. (Then He spoke to me about CWOWI and the work we are doing, our place in all this, and what He will be doing in us in the coming year, which is not relevant here). 

“This is a work of the heart I am doing, for I will use anything I can to get the attention of those in Me. Lines are being drawn, decisions are being made, and soon it will become clear who is in Me and who is not. The time is approaching this nation in which a person’s faith will be precious to them. Faith in Me will become precious for many, something cherished, nurtured and protected, while others will cast me aside.” 

Image result for image of precious faith

When I asked what He meant in more detail He said:

“You’ve accurately taught from John 6 that I gave the people a difficult-to-understand parable to separate those who followed Me with ulterior motives, from those who believed out of a pure heart. But look at the rest and you’ll see.

“Also remember Paul in Ephesus (Acts 19:9), who separated the disciples. Look at when and why he did that. These are the days coming upon this nation. Study my words.” 

The separation is here

A last days oracle for America and the Church. Offer lasts until 12/30/20


Preachers and all Christians who actually apply their faith to politics are the great final barrier to the corrupt socialist/communist agenda that has infiltrated our American society. This is why they are now being targeted.

There are humanistic ideologies and demonically designed strategies that have infiltrated our educational institutions and the political realm, and yes, even the Church, that are moving us toward universal egalitarianism and a cultural Marxism.

Could this be the manifestation of the spirit that Kenneth E. Hagin saw in an incredible 1963 vision?

Atheistic Hatred Inspired Communism

I believe the greatest enemy in decadent times like these may be the sleepy, lukewarm, and deceived Church. A subversive effort by the leftist-leaning liberals to infiltrate the Church and turn people away from the real gospel and true doctrine is gaining momentum in this hour. The purpose of this agenda is to sway the church toward a radical political movement and the spread of socialism and atheistic, hatred-inspired, communism in our nation. (Enemies Within The Church) (The Corruption Of American Christianity) (The Corruption Of American Christianity — Part 2)

Many professing Christians would mock and scoff at such a notion. They easily yield to that old devilish compromise and serpentine excuse that comes creeping in, that says: “don’t preach on politics”; “don’t mix politics with religion”; and “God is not interested in politics.”



I will preach on politics. I will include sins of the culture and the wickedness and corruption of politics in my preaching — and all the more so because politics has a trickle-down effect that touches each one of our lives. It is my responsibility and duty before God and before the people to do so. The whole counsel of God includes exposing people’s sins and the sins of a nation.

“Herald and preach the Word! Keep your sense of urgency [stand by, be at hand and ready], whether the opportunity seems to be favorable or unfavorable. [Whether it is convenient or inconvenient, whether it is welcome or unwelcome, you as preacher of the Word are to show people in what way their lives are wrong.] And convince them, rebuking and correcting, warning and urging and encouraging them, being unflagging and inexhaustible in patience and teaching” (2 Tim. 4:2 — AMPC).

Part of every preacher’s calling is to press the influence of kingdom culture on the existing culture, as John the Baptist did (Lk. 3:10-14, 19-20).

If you want to be Biblical, faithful, and true, preach and press the values of the kingdom of heaven upon the existing culture, which includes politics.

Politics can be righteous or wicked. It can be good or evil. It can be moral and upright or immoral and corrupt.

Politics can administer life or death.

Politics can administer God’s will for America or an anti-Christ agenda of atheism, socialism, communism, and globalism.

Politics can administer capitalism and kingdom economic principles or atheistic communism and humanistic socialism.

Politics can administer new covenant kingdom marriage or unnatural, perverse same-sex marriage and gender-confusion lunacy.

Politics can administer God-given inalienable rights and providence or government dominion and satanic agendas to rob Christ and the people of their inheritance.

Politics can administer Christian ideals or Islamic corrupt ethics.

Politics can administer equality or racism.

Politics can administer wisdom or foolishness.

Politics can administer morality or whoredom.

Now tell me that kingdom preaching does not include politics! You cannot get more kingdom than to oppose liberal-leftist politics and their evil agenda.


We better pay attention to the words of Charles G. Finney, the great American revivalist, who knew something about pressing the influence of kingdom culture on the existing culture, which included politics and the way people vote.

“The time has come that Christians must vote for honest men and take consistent ground in politics or the Lord will curse them. Christians seem to act as if they thought God did not see what they do in politics. But I tell you He does see it, and He will bless or curse this nation according to the course the Christians take in politics.” — Charles G. Finney

We better also heed Stanley Frodsham’s prophetic words, for we are nearer to their fulfillment than when he first spoke them in 1965.

“With great judgments will I plead with the population of this country. Great darkness is coming upon the countries that have heard My gospel but no longer walk in it. My wrath shall come upon them.”

And then he prophesied this:

“Before I visit the nations in judgment; I will begin at My house. When I do cause My wrath to come upon the cities of the world, My people shall be separate. I desire a people without spot or wrinkle, and such will be preserved by Me in the time of My wrath, which will be coming upon all iniquity and unrighteousness.” (Cleansing The Temple)

It is high time for the Church to awaken and arise. The enemy has entered in through our back door and is stealing our liberties and our land.

I trust more of us are now coming to the realization that although authentic Christianity can survive without America, America cannot survive without authentic Christianity.

It’s time to take the fight to the enemies within.

This quote seems quite appropriate for the quagmire of wickedness and corruption we find ourselves in as we soon welcome in the tumultuous decade of the 2020s.

“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” — Abraham Lincoln

In The Tumultuous 2020s and Beyond, you will discover how to navigate the tumult of the next decade and emerge as an authentic remnant. Pre-order now and get a signed copy with free shipping. 


