Could what the late prophet Kenneth E. Hagin saw in September 1950 vision is upon us? 

“I looked at the scroll again, and again I looked to see what I had read about. I saw the skyline of a large city. Looking closer, I saw the skyscrapers were burned out hulls. Portions of the city lay in ruins. It was not written that just one city would be destroyed, burned, and in ruins, but that there would be many such cities. 

The Lord then began to speak to him about America’s last call and the end of all things being at hand. 

I wrote these words nearly a month ago:

The recent Covid-19 pandemic has altered our nation, but will it be temporary? Remember, Pharaoh reneged on his promises to let God’s people go. He was not sincere. God is looking for sincerity and humility in America, in both repentance and our service to Him.

I’m warning you that if pride and arrogance continue to rule today’s church leaders and there is insincere repentance and we return to life as usual, there is something else that will come on the heels of this virus that will alter life in America again. I wish it were not so, and I hope I’m wrong. The effects of another national crisis may last longer than this one. Depending on how the church and people respond to the second thing (I don’t sense it will be another pandemic, but something else), there will be a third crisis that will change our nation for good, unless there is humility and heartfelt repentance that leads into a Spirit-filled movement and a national awakening.

Now we can see that the racial riots and senseless actions of violent thugs and looters over the unlawful death (really murder) of George Floyd that are sweeping  across our nation is indeed a second crisis.

Oh people, it’s time to serve the Lord with holy fear and trembling. To those who’ve been genuinely born again, God is our Father who loves us with an everlasting love, but don’t forget He is also a consuming fire, and it is a fearful thing to fall into His hands (Heb. 10:31). He loves even His enemies and desires to keep His hand of protection over our lives, families and nation, but we must cooperate with Him. He is patiently waiting for the precious fruit of the earth (James 5:7)and a glorious Church to arise from her anemic state and offer to Him the reward of His sacrifice.  Jesus is returning for such a Church – one who loves not their lives even unto death. He loves His church and the world so much and desires His best for all, but we must submit to Him or His protection will be removed off our nation even more, and Satan will continue to defile our land. 

Floyd protest photos - AP


Here is a brother calling for a counter peacemaker movement:

We wake up this morning to a new trauma and an urgent invitation. Please make no mistake as you read headlines about “Protesters” and violence, survey the damage, and pick the broken pieces. Yesterday there were hundreds if not thousands of peaceful prayer vigils hosted by communities of faith. And there were hyped up but physically non-violent “protests” in different places which could be more likened to rallies.

However AFTER those, cities all over America were assaulted. There is a major difference between a protest and a riot. But what I witnessed late last night isn’t rioting. It was a calculated Anarchist attack by those who: 1. Have no hope 2. Believe there is NO value in non-violence 3. Are committed to violent overthrow of the present systems. 4. Possess no fear of God therefore possessing no foundation for internal restraint, moral governance, or the need to be governed. In sociology, a tipping point is a point in time when a group—or many group members—rapidly and dramatically change behavior by widely adopting a previously rare practice. This usually happens when the shelf life of what is standard practice, has expired or grown stale. WE ARE IN A TIPPING POINT.

Historically in America, these types of groups were considered “fringe” but today many of them have the loudest voice BECAUSE WE are not physically PRESENT. The number of black, white, Asian, Latino, and native Americans who DO NOT BELIEVE THOSE THINGS FAR OUTNUMBER those with anarchists ideas, and we are literally HANDING them the tipping point advantage.

I’m as upset and hurt by the failures of America and the police as the next man but this ENTIRE GAME is changing QUICKLY. People died last night and early this morning but the coming bloodshed will be far more grievous. I write this through dried out and blurry eyes, on less than 4 hours of rest as I attempt to keep rinsing the remnants of the tear gas that got into them. Myself and just a few of my friends stood, prayed, confronted, and tried to de-escalate the crisis as OUTSIDERS looted businesses, hurled rocks at the police, damaged properties, and RE-TRAUMATIZED my already deeply wounded city of Ferguson, Missouri.

