These two generals of the faith taught me so much. One was not to be enamored with ministry titles (Apostle, Prophet, Bishop, etc.). Hagin refused host pastors to introduce him with a title. He insisted on Brother Hagin only. The same with Brother Sumrall. With all due respect to those who have earned their titles or bear the fruit of them, here’s the danger that most are not even aware of.

When you’re introduced with a title you will automatically shift into a performance mode to live up to the title. Your message and ministry is spoiled even before you start. I understand that often people will call you by a title out of respect. Just don’t let it get to your head.

I was a missionary in West Africa for years, and this is one of the primary hindrances and strongholds in the minds of African ministers. Of course, it’s not limited to Africa only, but here and other nations as well; however, the Lord showed me that it is a major idol in Africa. Many will say that it is a culture of honor, but when it breeds pride and vessels of dishonor, it grieves the Lord, who made Himself of no reputation, humbled Himself, and took on the form of a bond servant (Phil. 2:7-8). Do we even know what that means?

We are in a time of great heart searchings, examinations, humility and repentance. And it must start with ministers. The members of the largest church in the world in Seoul, South Korea, pastored by David Yong Kee Cho, were asked what they appreciate most about their pastor. They said it was his humility and that when he misses it with God he stands up before the congregation and repents and asks their forgiveness. How refreshing is that? And when was the last time you witnessed this with any leader?

Many leaders/ministers are like spiritual orphans, standing in their pulpits and instructing others in spiritual things, while they themselves are lacking in spirituality. They are hiding behind a cloak of anonymity, where their real character is kept hidden and unknown to the public. Many are like actors, with dual personalities, using the stage of ministry for a coverup. Even sadder is that their spouses are compelled to cover up their failures at home and their real character issues while feeling trapped in a world that forces them to put up a front for the ones they minister to. What a prison that must be.


I was an orphan, so I know of what I speak. In 2002, the Lord opened my spiritual eyes and delivered me after an extended time of prayer and fasting. In an inward vision, I was looking up through a glass ceiling at all the things I wanted in ministry — power, anointing, favor, significance, influence, etc., but the Lord directed me to the floor and my foundation. He spoke to me at length about my character, saying such things as:

“The reason I have not opened the doors you’ve wanted me to open for you in ministry is because if I did, you would have ceased to be a man after My own heart.

I broke down and wept when I realized He was keeping me from greater ministry opportunities, power, and influence because of His love and protection for me. He also said this: 

“Take away ‘ministry’ over the last 17 years, and what do you have? Your character has not been sufficiently dealt the death blows that it will take to properly develop it to where I can impart to you the mind of Christ. You need more mortification to receive the mind of Christ.

When I heard this, I realized He was requiring crucifixion and death to what I perceived I wanted and for me to return to Him as my first love.

“Nevertheless I have this against you, that you have left your first love” (Rev. 2:4).

(My testimony and personal transformation are detailed in my book The Journal of My Journey to His Holiness).

My dear brothers, leaders in the body of Christ, and ministers of the Lord, we are nothing without Him and must realize that nothing is hidden from His sight, but all things are naked and open to the eyes of Him to Whom we must give account (Heb. 4:13). We will give account for the souls God has entrusted to us (Heb. 13:7). We must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ. Learn to walk there now in this life. “Therefore we make it our aim, whether present or absent, to be well pleasing to Him (2 Cor 5:8-9).”

“Knowing, therefore, the terror of the Lord, I persuade you, because we are well known to God, and to people’s consciences (2 Cor. 10-11).” We can fool people, but we can’t fool God. I honestly believe that one of the great keys of the coming revival and awakening is genuine repentance and humility among leaders. Let it begin with me and you.

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NOTE: Our books and articles are forerunners to the move of God, personal holiness, and the return of the Lord. The fire of God and the fear of God is attached to them. If you feel like this article is valuable, please use the social media buttons below to share it. 

