A sword is coming down on America. But first the Church. This sword shall divide the real church from the false church, the sheep from the goats, and the wheat from the chaff among professing Christians. To whom much has been given much shall be required.

We are nearing the end of America’s last call she first received decades ago (I Believe In Visions). Along with this call, the judgment within the Church is also nearing its finality, for judgement begins in the house of God. Then the worse shall come to the world, but the judged and cleansed Church will be ready and fit for the Master’s use. Revival will come on the heels of great repentance and purging.

Believer! Please judge yourself now so you won’t be judged.

The judgment in the Church is for the purpose of purging out the old leaven and the sin and evil. Refer to Ananias and Sapphira; Simon the sorcerer; the man who was cohabiting with his father’s wife in the church at Corinth. For many are still in rebellion. Many have a form of godliness without the power. Many confess His Name but in works deny Him. Many praise Him with their lips, but their hearts are far from Him. Many are living a double life filled with secret sins. It’s time for people’s walk to match their talk.

Contributing greatly to the blame for this dilemma are the many preachers and churches who have stopped preaching the cross. Many no longer even mention hell, judgment, and the wrath of God in their preaching. Many have forsaken the whole counsel of God. I am getting more and more uncomfortable in such places and so should every true Christian. If you’re more comfortable in a place where sin and repentance are never preached you may be dining at the table of devils.

The hyper grace message and the seeker sensitive movement are actually aiding in the coming  separation. God must separate the sheep from the goats so that He will have a pure and holy people to work through. Many have itching ears and God is accommodating them by giving them teachers according to their own desires. Many people do not want to change and have chosen the soft compromised message of another gospel void of the preaching of the cross (The Real Gospel). They’ve chosen to serve another Jesus made in their own image (The Real Jesus).

God is shaping a new Church. One of character and power and authority… one who practices what they preach… one who carries their cross… one who has died to himself…one who is bearing much fruit… one who is fearless against the enemy and unashamed of the gospel… one who is holy and pure and passionately in love with Jesus… one who will even die for the cause of Christ.

The revival that has begun is within the Church. There is a remnant who are sold out. My hope and burden is for more to join that number. The world will take note of them and run to the consecrated  people of God who possess the true life and light they are seeking in this day of gross darkness.

There is a counterfeit move of the “spirit” I must also warn you about that has been building steam. False prophets and prophecy are at an all time high. Familiar spirits have been free to roam and use those who’ve given them access to their ministries. What many receive as revelation from God is given by familiar spirits in the realm of the demonic. There is a true and there is a counterfeit.

Never has it been so important to be under the whole counsel of God. Beware of wolves in sheep’s clothing. Pride and arrogance and a general lack of meekness and humility among many ministers are placing them in great danger of being among the deceived.

It is the whole counsel of God that will ignite those who are on the fringes to join the remnant. Many know something is missing and are starving for the true word of the Lord and the pure move of His Spirit. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: there has been a diabolical silence on holiness and an apostasy from the true moving of the Holy Spirit.

Get ready. Jesus said these times would come. False christs and false prophets working great signs and wonders that would even deceive the elect, if possible. Paul said these days would come. Other apostles said these days would come.

As I said, judgment begins in the house of God. Now that the time of the completion of this judgement is nearing you will see the manifestation of the sword of the Lord coming down stronger on America as a nation. There will be greater lawlessness and bloodshed and killings. A minister friend of mine said the Lord called them nightmares. We must be prepared.

The good news is that fear of the Lord will greatly increase in the Church and will lead to a mighty revival among the saints that will result in a harvest in the world. The true saints and people of God need not fear for this will be their finest hour where every field shall be white unto harvest. Many will seek answers. We will have the answers. Many will seek peace and we will lead them to the Prince of Peace.

In my next blog I will share a fearful dream a friend of mine just had that I believe is significant to the times we are now coming into. 

NOTE: Our books and articles are forerunners to the move of God and personal holiness. The fire of God and the fear of God is attached to them. If you feel like this article is valuable, please use the social media buttons below to share it. Also, this ministry is sustained by the freewill offerings of those who believe in the mandate and message of revival that this ministry carries. If this article has been a blessing to you, would you prayerfully consider making a tax-deductible contribution through our Paypal button to help? 


Thank you, and may God’s richest and best be yours.


In a recent private prayer session the Spirit of God directed us to scriptures on evil spirits and prayer and fasting.

The root of man’s rebellion against God is that they cannot see for they’ve been blinded by the enemy. For example, no one in their right mind would drive a car 100 mph off a cliff to a certain destruction and death. And yet, in reality, that is what most of mankind is doing when they refuse to surrender to Christ. Prayer and fasting can break through that state of mind by dealing with the evil spirits that blind and bind such people.

One day the disciples asked Jesus why they could not cast out a certain devil.

Jesus said to them, Because of your unbelief; for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you. However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting” (Mt. 17:20-21).

There’s a certain kind of unbelief that only prayer and fasting can overcome.

In the midst of this great moral crisis we are experiencing in America right now, the people of God, especially ministers, must keenly discern that our battle is not with flesh and blood but demonic spirits.