Based not only on what I have known and experienced for many years, but what I have assessed from last night. (or I should say this morning) If MASSES are not mobilized as PEACEMAKERS in order to take control of the narrative within the next 24-72 hours; just as quickly as COVID-19 changed nations almost overnight, we will not recognize this country one week from today.

I’m going LIVE on @Civilrighteousness for the 8:18a est/7:18a morning rally in our #ISAIAH58fast and doing the DAY 2- PEACEMAKING devotional in the Field Action Guide.(you can download it for free at

THEN I want to share a strategy that I believe could actually significantly impact the trajectory of where this is headed if implemented immediately by even 5% of those who do not share Anarchist belief systems. Please check it out. — Jonathan Jermaine Thomas

Violent protest against police killing of George Floyd in NYC

I partly agree with Jonathan and applaud his valiant efforts. But we need more than a peace-making movement. We need a mushrooming prayer movement the likes of the prayer revival of 1830-31 that began with lunch time prayer meetings with an outpouring of heart-felt contrition and broken confession of people’s sins that swept through the churches and then the nation. We also need the fearless boldness, and firepower of Pentecost to kick us out of the four walls of our churches, and as Jonathan stated, be a presence in these cities. 


Here’s what Mario Mario so succinctly stated yet again in his latest blog:

“Meanwhile, the true resistance—with the exception of a prophetic core— is asleep at the wheel. The army that holds the only answer to racial injustice—for the most part—doesn’t know who they are. They took the gold out of their message and replaced it with powerless sermons made of tin.

“Had there been more of the fire of God in the church, there would be less fires in the streets. If there was more of hell preached in the pulpit, there would be less hell being lived out in the inner city. The people with the solution and something relevant to say, are apologizing instead of evangelizing. The people with the bankrupt human remedy who have nothing to say, are declaring it with conviction.”

Mario is right! The people with no remedy or solution tell a lie with conviction while the Church tells the truth so poorly. We have got to do better! I believe God always has a Divine response to such evil and destruction in our nation, and it is always through His glorious Body and mighty army that it must come. We need the supernatural activity of God right now working though His people. Nothing else will work. 

Have The Tumultuous 2020s started? Find out what you must do to prepare and position yourself to thrive as God’s  authentic remnant in this decade. 


Warm greetings, and warm Jesus love to you, dear friends from across the many miles that separate most of us!

Today was another milestone for me as I completed my last outpatient therapy session, which I will now continue at home. We are presently at the six week mark since my stroke. Most stroke victims recovery period is between the 3-6 month mark, and some with bigger ones take longer. A minister friend of mine said it was about two years before he felt like himself again after his stroke. Barring God’s miracle power, some who have massive strokes with more extensive damage are never quite the same.  

       Balance therapy

I praise the Lord for His kindness and mercy to me and an extension of my life and the ministry He has called me to fulfill on the earth. Now it’s my precious wife Carolyn’s turn to overcome her own ongoing health challenges by God’s grace. Again, most of you don’t know that she needs surgery to remove a low grade malignant tumor from her left calf. It is outpatient surgery, same day out. But then she has to back in just 7-10 days later to have more extensive plastic surgery done to fill in the hole the first surgery  will  leave. That second segment of the surgery is about a 5 hour surgery with a longer recovery period. Please stand in faith and agreement with us for surgical wisdom, guidance, and pinpoint precision with no complications, adverse effects, and an accelerated recovery period, nothing short of miraculous. 

Yes, it has been a challenging season for us, and one that will mark a historical timeline in our history with the Lord. His grace has been abundant and His faithfulness has been great. Carolyn and I believe we will both be stronger, better, and wiser after this season passes. Praise the Name of Jesus!

Carolyn will have surgery and will fully recover.

Why is this happening?

From the beginning I’ve stated that it is simply a demonic attack. I won’t touch anything else in my thought realm. It’s a dead end street. Did you open the door through sin? Not that I’m aware of. We live clean lives, and constantly watch our love walk. We have no unforgiveness or strife with anyone.  We will go to great lengths to repent and forgive.  Has the Lord dealt with you guys about things? Yes, but most things are none of anyone’s business but ours. Are we going to make some adjustments? You bet we are. Much of it has to do with rest. 

