Could what the late prophet Kenneth E. Hagin saw in September 1950 vision is upon us? 

“I looked at the scroll again, and again I looked to see what I had read about. I saw the skyline of a large city. Looking closer, I saw the skyscrapers were burned out hulls. Portions of the city lay in ruins. It was not written that just one city would be destroyed, burned, and in ruins, but that there would be many such cities. 

The Lord then began to speak to him about America’s last call and the end of all things being at hand. 

I wrote these words nearly a month ago:

The recent Covid-19 pandemic has altered our nation, but will it be temporary? Remember, Pharaoh reneged on his promises to let God’s people go. He was not sincere. God is looking for sincerity and humility in America, in both repentance and our service to Him.

I’m warning you that if pride and arrogance continue to rule today’s church leaders and there is insincere repentance and we return to life as usual, there is something else that will come on the heels of this virus that will alter life in America again. I wish it were not so, and I hope I’m wrong. The effects of another national crisis may last longer than this one. Depending on how the church and people respond to the second thing (I don’t sense it will be another pandemic, but something else), there will be a third crisis that will change our nation for good, unless there is humility and heartfelt repentance that leads into a Spirit-filled movement and a national awakening.

Now we can see that the racial riots and senseless actions of violent thugs and looters over the unlawful death (really murder) of George Floyd that are sweeping  across our nation is indeed a second crisis.

Oh people, it’s time to serve the Lord with holy fear and trembling. To those who’ve been genuinely born again, God is our Father who loves us with an everlasting love, but don’t forget He is also a consuming fire, and it is a fearful thing to fall into His hands (Heb. 10:31). He loves even His enemies and desires to keep His hand of protection over our lives, families and nation, but we must cooperate with Him. He is patiently waiting for the precious fruit of the earth (James 5:7)and a glorious Church to arise from her anemic state and offer to Him the reward of His sacrifice.  Jesus is returning for such a Church – one who loves not their lives even unto death. He loves His church and the world so much and desires His best for all, but we must submit to Him or His protection will be removed off our nation even more, and Satan will continue to defile our land. 

Floyd protest photos - AP


Here is a brother calling for a counter peacemaker movement:

We wake up this morning to a new trauma and an urgent invitation. Please make no mistake as you read headlines about “Protesters” and violence, survey the damage, and pick the broken pieces. Yesterday there were hundreds if not thousands of peaceful prayer vigils hosted by communities of faith. And there were hyped up but physically non-violent “protests” in different places which could be more likened to rallies.

However AFTER those, cities all over America were assaulted. There is a major difference between a protest and a riot. But what I witnessed late last night isn’t rioting. It was a calculated Anarchist attack by those who: 1. Have no hope 2. Believe there is NO value in non-violence 3. Are committed to violent overthrow of the present systems. 4. Possess no fear of God therefore possessing no foundation for internal restraint, moral governance, or the need to be governed. In sociology, a tipping point is a point in time when a group—or many group members—rapidly and dramatically change behavior by widely adopting a previously rare practice. This usually happens when the shelf life of what is standard practice, has expired or grown stale. WE ARE IN A TIPPING POINT.

Historically in America, these types of groups were considered “fringe” but today many of them have the loudest voice BECAUSE WE are not physically PRESENT. The number of black, white, Asian, Latino, and native Americans who DO NOT BELIEVE THOSE THINGS FAR OUTNUMBER those with anarchists ideas, and we are literally HANDING them the tipping point advantage.

I’m as upset and hurt by the failures of America and the police as the next man but this ENTIRE GAME is changing QUICKLY. People died last night and early this morning but the coming bloodshed will be far more grievous. I write this through dried out and blurry eyes, on less than 4 hours of rest as I attempt to keep rinsing the remnants of the tear gas that got into them. Myself and just a few of my friends stood, prayed, confronted, and tried to de-escalate the crisis as OUTSIDERS looted businesses, hurled rocks at the police, damaged properties, and RE-TRAUMATIZED my already deeply wounded city of Ferguson, Missouri.

Based not only on what I have known and experienced for many years, but what I have assessed from last night. (or I should say this morning) If MASSES are not mobilized as PEACEMAKERS in order to take control of the narrative within the next 24-72 hours; just as quickly as COVID-19 changed nations almost overnight, we will not recognize this country one week from today.

