After writing back to back articles on the gay movement in our nation…after being placed on probation by Twitter and Facebook…after reading other articles from radical right wing watch groups, and news circulating the internet that misquoted me, twisted my words, believing me to be some kind of monster…

After so many nasty, vile, and venomous comments directed toward me, wishing me the worst, wishing me death, destruction, even going after my wife, spewing out such slimy curses on my behalf…

After many angry emojis and mock laughing emojis, and just a day of being slimed on, my mind and thoughts went to our precious Lord and how He suffered so much more, yet He was the epitome and embodiment of a perfect Man, the brightness of the Father’s glory and express image of His Person (Heb. 1:3).

“For consider Him who endured such hostility from sinners against Himself…” (Heb. 12:3).

Oh, how I groaned with the revelation of what He endured and how light of an affliction was my own!


Listen, I know many of my writings are strong and direct with hardly any fluff or smooth words. I’m very aware of the prophetic nature of all I pen, but it’s flowing from within, from the wellsprings of grace and how God expresses Himself through me. And yet, like you, I’m still a work in progress. I don’t apologize for it. But here’s often what many outsiders don’t see about the insideness, if you will, of rare and true prophetic people; not the kind who are selfish, greedy Word mongers, mammon babblers, sheep fleecers, and un-sanctified vessels; but the kind who’ve purchased their oil through suffering, weeping, and the travail of deep prayer.

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There was a day last week I had no desire to preach or be in the ministry, or even ever write again. Of course I immediately recognized that as the effect of Satan’s fiery darts of discouragement and word curses from the days before. I went to bed last night thinking about all those word curses directed toward me, and how suddenly I became aware of their effect on my mind and spirit. But then the morning came and I woke up with a freshness.

My first thoughts were directed toward the Lord and just adoring Him, but then I began thinking of the awful depraved state of darkness those wicked words came from…the lostness, the guilt, the condemnation, and the utter moral decay, decadence, and a seared conscience of those caught in the deepest forms of perversion imaginable. As I was pondering these first early thoughts of the day, I began to weep and travail for the gay community and those caught in the grip of that most abominable perversion.

I then went into some of the most diverse tongues I’ve ever prayed in, all the while searching my own heart and asking the Lord to forgive me if I somehow wrote any words that proceeded from pride or any impure motive of the carnal mind. Then almost simultaneously, I found that sweet spot in prayer where the Spirit of God began to pray through me for the deliverance of my enemies who hurled their most wicked curses and insults at me. I prayed earnestly for the gay community and all who approve of their perverse lifestyle.


I know I’m being vulnerable right now, but the lesson is to make you see what many don’t see about the grace of true, heart-felt, Holy Ghost praying. My wife Carolyn prays this way more frequently than I do because of an anointing she received in 1995 when she came into personal revival. This is where the body of Christ must find themselves in these tumultuous times and most evil days. This is where true ministry must flow from. Persecution will increase and the most fierce will come from the gay community. Do you realize that much of America is now very close to the point of voting for a gay president?

Let us be found loving and praying for our enemies from the deepest recesses of our hearts and the grace of prayer. It’s the fuel that will take us through and give us overcoming power now and in these tumultuous years just ahead of us.
I love you all. Thank you for your time today. Be blessed with the affections of the heart of Jesus and the travail of His soul. May it lead you to that sweet spot of prayer and fellowship with Him as the heat of persecution arises in our own land.

Do you want to survive or thrive in this decade? You must take an uncompromised stand for truth and righteousness. Please get my new book, The Tumultuous 2020s and Beyond, to discover all that’s at stake in this decade. We must be bold, fearless, and strong in the Lord. 

For more of the same please make some time to listen to the Charisma podcast interview I did this week.