The Lord told us that the decade of our 60s would be our most fruitful years (Carolyn is 59 and I am 61). The devil comes to steal, kill, and destroy. End of story. But let me say that some attacks on us have been vicious. For example, we’ve received much hate mail from the LGBTQ community over some strong and holy articles we’ve written on homosexuality. Even my wife and son were threatened. Even since the stroke, one so called minister said the reason I had a stroke was because my doctrine was off, and he went on to add that if I didn’t change my doctrine, I’d probably have another stroke. Can you believe the wickedness of such a human being, much less a so called minister?  I deleted his comment, blocked him, and banned him to preacher prison. Many people, even religious ministers, hate the word we preach and the move of the Spirit we carry. Many hate the boldness and directness of our writings. Devils despise the fire of holiness that we love and that has marked our ministry for many years. They also seethe with rage at the anointing on my wife’s prayer life and the wisdom and revelation that have fueled us and hindered many devils from wreaking havoc on the saints and churches. We thank the Lord and intend to run our full race and finish our course and assignment in Him. Obedience is the food of our lives and ministry. 

“Jesus said to them, “My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to finish His work.


What we do need is a larger prayer covering from our partner churches and dearest friends. Thank you for all you who do pray regularly for us. We know we couldn’t have made it this far without all the outpouring of love, prayers, and support we’ve received.  Our hearts are overflowing with gratitude. Glory to God! And our faith is arising and we are filled with hope for the future. We make one consistent declaration: The devil is defeated and JESUS is LORD!

If you’ve read this far, thank you for your time today.

Abundant grace and peace to all of you who love the Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity. 

NOTE: Our books and articles are forerunners to the move of God, personal holiness, and the return of the Lord. The fire of God and the fear of God is attached to them. If you feel like this article is valuable, please use the social media buttons below to share it.

Also, this ministry is sustained by the freewill offerings of those who believe in the mandate and message of revival that this ministry carries. If this article has been a blessing to you, would you prayerfully consider making a tax-deductible contribution through our Paypal button to help? 




I wrote much of the following article 20 years ago. How much more true is this today?

I just now understand some things that I couldn’t years ago. Then I remember trying to share my heart for holiness with some Christian friends. I’d preach strong raw messages in churches without ever smiling. It was like trying to drive an armored truck over a stick bridge. People accused me of being too hard and too heavy. Their bewildered look would be best described by the robot that appeared years ago on the show “Lost in Space” who would often say, “This does not compute!” But I voiced the robot’s other notorious cry, “Danger, danger!”

They didn’t really believe the state of affairs in the Church was that bad, or at least not as bad as I was saying. Of course, in my immaturity my approach was not the best. But what I didn’t understand back then was that it was really much worse. With hindsight it is obvious to see now how a careless and casual sowing in years gone by, has in many places, resulted in the reaping of some pretty rotten fruit. I think time and history have borne witness to this fact: In times of prosperity and well being, the general populace including the complacent Christian, will hardly believe warnings of impending danger. Similarly, trouble across the ocean seems so far away. We muse and rationalize saying, “It could never happen here.”

Take the example of the Titanic. Who would’ve believed the unsinkable to sink? The impending danger was infinitely greater than any of the passengers could’ve ever imagined. Even after it smashed into the infamous iceberg, some still disbelieved the mighty Titanic was really sinking. The unwise captain failed to heed sound judgment. Other captains from other passing ships also failed to respond to signal calls for help. The entire tragedy could’ve been avoided. All that was needed was a simple course correction.

In many ways, America, among the nations, has been like the mighty Titanic. For a long time now we’ve needed a serious course correction. Does God hold the Church accountable? When a nation sinks into the deep icy waters of decadent sin and immorality? When its own president and many leaders symbolize such? Are we accurate in our reasoning to say that an earlier course correction in the Church would’ve perhaps and maybe undoubtedly avoided the imminent danger our nation now faces? If captains of gospel ships we call churches and ministries would’ve heeded the warnings of scripture and lessons of history, course corrections could’ve been made.

Ah! But where were the trumpet voices of the prophets? Where were the sounds of alarm and war? Who was calling the Church to arms? Ah! But we were on the mighty Titanic and the Christian life for many was one big happy party! And what of our mighty trusted captains? Many were just happy to have us on board. Perhaps only a small remnant that were at the helm even detected that a real course correction was necessary.