Warnings from God carry only two potential outcomes. The first is a profound gratitude when certain disaster is averted. The other is unbridled remorse for ignoring the warning.

Today, warnings from God must navigate a minefield of cheap grace, false hope, and arrogance. Too many preachers today sound the same, even have the same inflections in their voice. They are dancing before the Body of Christ with false comfort every bit as much as the seduced prophets danced before Ahab in 1 Kings 22.

In the midst of that, Micaiah the prophet—who suffered the greatest pressure ever to conform and sound like everybody else—reacted with one of the most courageous phrases in history. “As the Lord lives, I will speak what the Lord says to me” (1 Kings 22:14).

We must never look at circumstances. We must see through them. Once you see through them you must see past them. You can only do this with warnings that come by God’s Spirit.

THE TUMULTUOUS 2020s AND BEYOND by BERT M. FARIAS is a warning from God to protect you in the coming days. Bert says what the Lord told him to say and he does not care about the consequences. The 2020s will be the greatest test American believers have ever faced. 

Never forget that God given warnings are sent out of love, not anger, or hate. This book is a Godsend to help you not only face the 20s but to thrive for God in them.

It is my sincere prayer that God will turn this much needed warning into a much heeded warning.


This is another brief excerpt from my new book. Release date is 1/1/20. Pre-order offers coming soon.

God has ordained the United States Of America to be the most powerful nation in the world. Its military power and its economic superiority actually holds the world together. If the U.S. crumbled or imploded, China would take over the whole of the Far East. Pakistan and India would more than likely break out in war as both possess nuclear weapons. Iran would cause unlimited chaos and madness in the Middle East. These are just a few examples of what could happen.

But slowly and gradually in recent years, America’s moral high ground, which caused God to mercifully protect this land, has begun a downward sliding. Then during the last decade we’ve witnessed the nation spiraling into an abyss. Her enemies within sprang up in our marketplaces, court systems, universities, in the high and low places of our government, and of course, in the unprincipled, mad, lying media.

I believe you will be greatly enlightened from my findings in chapter 5 of this book that there are also now many enemies within various branches and large segments of the Church itself. An all-out hellish assault has been doubly unleashed to lull the Church to sleep, render her ineffective, and crush and destroy our nation.

Islamists, atheists, LGBT, Planned Parenthood, activist judges and a president who embraced an anti-biblical, one world ideology dominated American culture in the last decade. Hollywood also aided in spearheading this evil, violence, and corruption throughout the world.

During these turbulent times born again Christians and Messianic Jews began to pray. Thank God that across the nation there were enough saints who saw what was happening and began to cry out to God. Prayer movements for true revival and awakening intensified among the remnant people of God.

God’s response was to miraculously allow an unlikely businessman, Donald J. Trump, to be elected to the presidency of the United States of America. God foresaw that this hot blooded and temperamental man would have the backbone and character to stand up against the hordes of demonic forces that were intent on destroying our nation. Now these forces working through unregenerate, wicked, and unreasonable men are moving in chaotic desperation as they witness President Donald Trump undoing the work of the last president and gaining momentum for a second term run.



A short powerful excerpt from my new book. Release date is 1/1/20. Pre-orders coming soon. 

A conspiracy essay was written in 2015 concerning a possible Donald Trump presidency. I wondered why no one took credit for the article. To this day no one really knows who wrote it. Here is what the article said:

“They will kill him before they let him be president. It could be a Republican or a Democrat that instigates the shutting up of Trump. Don’t be surprised if Trump has an accident. Some people are getting very nervous: Barack Obama, Valerie Jarrett, Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton and Jon Corzine, to name just a few.

“It’s about the unholy dynamics between big government, big business, and big media.They all benefit by the billions of dollars from this partnership, and it’s in all of their interests to protect one another. It’s one for all and all for one.

“It’s a heck of a filthy relationship that makes everyone filthy rich, everyone except the American people. We get ripped off. We’re the patsies. But for once, the powerful socialist cabal and the corrupt crony capitalists are scared. The over-the-top reaction to Trump by politicians of both parties, the media, and the biggest corporations of America has been so swift and insanely angry that it suggests they are all threatened and frightened like never before.

“Donald Trump can self-fund. No matter how much they say to the contrary, the media, business, and political elite understand that Trump is no joke. He could actually win and upset their nice cozy apple cart.

“It’s no coincidence that everyone has gotten together to destroy The Donald. It’s because most of the other politicians are part of the good old boys club. They talk big, but they won’t change a thing. They are all beholden to big-money donors. They are all owned by lobbyists, unions, lawyers, gigantic environmental organizations, and multinational corporations … like Big Pharma or Big Oil.”

How mysteriously accurate this article was when the odds of a Donald Trump presidency were still very remote! Thank God he has not been assassinated. He needs our prayers now more than ever. At this writing he is 73 years old and the pressure of a second term will be immense and could take a toll on his aging body and mind. Besides, he may not even win unless prayer is made.

Can you see the miracle his election was? And while Trump is not the savior of our country in the spiritual sense, he is the beginning of a miracle for the church. I see him as a sort of gatekeeper keeping America from a stay of execution. As I heard one national voice say, he is an act of God to buy the church time to repent and return to her rightful role in American life. No, Trump is not a pastor or a moral reformer, but he is clearly an instrument of restraint to a full blown national political, moral, and spiritual disaster.  If the Church doesn’t seize the time and opportunity God has opened, disaster will strike on America like a serpent’s head.