“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places” (Ephesians 6:10).

We must direct our passion and energy for politics and all that is happening in the political realm of our nation into prayer and fasting and loving and praying for God’s enemies. The uncompromisingly righteous can be indignant toward the hatred, evil, and division that has been unleashed in our nation without hating the actual people the enemy is using.

Jesus commanded us to pray for those who spitefully use us and persecute us (Mt. 5:44). Stephen, the first Christian martyr, had the revelation that even the greatest persecutors of the Church must be prayed for. In the hour of his death he forgave Saul and the ones who stoned him (Acts 7:59-60). I’m convinced that it was this great intercessor’s heart and his prayer of forgiveness that resulted in Saul’s subsequent conversion. The greatest persecutor of the Church turned into the greatest apostle. Glory to God!

Stephen’s great love released great power. It’s the same today. The greater the true love of God is demonstrated, the greater the power will be. Prayer and intercession is one of the highest demonstrations of the love of God and a far greater source of power than all the bantering and political rhetoric that we engage in. I know I’ve been guilty of it myself.

When I speak of love I don’t mean this false concept of love as a sentiment of total acceptance, free of the ability to hate anything, which is one of the most popular rationales for which many believers are abandoning the truth and authority of the Scriptures in this hour. I am speaking of true love that lays down its life for even its accusers and enemies as Stephen did. This is where the power to convert sinners is found.

What much of the Church today has done to make up for the lack of power that results in true conversions is adopt a seeker-friendly philosophy, which is based on the sentiment of total acceptance and avoiding the stronger aspects of the gospel while emphasizing the temporal benefits of becoming a Christian as their chief selling point.

What an insult to the Father when men try to establish a work, a church, a ministry without the order, equipment, and character of heaven.

The truth is this: the seeker-friendly philosophy is a much easier route on the flesh than to enter into prayer and fasting and a love that breaks the enemy’s back.

The pattern was established long ago by Jesus and the apostles. They would not leave prayer with fasting and the ministry of the Word (Acts 6:4, 13:1-3). Why? Because they wanted to stay out of the natural realm and live in the Spirit. Jesus and the apostles’ purpose was to stay full of faith and power, wisdom and understanding so they could build correctly according to heaven’s order and establish the Church on a sure foundation.

After witnessing the true power and character that was attached to these early apostolic ministries the people then willingly came and joined themselves to their works and served them. We must return to the order of heaven that can only be established by true apostolic men who live in the Spirit and who see and understand this higher way. We must have ministry gifts who know how to root out and tear down the works of the flesh and plant, establish, and build up according to heaven’s wisdom and order.

An increase of power and souls is coming to those who have learned the Spirit’s ways and refuse to compromise these timeless essentials of which Jesus and the early apostles patterned.

NOTE: Our books and articles are forerunners to the move of God and personal holiness. The fire of God and the fear of God is attached to them. If you feel like this article is valuable, please use the social media buttons below to share it. Also, this ministry is sustained by the freewill offerings of those who believe in the mandate and message of revival that this ministry carries. If this article has been a blessing to you, would you prayerfully consider making a tax-deductible contribution through our Paypal button to help? 


Thank you, and may God’s richest and best be yours.


This is what I see as in the time of the prophets before the NT where the people left their cities that had no rain to go to the cities that had rain and refreshing (Amos 4:7-8).

So it’s a time now where individuals, couples, families, in and out of the church, and those who may not even know that they are being drawn to where it’s raining, and some will even leave places that are now full of man’s attractions and man’s wisdom that do not satisfy.

It’s dry and they’re thirsty and they look for the rain, for the rain brings fruit in their lives and in their hearts and joy… it brings strength to marriages and it brings a satisfaction that only comes from the Holy Ghost moving within.

And so is it a time now I see.

And I’m bringing you help in prayer and support and of those who are being drawn (to Me in you). So accommodate and prepare for those and for even the places you go.

The drawing for the rain, for it is they who are dry and thirsty that are being drawn to God, that are being drawn to the HS, and where He is allowed to move and where He, Jesus, is Lord, and where man has not put up a throne of His own, but have prepared a place for the Lord to rest and reside and dwell.

So make ready the place in the days ahead and the places you go; make a place for Him and He will show.

Isn’t that what happened in Acts 2? And isn’t that what you’ve seen happened even in the OT where My son (servant) prepared a dwelling place for Me?

There were temporary places but then it became a permanent place for a time and a season.

But what happened when the people worshipped Me? My glory came in, and so was it in the days after My Son was resurrected where My people sought Me for days and waited upon Me for the promise…oh for the promise!

They made a place for Me.

So see this and understand this, that those who make a place for Me always have the fruit of Me coming and My glory coming and resting and residing and dwelling.

It has been a practice through the years and you can read it in history and you can read it in My Word.

I come where there is room made for Me.

And just as it was in the temple of old where My servant and chosen one came and built a place and used the wealth that was there for the covering of gold, and the covering of the chairs, the altar and utensils that were used…everything was made to prepare for Me.