In good times, fat hearts (the conscience) tend to become hardened and develop a false sense of immunity to anything that upsets their earthly security and cozy existence.

This hardness and insensitivity is usually sure proof of their idolatry. Israel was notorious for disbelieving and persecuting the prophets.

“But the Church is in revival now,” some would say. A few may be in revival, but can you count the ones that aren’t? A few are holy and passionately in love with Jesus, but can you count the ones that aren’t? A few are ready for hard times and the judgments of God upon the Church and the nation, but can you count the ones that aren’t?


At critical points in history great course corrections have been called for. We call them revivals which God has ordained to reverse the process of moral decline and degradation. With great momentum, revivals can turn into mighty awakenings which change the course of history by altering the course of nations. The Church has always been one generation away from extinction. If not for these merciful and mighty moral course corrections, the Church would undoubtedly fade into oblivion. The next few years in America may determine her ultimate destiny. An awakening or anarchy (or both) will be her fate. One thing is for sure; something has to change.

I know that there are some who will staunchly come to America’s defense and question God’s displeasure with her. “After all,” they will say, “there are millions of Christians in this nation.” That is exactly my point. With these supposed millions of Christians, why I ask you have we not made a definite, resounding impact in turning our nation around. A strong Church will have a phenomenal affect on any nation. There are even some among us who still insist on calling America a “Christian nation. They are greatly deceived.

When Howard Stern and Jerry Springer share the most popular radio and TV talk show ratings in this country, no one can claim she is Christian (remember this is 1998). When in the midst of a sex scandal and lies, our President’s approval ratings go up (Bill Clinton at this writing) or stay up, no one can call her (America) Christian. When a righteous prosecutor is despised by his own nation’s people for upholding justice and enforcing the law, she is far from being a Christian nation. The line is blurred; justice is turned back, truth is fallen in the streets (Isa 59: 4, 14-15,) because the Church has not lifted up the standard. And when she has tried to she has failed, because the world does not respect her. A lack of character, wisdom, fire, and power has made us blend and bland. All we do different than the world is talk.

By now you ought to be able to tell that God has inflicted me with a disease. No, it’s not pessimism and skepticism. It’s divine dissatisfaction. In order for the Church to really arise I believe she needs to first be aroused. Before a war becomes physical it is always spiritual. Those who are casual in war time irk and disturb those who are vigilant. Indifference in life and death situations is all the enemy needs to advance. We need to regain the battle mentality and fighting spirit that is so depictive of the Christian life.

But how can we fight if we don’t believe enough in the cause for which we are fighting. Fun, food, and fellowship is the only brand of Christianity some believers have ever known. There is even a subtle cloud of self deception floating around out there that says; “I really want to do something for God, but I don’t know how.” Or how about this one: “You know my family and my work come first. And my children are in football league now.” Or, “There‘s just no time in my schedule.” On and on we make our excuses. But the real problem is our love is not strong enough. A drug addict will find a way to get his drug. Strong love will find a way to reach its needy subjects. Jesus was moved with compassion (Mat 9:36).


Some churches need to reinvent themselves. Never have I seen less evangelism and less effective discipleship than in the churches who pride themselves in being a New Testament church. We have among us many doctors of doctrine but few preachers of power. We have much monotone but little fire. We have many equippers but so few evangelists. We many teachers but few true fathers. We have many meetings where we laugh, but so few where we cry. Whatever happened to having faith for lost souls which works by love? Real faith has humans as the object of its love.

More fun, more food, and more fellowship is not what many of us need right now, unless of course, it is somehow linked to winning the lost. We don’t need fads that come and go. We need fruit that remains. More teaching will only help the doer and not the hearer. More fire, more focus, and more fruit are what we need.

Many churches need a course correction. Please allow the grace of God in me to speak to you right now. Here are a few proposals I would like to make to leaders, ministers, and all saints:

1. Don’t get good at what you’re not supposed to be doing.

Too many of us are a hundred miles wide and one inch deep. We do a lot of things good but not many excellently. It’s time to do some serious evaluation. How many new converts are being added to the kingdom? Who are you currently believing, praying, fasting, travailing for, and lovingly witnessing to? How many people are really being discipled and not just taught? Who are you currently discipling?