Also, this ministry is sustained by the freewill offerings of those who believe in the mandate and message of revival that this ministry carries. If this article has been a blessing to you, would you prayerfully consider making a tax-deductible contribution through our Paypal button to help? 


Thank you, and may God’s richest and best be yours.



We are going to be painfully honest with you without entertaining any self-pity. 

We’ve had our share of hardships in life and ministry like everyone else, but never like we’ve had in the past year. Not in Bible school, not on the mission field, not in marriage or family, and not in the traveling ministry. It’s been treacherous. We believe that with Jesus we can live on the mountain top, but it would be grossly misrepresentative of the Christian life to believe that there are no valleys. 

Since March of 2020 Carolyn and I have been in a long hard valley.

You see, we are not used to the kind of long and seemingly unending health challenges we’ve recently had, especially me (Bert). I am never sick, and have had a difficult time accepting and understanding this season. There is no known sin or disobedience in our lives, yet our faith doesn’t seem to be producing the quicker results that we’ve sought for. I’ve had to learn to let go of the “why” and concentrate on the “Who”. 

“… looking unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith.”

Jesus is faithful and true, and He has brought us through so much already, but we are still in the process of full restoration. 

At this writing, we are considering another treatment for Bert that we believe would greatly help in regenerating brain cells and complete the healing process in what was damaged by the stroke. Here is the treatment and it’s description: 

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT):is a specialized form of medical treatment administered by delivering 100% pure oxygen to the body through increased atmospheric pressure. At pressures greater than normal, the body can incorporate more oxygen into one’s tissues. The increased oxygen absorption experienced during Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy significantly enhances the body’s ability to aid in its healing, especially for stroke victims or anyone who has had a traumatic brain injury. 

Unfortunately, our medical insurance won’t cover the treatments (a total of 40 treatments is what is recommended), but because of the outstanding and even spectacular success patients have experienced with HBOT we are seriously considering it. 


Now for Carolyn’s update. She has already had 4 surgeries, and is due for what we hope will be her last one on Monday April 12th. By the time some of you read this newsletter she may have already had it. 

For those of you that don’t know her full story, she was diagnosed with a cancerous sarcoma growth on her left calf. It started out as a low grade sarcoma, but higher grade cancer cells were found after the first surgery, and thus the reason for more surgeries including reconstructive plastic surgery to fill in the hole left from the removal of the tumor. This required a skin graft from both of  her upper thigh areas, in addition to 6 weeks of radiation. I’m feeling her pain just writing this.

The complications of this entire ordeal were significantly heightened because although the radiation killed any remaining cancer cells, it also damaged her wounds and has caused her great pain for the last several months. The upcoming surgery is to cut out the dead remains of her wound and administer liposuction to the new flap that is still enlarged. Ouch!

Please be in faith and agreement with us for the full restoration of our physical and mental conditions as we continue to declare God’s goodness and mercy. This has been a vicious demonic attack to steal, kill, and destroy us, and permanently end or cripple our lives and ministry. 


We wish this newsletter was actually news about the fruit of our  grace in ministry and what the Lord is actually doing through us, but we wanted to be brutally honest and fully transparent concerning our own condition and health. 

We know some people support us for what we do in ministry and at the expense of possibly losing supporters we share this, but we’ve made the Lord our Source (although we know He uses people, and we are very appreciative of your giving and partnership). Years ago, one partner and dear friend consoled us by telling us that their support was based on who we are more than what we do and accomplish in ministry.  We were so touched and honored by that statement and are grateful for those that have this perspective. 

We pray and thank God for each of you and all the love, prayers, and support many of you have given us in our journey through this long hard valley. In the end, with Jesus, we know we always win.

Much love in Christ,

Bert and Carolyn 

NOTE: Our books and articles are forerunners to the move of God, personal holiness, and the return of the Lord. The fire of God and the fear of God is attached to them. If you feel like this article is valuable, please use the social media buttons below to share it. 