I’m going LIVE on @Civilrighteousness for the 8:18a est/7:18a morning rally in our #ISAIAH58fast and doing the DAY 2- PEACEMAKING devotional in the Field Action Guide.(you can download it for free at

THEN I want to share a strategy that I believe could actually significantly impact the trajectory of where this is headed if implemented immediately by even 5% of those who do not share Anarchist belief systems. Please check it out. — Jonathan Jermaine Thomas

Violent protest against police killing of George Floyd in NYC

I partly agree with Jonathan and applaud his valiant efforts. But we need more than a peace-making movement. We need a mushrooming prayer movement the likes of the prayer revival of 1830-31 that began with lunch time prayer meetings with an outpouring of heart-felt contrition and broken confession of people’s sins that swept through the churches and then the nation. We also need the fearless boldness, and firepower of Pentecost to kick us out of the four walls of our churches, and as Jonathan stated, be a presence in these cities. 


Here’s what Mario Mario so succinctly stated yet again in his latest blog:

“Meanwhile, the true resistance—with the exception of a prophetic core— is asleep at the wheel. The army that holds the only answer to racial injustice—for the most part—doesn’t know who they are. They took the gold out of their message and replaced it with powerless sermons made of tin.

“Had there been more of the fire of God in the church, there would be less fires in the streets. If there was more of hell preached in the pulpit, there would be less hell being lived out in the inner city. The people with the solution and something relevant to say, are apologizing instead of evangelizing. The people with the bankrupt human remedy who have nothing to say, are declaring it with conviction.”

Mario is right! The people with no remedy or solution tell a lie with conviction while the Church tells the truth so poorly. We have got to do better! I believe God always has a Divine response to such evil and destruction in our nation, and it is always through His glorious Body and mighty army that it must come. We need the supernatural activity of God right now working though His people. Nothing else will work. 

Have The Tumultuous 2020s started? Find out what you must do to prepare and position yourself to thrive as God’s  authentic remnant in this decade. 


A crisis as such we’ve been presently in can make one bitter or better, more carnal or more consecrated, more earthly, worldly, and temporal minded, or more heavenly and eternally-minded.

Question: Are you closer to Jesus now than you were before this pandemic? Is He more real to you? Is the reality of His kingdom more important to you now?

Personally, I really enjoy watching sports, but I can honestly tell you that I haven’t missed them during this favorite sports season when there are usually exciting rounds of playoffs and a new season of baseball beginning. The Lord is doing a deep work in many hearts during this pandemic. The reality of Christ’s invisible kingdom is coming to the forefront of many believers’ hearts and lives.

This is one gigantic difference between the early Church and today’s Church.

“Now about that time Herod the king stretched out his hand to harass some from the church. Then he killed James the brother of John with the sword. And because he saw that it pleased the Jews, he proceeded further to seize Peter also” (Acts 12:1-3).

“And when Herod was about to bring him out, that night Peter was sleeping…” (v. 6).

Question: Would you be able to sleep the night before your execution? Peter did. Some could say that it was the gift of faith in operation, but I also believe that Jesus was so real to Peter, he didn’t care if he died and departed to be with Him. He was missing his Master.

The post resurrection appearances of Jesus to His disciples made them to know He was alive, and no longer hindered by time and space as He went back and forth from heaven and to earth and then back to heaven.

“Now when He had spoken these things, while they watched, He was taken up, and a cloud received Him out of their sight. 10 And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as He went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel, 11 who also said, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven” (Acts 1:9-11).

john lautermilch | Jesus Taken Up Into Heaven Acrylic Print By ...This is the same reality we’ve got to come to as believers in Jesus. When Jesus rose from the dead, the disciples witnessed the power of an endless and indestructible life. It forever changed them to fully pursue Christ and His kingdom, and be no longer bound to this world and all its’ enticements, entanglements, and allurements. This is the same journey of transformation we must be on.

Jesus as God the Son had no beginning and no end, just like eternity. Hungry and thirsty believers can access eternity through Christ who went before us as a Forerunner begin the veil (Heb. 6:19-20). How exciting!

The first Adam closed the door to the paradise of Eden, but Jesus opened it again when the veil was rent in two.

“ Now it [was about the sixth hour, and there was darkness over all the earth until the ninth hour. 45 Then the sun was [darkened, and the veil of the temple was torn in two” (Luke 23:44-45).

It’s amazing that the penitent thief went into paradise with Jesus. Jesus opened the way to a new garden of Eden.

The post resurrection appearances of Jesus unveiled a mystery to His disciples, not only that Jesus was no longer dead, but that He was now alive with access to travel between heaven and earth, with zero limitations of time and space. Jesus was giving us a peek into the eternal future of the saints, who shall live and travel in both realms.

To a measure, we can learn to live that way now in both the natural and spiritual world, because we are seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Hallelujah!

And so we need not fear this pandemic or any other crisis that will come in these last days, and there will be many more, as Jesus told us. Instead, let us focus on the transformation that God wants to do in us to learn to live in two worlds—both the natural and the spiritual world. This is the privilege of those believers who are hungry and yearning to follow the pattern of Jesus, the Son of God, who lived in both worlds, even in His earth walk.