Here is the course many must now take if they are to see more fire and more fruit. Convert more church events into opportunities for evangelism. Convert more doctrine into discipleship. Teach them to observe what Jesus taught (Mat 28:19). Go back to the gospels. Constantly evaluate everything you do by the great commission; evangelism and discipleship.

2. Water seeds, not weeds.

Weeds are things that don’t work or don’t matter. We’ve all heard the saying. “Don’t sweat the small stuff.” Don’t let activity and schedule determine your strategy. Don’t immerse yourself into things that rob you of your time with God and with your disciples. Guard your rest, energy, and creativity. Weeds are things God never told you to do which rob you of rest, erase your energy, and kill your creativity. On the other hand, seeds are things which are stamped with eternity. They focus more on people rather than programs. Get rid of everything that hinders true kingdom increase.

3. Develop a passion for prayer and for souls.

This should’ve been listed first. You won’t do much without passion. If you’re not burning up with a vision for souls you will affect very few people dramatically and permanently. This is the real reason why men falter and fail. Instead of burning up, they’re burning out. Instead of getting fired up, they’re getting tired out. Instead of moving on and moving up, they’re moving down and moving out.

Find things which ignite and feed your passion for prayer and lost souls. Read a good biography of a man of God who helped many find Christ. Read good books on holiness, prayer, and revival. Feed constantly on the gospels and the book of Acts. Read the Bible on your knees, and ask God to break your heart with the things that break the heart of Jesus. Go find somebody in pain and bring healing to them. Find the hurting and encourage them. Seek out the last, the least, and the lost and make their day. It’s in the going as in “go ye” that your passion will always be preserved. The way you keep it is by giving it out.

4. Don’t separate but incorporate soul winning into church events.

Pastors, cater some of your services just for the lost. I think it would help many churches to have an extra special salvation Sunday once a month, or at least once a quarter. Teach your people constantly to love the lost and to reach them. Within the confines of their own personality, encourage every believer, young and old, to befriend sinners and win them to Christ. Instead of posting up a barometer to gauge building fund giving, put one up to gauge the number of souls won to Christ. Encourage and disciple believers by precept and example in the art of intercession and travail, and winning the lost. Make the lost your special guests at church functions such as picnics, holiday events like Easter and Christmas, and men’s and women’s night out. This is the real reason why we have fun, food, and fellowship.

5. Lastly, scout out a good evangelist who can help you.

Find one whom you know and can trust that is not just interested in promoting his ministry or getting an offering, but who really has a passion and a faith for seeing lost souls saved. Personally, I can recommend several good ones. Remember also, that winning the lost is not the only function of the evangelist. Contrary to modern church thought, the primary function of every evangelist is to produce other evangelists and a spirit of evangelism in the church.

We are past the half way point of 2019. The mighty Titanic, symbolic of our nation, is sinking quickly. Let us save as many as we can who are drowning in these turbulent icy waters. Soon the devil may make it a crime to do so.

May God bless you with a broken heart for the lost, and may He give you true kingdom increase.

Be a support to us and follow our blog and help spread these messages. Also, consider subscribing to our ministry YouTube channel for weekly 15 minute Face to Face video impartations on the Spirit-filled life from my wife and I.  

Our books are forerunners to personal holiness, the move of God, and the return of the Lord. They also combat the departure from the faith and the turning away from the truth we are seeing in our day. 

Also, this ministry is sustained by the freewill offerings of those who believe in the mandate and message of revival and restoration that this ministry carries. Again, if this article has been a blessing to you, would you prayerfully consider making a tax-deductible contribution through our Paypal button to help? 


Thank you, and may God’s richest and best be yours.


This vision was given to the late Kenneth E. Hagin in 1963. It was shared with me by a friend with inside connections to old archives of teachings and prophecies never before published or made public. I believe now is the time to share such prophecies for the hour of the manifestation of these things is upon us.