Also, this ministry is sustained by the freewill offerings of those who believe in the mandate and message of revival that this ministry carries. If this article has been a blessing to you, would you prayerfully consider making a tax-deductible contribution through our Paypal button to help? 


Thank you, and may God’s richest and best be yours.


Months ago my good friend, and prophet Ken Peters issued this scathing rebuke. If you have any bit of arrogance and are not humble and teachable, you will find it hard to receive it. At the least, submit it to the Holy Spirit. Here it is:

Hopefully all the Christian leaders who rolled over and played dead across this country will read…

In Russia the Christian leaders like you blindly followed instructions, and then came Lenin and Communism, followed by Hitler in Germany. Now look at Germany.

Mao in China?

Castro in Cuba?

Sanders, Biden, Pelosi, and  Newsome..

Keep sitting back brothers and sisters and the obvious is going to happen!
You continue to reap the benefits of this present President and his outspoken support of Christianity and Israel, but fail to support him for fear of what other spineless church leaders think of you! You hide behind your video church service feigning submission to God when actually you have totally grieved the Holy Spirit.

Your actions prove your disloyalty to Christ!

Your false narrative of good citizenship is disgusting and reveals complete fear of not only Covid-19, but the deep state, who now controls your actions and your sermons! You have failed miserably this beta test! If you in your pride don’t repent your next failures will be the end of Free Worship in America and is a State controlled church, exactly like the examples I set forth.

Some of you are a bit famous in the eyes of men, others not so. But all of you, regardless, have failed. Doing videos and trying desperately to calm your sheep so they continue to tithe and give finances with non-Spirit led messages that bring no life whatsoever. Boasting about how many salvations you accomplish, yet few true conversions leading to true disciples!

Have you so quickly forgotten 9-11?

Full churches for 2 weeks!

Sadly long ago you compromised the truth for the lie, and your need and desire to be accepted and esteemed in the eyes of men rather than true obedience to Christ Jesus and His faithful word:

“If you love the world you cannot love me”(John 15:18-20).

If anyone loves the world the love of the Father is not in him.” (1 John 2:15).

“Now how many will speak against me?”

Does that sound like no love from Jesus? And no love in this post? How dare Him?

Better stated, how dare you do fake Church with no fear of God?!

You are no better than the money grubbers, the fake signs and wonders movement, the cult leaders demanding blind submission, the no-Holy Spirit today sects.

You will be held accountable. You will weep before the Real Jesus. You have white washed His Holy Word and called it submission to the Laws of the land completely out of Biblical context! Yet you cry at the sight of a Holocaust photo?

Sadly blind leaders, soon you will be in those types of photos…
You have no clue to the timing of God’s dealings on Earth and have turned away every true prophetic voice He has sent. God does not change because of your false doctrines of grace…
He says clearly to you to repent.

We are truly in for the fight of our life in regard to the freedoms we have enjoyed for a long time!
But please take heart and rest in the very presence of our great God and Savior. Many will sacrifice all for Him and some will become living martyrs. But all who love the Lord are His Father’s children.

Let not our hearts be troubled for He has overcome all for us!
None of this may turn out as we sense or believe or even expect but we know we are just passing through. This is not our home and even America is not our kingdom! Soon our King Jesus will return and some of us will be with Him and some of us will greet and welcome Him, but each and everyone who endures to the end will be saved. Remember that the endurance is not based in our own strength but in the grace and strength of our Lord Jesus Christ, and this is always with us just as He is always with us. So let’s not just grieve about what is happening any longer, but let us look up for our redemption draws near!

I love and pray for each of you.

NOTE: Our books and articles are forerunners to the move of God, personal holiness, and the return of the Lord. The fire of God and the fear of God is attached to them. If you feel like this article is valuable, please use the social media buttons below to share it. 

Also, this ministry is sustained by the freewill offerings of those who believe in the mandate and message of revival that this ministry carries. If this article has been a blessing to you, would you prayerfully consider making a tax-deductible contribution through our Paypal button to help? 


Thank you, and may God’s richest and best be yours.