Heaven and Earth Program Notes | Cappella Romana

Jesus learned to walk in the NOW with His Father and we must learn to o the same—to access the realm of eternity and not be limited by time and space. Jesus is in the NOW. He is the Great I AM, and is always speaking to us from the eternal NOW. We must not relegate HIM to the future, and we must not limit Him to what He was to His disciples in His earthly ministry. We are in a different time now in the final hours of the last days. Many spectacular manifestations are just on the horizon for us—divine appearances, angelic visitations, people being translated supernaturally from one geographical place to another as Philip, the evangelist was (Acts 8), great signs, wonders, and marvels are about to happen.

Let us not focus too much on last days crisis, plagues, pandemics, pestilences, etc. Jesus said these things would come. Instead, let us keep eternity in our hearts and know that God is above time and space, and want to speak and communicate with us from the eternal now. We can experience this kind of intimacy with Him all the time, as we learn to cultivate the new garden of Eden in our hearts— acres and acres of it.

This is what it means to live our lives in Christ where we are seated in heavenly places.

May God give the reader understanding.

NOTE: Our books and articles are forerunners to the move of God, personal holiness, and the return of the Lord. The fire of God and the fear of God is attached to them. If you feel like this article is valuable, please use the social media buttons below to share it.

Also, this ministry is sustained by the freewill offerings of those who believe in the mandate and message of revival that this ministry carries. If this article has been a blessing to you, would you prayerfully consider making a tax-deductible contribution through our Paypal button to help? 


And so as it was in the beginning when My Son came upon the earth. And the wisdom that I had to bring Him in was in a mystery and was shielded from the enemy’s eyes, and there was no understanding.

And so shall it be in this day and in this hour when My people come together and are filled with My Spirit, that I will begin to move and set in order My Son’s return.

For there is an hour that I am calling for My sons to be revealed. Even as the earth groans, so is it the hour of the revealing of My sons and My people as they are filled with My Spirit.

There are things that are coming to happen. There are movements of My Spirit that need to be demonstrated in this hour and in this time.

And if you will say to Me, “Yes, I will; yes, I will do the will of My Father,” then I will use you and I will begin to fill you with a filling of My Spirit that was greater than when it started. — An inspired utterance from the vessel of Carolyn Farias

When Jesus was presented in the temple as an infant, there were two old saints who were there by revelation. First, it had been revealed to Simeon that he would not see death before he had seen the Lord’s Christ (Luke 2:25-35). Part of the revelation he also received was that Jesus would be a light to bring revelation to the Gentiles—something unheard of in those days as the Gentiles were outside of the covenant and considered dogs by the Jews.

The other old saint was Anna, a prophetess, who also came into the temple at exactly the time Joseph and Mary came in with Jesus (Luke 2:36-38). She gave thanks to the Lord and spoke of Him to all those who looked for redemption in Jerusalem (v. 38).

Notice that she spoke to all those who were looking for redemption in Jerusalem. As it was with the Lord’s first coming, so shall it be with His Second Coming. Not everyone will be looking for Him. The mystery of His Second Coming will be shielded from many who are not expecting Him. There will even be scoffers who will doubt His coming (2 Pet. 3:3).

Here are at least three things we need to be mindful of that Peter points out concerning the coming of the Lord.

1. Do not forget that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years and a thousand years is as one day. Remembering this one thing will keep you from being among the scoffers (2 Pet. 3:8).

2. Since the earth and its elements will be dissolved with fervent heat, we should carry ourselves in holy conduct and godliness (2 Pet. 3:11), and be diligent to be found by Him in peace, without spot and blameless (v. 14). So much for the hyper-grace doctrine and being covered by carte blanche. Without holiness, no man shall see the Lord (Heb. 12:14).

3. Thirdly, we should always be looking for and hastening the coming of the Lord (2 Pet. 3:12), looking for the new heavens and a new earth (v. 13) and looking forward to these things (v. 14). This is an inward look that sees the things that are eternal and not the temporal. Several of the Bible’s references of the Lord’s coming speak of a looking posture that we are to remain in.

“Looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and our Savior Jesus Christ” (Titus 2:13, NKJV).

Don’t be found among those who fall from their own steadfastness and are led away by the error of the wicked, but continue to grow in the grace and the knowledge of the Lord (2 Pet. 3:17-18).

Be continually filled with the Spirit (Eph. 5:18-19), and you will stay ready for the Lord’s coming, and you will even have spiritual understanding of the time and season of it.

Here is a short video oCarolyn’s Spirit-inspired utterance followed by an exhortation from Bert.