Yea, the hand of the Lord was upon me … the Spirit of God moved upon me … the voice of God spoke unto me and said, “Come up, come up hither son of man.”

I went, as it were, up into the air and stood with Him, the Head of the church, even the Lord Jesus Christ…in the air. And as I looked down upon the ground I could see as a map laid out before me the entire nation—all the states of the continental United States. And as I looked He said, “Behold son, and I shall show you that which shall come to pass, and that which the eyes of many shall see. And they shall remember that their ears heard that it shall come to pass.”

For there came a dark hand up out of the ocean from the east, even from the Atlantic Ocean. It came up out of the sea as a hand and as it rose up into the air it became a dark cloud and it filled the whole atmosphere. Yea, and it swept in like a storm at sea. And I said, “Oh Lord! Oh Lord! Oh Lord! What’s the meaning of this?” And He spake unto me and said, “Son, that is the darkness of atheistic communism that is sweeping across the nation—even in the minds of men in high places and politicians with great power. And this nation shall not grow more strong and you shall not have more liberty than you have now, but liberties that you’ve known and you’ve seen shall be seized and taken from you.”

And I looked again, and I could see upon the mountain a blotch, as though a bottle of ink had been spilled and spread out over several states in the south and east. And then I looked and I could see spots splotched all over the map and I said, “Lord, what meaneth this?” And He said, “Communistic inspired hatred among races shall cause greater turmoil than your nation has seen heretofore. Yea, it is not the will of God, but men’s hearts are perverse and they walk without the love of God and seek to have their own way. And so it shall be worse than you have seen.”

And I said, “Oh Lord! Oh Lord! Is there a remedy? Is there a remedy? What shall the answer be?”

And He said, “Evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceived and being deceived.”

And then I said, “Oh, Lord! Do we have nothing to look forward to in the future except the darkness, the blackness, war, destruction and evil?”

And He said, “Son of man, forget not your text for you look at the things not seen (the title of his message was, Looking At Things Unseen).” And so then I looked into the spirit realm and I saw falling upon that mountain a ball of fire from heaven. The closer to the Earth, the bigger it got, and then when it came to the Earth it divided into small balls or sparks of fire, and it fell upon men. And I saw an army of men rise up, and it seemed as though their hands were fire. And there sat upon their heads a tongue of fire. (When I first saw it, it seemed like their whole heads were on fire but it was tongues of fire leaping.) And I said, “What meaneth this?”

And He said, “Before the worst shall come and the day of darkness encompasses there will be those who shall go and who shall carry the fullness of My truth and the fire, not only to the states of this nation but to many other places. For there is a work that must be done, first spiritually, before the Lord shall come.

“Now prepare ye your hearts, for the time is at hand and the beginning is now; and ye shall see and ye shall know for the hand of the Lord is upon you and many of you shall be used in these last days and the work shall progress.”

Hallelujah to Jesus! Hallelujah to Jesus!

And I said to Him, “Oh Lord! May I have a small place to work?” And He said, “I shall cause thy tent to be enlarged. Yea, thou shalt have an enlarged ministry and thou shalt minister to many where you ministered to a few. Therefore, go ye back to the Earth and be thou faithful and give forth that which I tell you to give for you have been reluctant in days gone by to tell it. Now tell it boldly and speak it true for now is the day that it shall be so.”

Oh hallelujah! Oh hallelujah! Praise God! Praise God! Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!

For the word of the Lord came unto me saying, “The prophetic vision shall be restored unto the church, for even in the days of old under the old covenant the prophet would see by vision and prophesy, and so the prophetic vision shall be restored unto the church. And this is the time, and this is the hour, and this is the place.”

Praise God! Hallelujah! Thank you Jesus! Praise God, praise God!

NOTE: Our books and articles are forerunners to the move of God and personal holiness. The fire of God and the fear of God is attached to them. If you feel like this article is valuable, please use the social media buttons below to share it. Also, this ministry is sustained by the freewill offerings of those who believe in the mandate and message of revival that this ministry carries. If this article has been a blessing to you, would you prayerfully consider making a tax-deductible contribution through our Paypal button to help? 


Thank you, and may God’s richest and best be yours.