They gave the best for Me as they knew how then and there, and then they set their hearts to dwell on Me and worship and sing to Me.

And so it was that I came in power and My glory filled that place and they were slain and could not even stand because they made room for Me.

Make room for Me! Make room for Me!!!

And no longer do you dwell in a place of natural dwelling, but My temple is My dwelling place and My people are My dwelling place.

And those that give up their lives and surrender to Me, and make a sacrifice unto Me and become molded in Me, and become precious in Me–they are those that become the gold and the utensils of old, for they are the pure place that I can come, for they make themselves ready like gold; they make themselves ready in their hearts with worship…

Make room for Me!

And I shall fill every heart and I shall fill every place, and then there shall come rain and a visitation and a place where the hungry and thirsty will come.

This is My wisdom, says the Lord. Make room for Me.

NOTE: Our books and articles are forerunners to the move of God and personal holiness. The fire of God and the fear of God is attached to them. If you feel like this article is valuable, please use the social media buttons below to share it. Also, this ministry is sustained by the freewill offerings of those who believe in the mandate and message of revival that this ministry carries. If this article has been a blessing to you, would you prayerfully consider making a tax-deductible contribution through our Paypal button to help? 


Thank you, and may God’s richest and best be yours.


Recently I was listening to an interview with Chelsea Clinton who stated how serious of a Christian she was while promoting the cause for abortion. My brain froze when I heard her say that abortion actually helps the economy. How blind and hypocritical can one be?

This attitude portrays the hypocrisy that has swept our nation.

We are a nation that accepts pornography but supposedly hates sexual abuse.

We are a nation that doesn’t believe in gender, but fights for women’s rights.

We are a nation that believes no child should be left behind, but we have aborted over 60 million babies.

Many call themselves Christians while opposing God’s moral Law and everything Jesus and the early apostles penned and taught.

Reprobates legislate ungodly laws, and useful idiots swallow their Marxist ideologies and keep following them.

In political jargon, a useful idiot is a derogatory term for a person perceived as a propagandist for a cause of whose goals they are not fully aware and who is used cynically by the leaders of the cause. The term was originally used to describe non-Communists regarded as susceptible to Communist propaganda and manipulation.

Barrack Obama and his administration were a modern day national example of leaders who made many more Americans susceptible to its radical socialist propaganda. It did not originate with him but he and his administration pushed it far more than any other presidency. Our institutions of learning from kindergarten to college and university levels are now filled with this agenda. Hillary Clinton would’ve advanced this agenda to new levels had not God intervened.

What the Obama presidency did was open up a door to evil spirits and a blatant hypocrisy that was injected into our nation.

We’ve lost our moral compass. Confusion now marks our degenerated society. Hypocrisy rules and lawlessness has invaded our land.

“Even so you also outwardly appear righteous to men, but inside you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness.” (Mt. 23:28)

Jesus foretold of times like these (Mt. 24).

When any nation can no longer judge between good and evil, right and wrong, and light and darkness they are reprobates. The Bible describes such as “becoming futile in their thoughts, their foolish hearts being darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools…” (Rom. 1:21-22).

Why do these people and many of our political leaders keep suppressing the truth?

As this continually happens then God gives them up and gives them over to a debased or a reprobate mind.

Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness (v. 24).

For this reason God gave them up to vile passions (v. 26).

God gave them over to a debased mind (v. 28).

Paul describes such people, not only in his letter to the Romans but in his other epistles as well. Here’s one example in his letter to Titus:

“They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny him. They are detestable, disobedient and unfit for doing anything good” (Titus 1:16).

Here’s another description in his letter to Timothy:

“For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away” (2 Tim. 3:2-5).

How do people in such a condition even sleep at night? Isn’t it because most of them are blinded to their true condition and unaware that they are in fact under the wrath of God? How can they even look at themselves in the mirror each day? Isn’t it because they are grossly deceived?

I cannot imagine being so blind to your own sinfulness and the multitude of your own crooked ways, but yet having enough audacity to scrutinize the sins and faults of others. This is where much of our nation is right now. Just take the Kavanaugh hearings as one small but glaring example (actually its a big and historic example).

With so many in the House and Senate having succumbed to the same sexual sins they accuse Justice Kavanaugh of, how could they so proudly and arrogantly point the finger at him? It is the same condition as that of the Laodiceans of whom Jesus said believed they “were rich and in need of nothing”, but in fact were “wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked.”

Among them there are still many church goers, but they are not humble, broken, and contrite. Rather, they fit the awful description of what the apostle described of a last day people in our aforementioned texts.

Here’s the good news! As this cloud of gross darkness continues to envelop our nation and the world, many more people are feeling its effects and being increasingly sensitized to the emptiness of their own hearts. I believe this clash between darkness and light could result in another civil war right here in our own nation, but will also result in another great awakening and an unprecedented harvest of souls. As always the devil has overplayed his hand, and what he meant for utter evil and destruction shall turn for great good.

I see an increase of judgment and revival moving simultaneously within our land. I see a remnant Church increasing in prayer, purity, and power.